
The new evil endings of their companion romances are tearing the hearts out of Baldur's gate 3 players: 'I will never emotionally recover from that'

Yesterday, Baldur's gate 3 received its eagerly awaited Patch 7, which added new and expanded ending sequences to evil player characters. Your big moment as a villain has finally arrived, whether you're a Dark Urge, a more common villain, a custom-made scoundrel or an origin character. Unfortunately, as many players have discovered, becoming an archvillain can have unpleasant consequences for any companions that you may have romanced along the journey.

There will be spoilers for the new Baldur’s Gate 3 evil ends.

The new Dark Urge endgames are causing some of the most intense reactions since the Patch 7 release. Dark Urge characters will be ready to commit murders after claiming control of the Netherbrain under Bhaal at the end Act 3. Dark Urge's new in-game narration informs players who have romanced a companion that "there is one who should be the first to die."

Here are some classic Larian writers' knife-twisting. Each companion character has their own dialogue where they express horror at the Dark Urge’s decision to destroy the world they had all worked so hard for.

The player has three options. They can tell their lover to run so they can have a showdown at the end. They can say, "Death is my prize for your service," so that no one will see the horrors that are about to unfold. Last but not least, for the true doomed lovers: Kill one last kiss.

While I'm unsure what they expected, BG3 users have been uploading videos to share their heartbreak at watching the Dark Urge take a knife to their other half halfway through their final kiss and deal a deadly blow to them. Before falling off the Netherbrain the companions give one last line. They're all carefully crafted to hit the player in the heart.

Patch 7 gave Gale the toughest line. From r/BaldursGate3

This video of Gale's last moments with the Dark Urge, shared on Reddit, is tough. Gale's last words before he succumbs to his stab injury are "You made want to live." It's a sad line to hear, regardless of how you feel about his glam-rock hair or his desire for your enchanted objects. You've already convinced him that his life was worth more than a magic nuke. Redditor Ohwhoaeskimo responded to the clip by demanding that the uploader, "reload and SAY YOU'RE SORRY."

"I'll probably never recover emotionally from this," said Redditor BardMessenger24 who posted a clip of Shadowheart kissing the Dark Urge for the last time. If you've stopped her from Shar worshiping during her questline she has a rough end. She says, "I thought we would save each other," as she stumbles back after the stabbing. Awful! You could have been two people who managed to escape their entanglements in dark gods together but you liked putting knives into people too much!

In the video, she says it to someone wearing a suit that is literally made from people meat. It doesn't look like the redemption story was going well. The reactions are understandably sad. Parking_Put_1701 replied, "I'm so sorry guys, I just don't believe I can do an Evil Playthrough right now."

Lae'zel's ending is my personal favorite, and I'm not a Lae'zel fan. She's a little too fascist for me, but her last words are still excellent. "I'm glad it was you," Lae'zel tells him before she dies. "No other knife would have sufficed."

Romanced Lae'zel's Tragic line in Patch 7 Dark Urge ending from r/BaldursGate3

I probably won't see any of these endings myself. I always feel like I am playing as Jared Leto, the Joker when I choose the sick or twisted route. Horrible stuff. After BG3's meager villain endings, I'm happy that everyone who has been fulfilled by the evil fantasy is finally receiving the send-off that they deserve. Hopefully, the emotional scarring will not be too deep.

Interesting news


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