
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – How to Join the Dark Brotherhood

In the sprawling, open world of Skyrim, the Dark Brotherhood holds a notorious allure for those intrigued by the shadowy underbelly of Tamriel. As an ancient guild of assassins, membership offers not only the thrill of executing clandestine missions but also a unique brotherhood, bound by secrecy and the whispered words of the Night Mother. Joining the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood is an intricate process, laden with intrigue and dark deeds, a path that leads adventurers deep into the heart of Skyrim's most secretive sanctuary. The quest to become a part of this feared assassin guild is not only about proving one's worth but also about navigating the moral complexities that come with such a commitment.

This article meticulously guides readers through the required steps to join the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood, starting from the initial discovery to the final initiation. It outlines the journey of coming into contact with this elusive faction, through the completion of the 'Innocence Lost' quest, receiving a mysterious note that sets everything into motion, to the abduction that lands one in the abandoned shack, facing a critical choice. Further, it delves into what it means to become a full-fledged member, exploring life within the sanctuary walls alongside characters such as Astrid, Cicero, and Babette. From mastering 'Breaching Security' to understanding the 'Recipe for Disaster', and heeding the 'Whispers in the Dark', this guide ensures that readers not only find their way into the Skyrim brotherhood of darkness but also thrive within its ranks.

Discovering the Dark Brotherhood

Learning about the Dark Brotherhood's Existence

The journey to uncover the existence of the Dark Brotherhood begins with whispers and rumors across Skyrim. Innkeepers and locals often share tales of a mysterious guild of assassins, known for their lethal efficiency and discretion. One notable rumor involves Gaston Tussaud, the captain of the Marie Elena, whose demise is frequently linked to the Dark Brotherhood, sparking curiosity and fear alike.

Sources of Information: Innkeepers and City Rumors

  1. Innkeepers as Key Informants:
    Travelers seeking knowledge about the Dark Brotherhood should start by visiting local inns across Skyrim. Innkeepers are a wealth of information, often willing to share gossip for the right price. For instance, they might speak of Aventus Aretino, a young boy in Windhelm rumored to be attempting to contact the Dark Brotherhood through a dark ritual known as the Black Sacrament.
  2. Exploring Windhelm:
    Upon arriving in Windhelm, the air buzzes with the talk of Aventus' deeds. The curious can find Aventus in his residence, which is distinctively built over an archway on the right side of the city. Breaking into his home reveals the child mid-ritual, fervently praying for the Brotherhood's intervention to avenge a personal grievance.
  3. Riften's Orphanage and Maul's Insights:
    Another hotspot for information is Riflet's Honorhall Orphanage, where the orphans discuss Aventus' escape and his intentions to eliminate Grelod the Kind, the orphanage's cruel caretaker. Additionally, in Riften, a man named Maul can be approached for information. Known for his connections and brusque demeanor, Maul provides insights into the Dark Brotherhood, especially if persuaded or intimidated effectively.

By following these leads, one initiates their path toward the shadowy world of the Dark Brotherhood, moving closer to uncovering the means to join their enigmatic ranks.

Initiating Contact

Finding Aventus Aretino in Windhelm

  1. Locating Aventus Aretino:
    To initiate contact with the Dark Brotherhood, travelers must first locate Aventus Aretino. He resides in the Aretino Residence, positioned near the Gray Quarter in Windhelm. The journey to his home involves crossing a bridge near the Windhelm stables, leading directly to the city's gates.
  2. Entering Aretino Residence:
    Upon reaching Windhelm, adventurers should navigate through the city streets. After the loading screen, proceed up the stairs, make a left, and continue straight until spotting the Aretino Residence on the left. The door to the residence may be locked, requiring one to adeptly pick the lock to gain entry.
  3. Meeting Aventus:
    Inside the residence, Aventus is found performing a dark ritual. He chants to the Night Mother, pleading for an assassin to fulfill his contract against Grelod the Kind, the cruel caretaker of Riften's Honorhall Orphanage.

The Black Sacrament Ritual

  1. Understanding the Ritual:
    The Black Sacrament is a macabre ritual aimed at summoning the Dark Brotherhood. It involves creating an effigy of the intended victim from actual body parts such as a heart, skull, bones, and flesh. This effigy is then surrounded by candles to set the ominous scene.

  2. Performing the Ritual:
    To complete the ritual, the invoker must stab the effigy with a dagger coated in Nightshade petals while reciting the chilling invocation: "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."

  3. Role of the Night Mother:
    Traditionally, the Night Mother hears these rituals and instructs the Listener, who then dispatches a Dark Brotherhood assassin to fulfill the contract. In the absence of the Night Mother, members like Astrid keep an ear to the ground for whispers of the Black Sacrament to maintain the Brotherhood's contracts and reputation.

By following these steps, individuals draw closer to the enigmatic and deadly world of the Dark Brotherhood, marking their initiation into a shadowy journey filled with intrigue and peril.

Completing the 'Innocence Lost' Quest

The Task: Eliminating Grelod the Kind

Upon deciding to take on the 'Innocence Lost' quest, the player's objective becomes clear: eliminate Grelod the Kind. Grelod, notorious for her cruelty towards the orphans at Honorhall Orphanage in Riften, is a target that will not challenge the Dragonborn physically, as she will succumb to any form of attack, even a single hit.

Approach Options:

  • Direct Confrontation: Simply walk up to Grelod and deliver a fatal blow. This method does not attract a bounty as Grelod is universally despised for her mistreatment of children.
  • Stealth Attack: For those preferring subtlety, a stealth kill in her bedroom with the door closed is advisable. Using a dagger or a bow ensures that the player remains undetected.

Execution Methods:

  • Melee or Ranged Attack: Whether it's a sword or an arrow, one hit is sufficient.
  • Poison: Slip a weak poison into her pocket, and she will collapse without a direct confrontation.


  • Once Grelod is eliminated, it is crucial to avoid harming Constance Michel, as this could lead to a bounty. The children, however, will express their gratitude and cheer, providing a stark contrast to the grim deed.

Honorhall Orphanage serves as the setting for this pivotal quest. The layout and social dynamics of the orphanage play essential roles in the successful completion of the mission.

Entry and Layout:

  • The orphanage is located in Riften, a city known for its canals and criminal activities. Upon entering, the player finds Grelod typically berating the orphans or handling administrative tasks.
  • The building's structure allows for multiple approaches, be it a frontal assault or a sneaky, unseen maneuver through less frequented areas.

Interactions and Reactions:

  • The orphans and Constance Michel, the assistant caretaker, are the key NPCs within the orphanage. While the orphans react positively to Grelod's demise, Constance will be frightened but will not act against the player.
  • It is advised to monitor Constance’s reactions and adapt accordingly to avoid complications.

Exit Strategy:

  • After completing the task, exiting the orphanage discreetly is crucial. Whether it involves using invisibility spells or simply walking out amidst the confusion, the player must ensure they are not linked to the crime.

By following these guidelines, players can successfully navigate the complexities of the 'Innocence Lost' quest, eliminating Grelod the Kind and moving one step closer to joining the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim.

Receiving the Mysterious Note

The Encounter with a Courier

After successfully completing the 'Innocence Lost' quest by eliminating Grelod the Kind, the Dragonborn's actions trigger a significant response from the Dark Brotherhood. Within three days of completing the quest, a courier finds the Dragonborn to deliver a critical piece of communication. This courier, who can occasionally be spotted in various inns across Skyrim, hands over a Mysterious Note — a direct message from the Dark Brotherhood. The note is simple yet ominous, bearing only the Dark Brotherhood's symbol and the words "We know."

Understanding the 'We Know' Message

The content of the Mysterious Note is brief but profound. The phrase "We know" signifies that the Dark Brotherhood has been watching and is aware of the Dragonborn's actions. This message serves as an unsettling reminder that the eyes of the Brotherhood are everywhere, and they have taken notice of the Dragonborn's potential as an assassin. The note does not require any immediate action from the Dragonborn, but it sets the stage for the next critical phase of their journey into the heart of the Brotherhood.

The implications of the note become clear when the Dragonborn decides to rest. Upon sleeping in any bed after receiving this note, they are abruptly taken to the Abandoned Shack. This unexpected turn of events is orchestrated by Astrid, a prominent member of the Dark Brotherhood, who then presents the Dragonborn with a test that serves as their final initiation into the secretive world of Skyrim's most infamous guild of assassins. This sequence of events underscores the Dark Brotherhood's mysterious and foreboding nature, drawing the Dragonborn deeper into their dark and clandestine world.

The Abduction and the Abandoned Shack

After receiving the ominous "We know" note from a courier, the Dragonborn's journey takes a dark turn. To trigger the next crucial event, they must sleep in any bed they own, which could be in an inn or a personal residence within Skyrim. Upon waking, the Dragonborn finds themselves in an unexpected and grim scenario.

Meeting with Astrid

The Dragonborn awakens in the Abandoned Shack, far removed from the safety of a familiar town. Here, they are greeted not by hospitality but by the chilling presence of Astrid, the leader of the Dark Brotherhood. The shack, dimly lit and foreboding, contains three hooded figures bound and gagged, presenting a sinister tableau orchestrated by Astrid to test the Dragonborn's mettle and loyalty.

Astrid reveals that the Dragonborn's assassination of Grelod the Kind was a test to measure their potential as an assassin, and this abduction is the final test to determine their worthiness to join the Dark Brotherhood. She poses a chilling challenge: the Dragonborn must kill one of the three captives to prove their commitment to the Brotherhood's ruthless cause.

Making a Crucial Decision: Join or Destroy the Dark Brotherhood

The choice presented to the Dragonborn is stark and consequential. They can choose to kill one (or all) of the captives, thereby securing a place within the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood, or turn against Astrid and the Brotherhood itself.

  1. Joining the Dark Brotherhood:
    If the Dragonborn decides to kill one of the captives, they demonstrate their willingness to abide by the Brotherhood's grim codes. Astrid welcomes them into the fold, and they are soon introduced to the Sanctuary, where they meet other members and begin their dark journey as an assassin.

  2. Destroying the Dark Brotherhood:
    Alternatively, the Dragonborn may choose to attack Astrid instead. This action initiates the quest "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood!" Killing Astrid does not just stop the immediate threat; it leads to a series of events where the Dragonborn is tasked with eradicating the Brotherhood's presence in Skyrim. They must report Astrid's death to a guard, which eventually leads them to Commander Maro, who has been seeking a way to dismantle the Brotherhood. Maro provides the password to infiltrate the Sanctuary and orders the elimination of all its members.

This pivotal decision not only affects the Dragonborn's path but also has significant implications for their moral alignment and the quests they will undertake. Choosing between joining a notorious guild of assassins or becoming a hero who seeks to end their reign of terror shapes the narrative and the Dragonborn's role in the world of Skyrim.

Becoming a Member of the Dark Brotherhood

Completing 'With Friends Like These...' Quest

  1. Awakening in the Abandoned Shack:
    After the mysterious "We Know" note is received and the Dragonborn rests, they awaken in an abandoned shack. Here, Astrid of the Dark Brotherhood confronts them, explaining that by killing Grelod the Kind, they have unwittingly interfered with a contract that was rightfully the Brotherhood's. To repay this debt, Astrid presents a grim choice: kill one of the three bound captives in the shack.

  2. The Test of Loyalty:
    Astrid's test is straightforward yet macabre. The Dragonborn must choose to kill one of the captives to prove their willingness to follow the Brotherhood's ruthless ways. This act of killing serves as the final test to confirm the Dragonborn's readiness and loyalty to join the Dark Brotherhood.

  3. Gaining Entrance to the Sanctuary:
    Upon completing the task, Astrid provides the passphrase needed to enter the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. The passphrase, "Silence, my brother," is essential for accessing the secretive lair of the Brotherhood, located in the southern Pine Forest.

Access and Introduction to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary

  1. Entering the Sanctuary:
    Using the passphrase at the Black Door, the Dragonborn is granted access to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. This door, marked by a skull and a bloody handprint, poses the question, "What is the music of life?" to which the correct response is the passphrase taught by Astrid.

  2. Reception by Astrid and the Brotherhood:
    Inside the sanctuary, Astrid formally welcomes the Dragonborn into the Dark Brotherhood. She gifts them several pieces of Shrouded Armor, which provide enhancements useful for assassinations. This marks the official acceptance of the Dragonborn as a member of the Brotherhood.

  3. Introduction to Brotherhood Operations:
    Astrid introduces the Dragonborn to the other members of the sanctuary and explains the operational structure of the Brotherhood. She emphasizes that while many traditional rules have been discarded, one principle remains paramount: "Respect the Family." This principle underlines the loyalty and secrecy expected of each member.

  4. Initial Assignments:
    To integrate the new member into the Brotherhood's activities, Astrid assigns some routine assassination contracts handled by Nazir. These initial tasks serve as both a test and training for the new assassin, ensuring they are well-prepared for more significant contracts in the future.

By following these steps and successfully navigating the challenges presented by Astrid, the Dragonborn becomes a full-fledged member of the Dark Brotherhood, embarking on a path filled with shadows and intrigue within the ranks of Skyrim's most secretive and deadly organization.


Harnessing the shadows and weaving through the labyrinth of moral and lethal choices, this article has guided you through the mysterious and compelling process of joining the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim. From the initial whispers of their existence to the grim test within the abandoned shack, each step has been a journey deeper into the heart of this secretive society, illustrating both the allure and the peril that comes with being part of such an organization. The path to becoming a full member, laden with intrigue and shadowed deeds, emphasizes the necessity of stealth, loyalty, and the willingness to navigate the grey areas of morality.

As we conclude, it’s clear that becoming a part of the Dark Brotherhood is not just about mastering the art of assassination; it's about entering a family bound by secrets and a shared understanding of the dark work they undertake. The implications of this decision extend far beyond the initial thrill of joining—impacting the Dragonborn's journey throughout Skyrim and shaping their interactions with the world around them. Whether you choose to embrace the shadows or seek to illuminate the dark corners they inhabit, remember that decisions come with consequences, shaping not just your fate, but the fabric of Skyrim itself.


How can I join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim?

To join the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim, you must first complete the quest titled "Innocence Lost." After finishing this quest, you need to sleep in any bed and wait for 24 hours. The Dark Brotherhood will then abduct you and take you to a mysterious shack where you will find three hostages and an assassin named Astrid. To officially join the Brotherhood, you must kill one of the hostages as instructed by Astrid.

What steps are necessary to initiate the Dark Brotherhood questline in Skyrim?

To begin the Dark Brotherhood questline in Skyrim, you should find and speak with Aventus Aretino in Windhelm. Accept his quest to set the events in motion that lead to joining this secretive faction. After completing the initial quest, you will be rewarded with Shrouded Armor, signifying your membership in the Dark Brotherhood.

How do I betray and dismantle the Dark Brotherhood?

If you choose to turn against the Dark Brotherhood, you must first speak to a guard in any city to get directions. Then, travel to Dragon Bridge, located southwest of Solitude, and talk to Commander Maro. Following his instructions, head to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary and eliminate all members inside. Once this is done, return to Commander Maro to report your success and receive your reward.

How do I start the Dark Brotherhood quest in The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)?

To initiate the Dark Brotherhood quest in ESO, you can either visit any Outlaw’s Refuge and speak to Amelie Crowe or access the quest directly through your Collections UI by selecting the DLC option. Amelie Crowe will give you the quest called “Voices in the Dark,” which begins your journey with the Dark Brotherhood in the game.

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