
Baldur's Gate 3 is so large that Larian has a 'Simpsons' problem. 'Whenever we're discussing things, we always say that we did that in BG3'

Larian will follow up Baldur's gate 3 with two new RPGs. Unsurprisingly, these games will be huge. It's Larian's way, but it can be a problem, especially if they're trying to follow a game that's as big and complex as Baldur's gate 3.

Finding original ideas for a beefier RPG after a massive RPG is proving to be incredibly difficult. In a conversation with Adam Smith, the writing director for Baldur's Gate 3 (check out his full interview on Larian past, present and future), Adam told me that Larian is currently struggling with this issue.

Smith says that one of the biggest problems is that we always say that we did something in BG3. "When we look back, it turns out that we did a number of things in BG3," says Smith. It's a classic 'Simpsons' problem.

Larian has been concerned about this issue for a while. Divinity Original Sin 2 was also a big game, and the first Divinity Original Sin was a lot of fun. This issue popped up even when Larian was working on Baldur's Gate 3

Smith says, "It was the exact same during development." "Have the people seen this pattern before?" Have they used these verbs before? Has this emotional arc already been experienced? You're always trying to ensure that they get a new experience. You're not simply repeating yourself and you're giving them content just for content's sake."

Developers will always be compared to their previous titles, no matter how many new features they add. Baldur's Gate 3 may be a great game on its own, but it still brings back memories of the Original Sin series and its classic Infinity Engine predecessors. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Larian is a person who loves to experiment and try new things.

We'll probably have to wait a while before we see the results of these experiments. Larian is keeping mum about its two next RPGs. This leaves us with plenty of room to speculate and hope.

Interesting news


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