
Baldur's Gate 3 Abdirak: How to Secure Loviatar's Blessing

In the vast, enthralling world of Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3), players are constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance their gameplay and immerse themselves deeper into its rich lore. Among the many quests and secrets hidden within, the journey to secure Loviatar's blessing through the mysterious figure of BG3 Abdirak stands as a compelling challenge. This endeavor not only promises to bestow powerful abilities upon the successful, but also offers a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of divine influence and dark ambition that permeates the game. Securing this blessing requires more than just brute strength or sharp wit; it demands a keen understanding of the rituals and loyalties that govern the pantheon of BG3.

As players navigate their way to the Shattered Sanctum in search of Abdirak, they will be tasked with preparing for a ritual that is as enigmatic as it is perilous. This article will guide adventurers through finding Abdirak in the shattered confines of the sanctum, detail the preparations necessary for the ritual, and ultimately unveil how to secure Loviatar's blessing. Each step is fraught with its own set of challenges and intrigues, promising to enrich the BG3 experience. From understanding the lore that underpins Abdirak's significance in the game, to executing the meticulous steps required to earn Loviatar's favor, players will find all the essential information needed to navigate this daunting quest.

Finding Abdirak in the Shattered Sanctum

Finding Abdirak in the Shattered Sanctum

Location of the Bloodied Shrine

The Bloodied Shrine, a crucial site in securing Loviatar's blessing, is situated within the Shattered Sanctum, east of the shrine to the Absolute at coordinates (X:334 Y:-21). This minor location serves as the gateway to encountering Abdirak.

To reach the Bloodied Shrine, adventurers must first locate the Shattered Sanctum near the Goblin Camp waypoint (X:-74, Y:446). Upon entering, they should proceed past a doorway guarded by an ogre and move into the main hall. Here, they will observe Priestess Gut branding goblins. Following this, they must ascend stairs to the right, leading directly to the Bloodied Shrine, positioned strategically between the rooms of Volo and Liam.

Identifying Abdirak

Within the confines of the Bloodied Shrine, players will find Abdirak, a devoted priest of Loviatar, the goddess of pain. He is typically found outside a door, ready to engage in dialogue and guide players through the ritual necessary to gain Loviatar's blessing. His presence is marked by his teachings on inflicting purposeful pain, a testament to his deep-rooted faith in Loviatar.

Preparing for the Ritual

ritual in BG3 Abdirak

To prepare for the ritual in BG3 Abdirak, players must first engage with specific texts and make crucial choices regarding their approach to the ritual's challenges.

Reading Relevant Texts: On Receiving Her Grace and Screed of the Willing

At the Bloodied Shrine, a key text titled "On Receiving Her Grace" is available. Players cannot take this book but are allowed to read it. This reading is essential as it influences the subsequent choices offered by Abdirak, including the selection of the torture device.

Choosing the Right Weapon

After reading the necessary texts, Abdirak presents the player with a choice of torture devices: a dagger, an ax, or a cat-o-nine tails—the latter being Loviatar's symbol and favored tool. The choice does not affect the outcome of receiving the blessing but is integral to the ritual's authenticity.

Health Considerations

Players need to be aware of their character's health status before proceeding. If the character is severely wounded, Abdirak will advise healing before continuing, as his blows could be fatal. Additionally, it's important to note that dying and being resurrected during the ritual will result in the loss of the "Loviatar's Love" condition, so players are encouraged to proceed with caution.

Throughout the ritual, players must succeed in dice rolls to reflect their character's resilience and capacity to withstand pain, which Abdirak interprets as a form of spiritual fulfillment. Failing at least one roll, however, is necessary to demonstrate an authentic response, a preference of Loviatar.

Securing Loviatar’s Blessing

Securing Loviatar’s Blessing

To secure Loviatar's blessing in BG3, players must endure a ritual of pain, demonstrating their resilience and devotion. Abdirak, the priest at the Bloodied Shrine, plays a pivotal role in administering this test.

Performance and Intimidation Skill Checks

Players face a series of skill checks that require either Performance or Intimidation skills. Successfully navigating these checks is crucial, as they reflect the player's ability to convincingly endure and embrace the pain, a core tenet of Loviatar's worship. The checks involve reacting to Abdirak's strikes with either a mace, knife, or axe, choices that symbolize the player's acceptance of Loviatar's methods.

The Process of Embracing Pain

The ritual involves Abdirak hitting the player with a chosen torture device, requiring them to pass three dice rolls to prove their endurance. Players must strategically fail at least one roll to show a genuine reaction to the pain, aligning with Loviatar's preference for authenticity. This balance of performance demonstrates the player's deep connection to the goddess's ethos.

Receiving the Loviatar’s Love Condition

Upon successful completion of the ritual and the skill checks, players are awarded "Loviatar’s Love" condition. This powerful blessing activates when the player's health drops below 30%, providing a +2 bonus to Attack Rolls and Wisdom Saving Throws for three turns. This condition, emblematic of Loviatar's cruel grace, enhances the player's combat capabilities significantly, reflecting their newfound resilience borne from pain.

Players must be cautious, as the condition is lost upon character death, emphasizing the high stakes of maintaining Loviatar's favor. Engaging in this ritual not only tests the player's mettle but also deepens their immersion into the dark, pain-worshipping culture of Loviatar's followers within the world of Baldur's Gate 3.


Embarking on the quest to secure Loviatar's blessing within Baldur's Gate 3 offers a unique opportunity to delve deep into the game's rich lore, highlighting the importance of understanding both the physical and spiritual demands of the goddess's favor. Through a careful elucidation of the steps required—from navigating the perilous paths to the Shattered Sanctum, engaging with Abdirak, to passing the rigorous tests of resilience and pain—players are granted not merely a boon to their combat capabilities but an immersive experience into the dark worship practices of Loviatar. This journey underscores the intricate interplay between character development and narrative depth, enriching the player's engagement with the game's world.

The path to earning Loviatar's blessing, while fraught with challenges and the necessity of strategic failures, ultimately opens up new dimensions of gameplay and character evolution. Successfully navigating this quest not only bestows the coveted "Loviatar’s Love" condition but also reaffirms the player's commitment to exploring the complex tapestry of faith, power, and pain that defines the divine landscape of Baldur's Gate 3. As adventurers continue to tread across the vast expanses of the game, the lessons learned and the power gained from Loviatar's ritual stand as a testament to their resilience and daring, serving as a beacon for further explorations into the depths of Faerûn's mysteries.




1. How can I successfully receive Loviatar's blessing in BG3?
To obtain Loviatar's blessing, you must successfully complete three separate Performance or Intimidation checks. Alternatively, you can opt for the Constitution check, where you need to fail the roll while ensuring your HP remains above 40%.

2. Is the blessing from Loviatar a permanent effect?
Yes, Loviatar's Love is a permanent buff in BG3. It provides a significant advantage by adding a +2 to Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for three turns whenever your health falls below 30%. This buff is particularly valuable due to the game's bounded accuracy system.

3. How often do I need to be hit to activate Loviatar's Love buff?
To activate Loviatar's Love, you need to be hit three times. Each hit must be followed by a successful Performance/Intimidation check or a failed Constitution check. Note that simply following the Monk dialogue options through to the end of the encounter will not activate this bonus.

4. What are the effects and benefits of receiving Loviatar's blessing?
Receiving Loviatar's blessing grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws for the next three turns when your health is below 30%. This powerful combat advantage remains active and is not removed by rest or the passage of time. Additionally, obtaining this blessing will please party members like Astarion and Shadowheart, if they are present.

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