
Fallout 4 Companions Guide: Locations and Abilities

In the vast, post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 4, companions are more than mere NPCs; they are complex characters with their own stories, abilities, and personalities that can significantly impact gameplay. Exploring the Commonwealth with a companion not only provides valuable assistance in battles but also influences the narrative and player's experiences. Understanding the nuances of Fallout 4 companions—including their individual quests, perks, likes, and dislikes—is crucial for players looking to maximize their in-game benefits and forge deeper connections with these characters. Additionally, the mechanics of how companions function, from how they can augment combat to the emotional depth they add to the journey, make them central to the Fallout 4 gameplay experience.

This article provides a comprehensive Fallout 4 companion guide, detailing the locations, abilities, and unique characteristics of the game's most noteworthy companions. From Dogmeat, the loyal canine friend, to Nick Valentine, the synth detective with a heart of gold, readers will discover where to find companions in Fallout 4, how to utilize their skills best, and how companion quests can unlock powerful perks. Furthermore, insights into each companion's likes and dislikes will equip players to build rapport more effectively, while information on whether Fallout 4 companions can die adds an essential layer to strategizing for survival. Through careful exploration of each companion's profile—ranging from the compassionate synth Curie to the stalwart Paladin Danse and the dedicated Minuteman leader Preston Garvey—players will be equipped to choose the best companions for their Fallout 4 adventures.

Dogmeat: The Loyal Companion

Fallout 4 Companions: Dogmeat

Background and Location

Dogmeat, a typical Commonwealth canine, stands out with his German Shepherd breed, making him unique among the canines in the game. He is not just any mongrel; he is a loyal and faithful companion without a true owner, embodying independence as noted by Mama Murphy who mentions, "Dogmeat is his own man." Initially encountered near the Red Rocket Truck Stop, Dogmeat's journey with the Sole Survivor begins southeast of Sanctuary. If not approached early, he will later be summoned by Nick Valentine for the quest 'Getting a Clue' in Diamond City.

Unique Perks

Dogmeat is distinct among the Fallout 4 companions due to his unique interaction with the game's mechanics. He is associated with the 'Attack Dog' perk, which allows him to hold enemies, increasing the player's VATS hit chance on the captured target. This perk is part of the Charisma skill tree and must be unlocked by investing perk points, unlike other companions whose perks are tied to affinity levels.

Pros and Cons

Dogmeat offers several advantages as a companion. His ability to detect enemies and items can be incredibly useful in the Commonwealth's dangerous environments. He does not count against the Lone Wanderer perk, allowing players to retain those benefits while he accompanies them. However, Dogmeat also has limitations. He cannot carry as much as human companions and lacks the ability to equip armor or weapons. His melee nature means he is often more exposed to damage, requiring frequent healing with stimpaks during combat.

Affinity and Romance

Unlike other companions, Dogmeat does not have an affinity system; his loyalty to the Sole Survivor is unwavering from the beginning. This means that his actions and the player's choices do not affect his behavior or lead to a companion perk based on affinity. Additionally, there is no romance option with Dogmeat, which aligns with his role as a faithful canine companion rather than a human-like character with complex emotional interactions.

Dogmeat's role in Fallout 4 is emblematic of the bond between a human and their dog, providing both practical in-game benefits and emotional support. His presence adds depth to the Sole Survivor's journey across the Commonwealth, making him a cherished companion for many players.

Piper: The Intrepid Reporter

Fallout 4 Companions: Piper

Background and Location

Piper Wright, a tenacious journalist and a native of the Commonwealth, began her career under dire circumstances. Born in a small settlement with her sister Nat and their father, a local militia member, Piper's life took a dramatic turn when her father died under suspicious circumstances after uncovering a raider plot. Driven by a desire for justice, Piper exposed the truth, leading to the ousting of the corrupt captain responsible for her father's death. Eventually, Piper and Nat saved enough to move to Diamond City, where Piper founded the newspaper Publick Occurrences to spotlight the city's issues. Her investigative work made her both celebrated and vilified, leading to numerous threats against her life, including an assassination attempt that she narrowly survived by inducing vomiting after being poisoned.

Unique Perks

Piper offers the "Gift of Gab" perk to players who gain her approval. This perk is particularly valuable for those who enjoy exploring and engaging in dialogue, as it grants double experience points for discovering new locations and successfully navigating Persuasion challenges. This non-combat perk aligns well with players focused on charisma and exploration, enhancing the overall gameplay experience in non-combative aspects of Fallout 4.

Pros and Cons

While Piper has reasonable combat skills, she excels in providing support rather than leading assaults. Her ability to handle herself in a fight with her trusty pistol means she can hold her own, but she is best utilized away from the front lines, offering crossfire support. Her journalistic instincts also mean she's always ready with a snack to boost health, though she lacks the abilities to hack or lockpick. Players will find Piper's greatest strengths in her investigative prowess and moral compass, which can influence the player's interactions and decisions throughout the game.

Affinity and Romance

Piper's affinity grows through actions that reflect kindness, generosity, and a sarcastic wit, aligning with her personality as a defender of truth and justice. She reacts positively to generous dialogue choices and lock-picking during quests, while disapproving of dishonesty and violence. Once a player maximizes affinity with Piper, not only do they gain the beneficial "Gift of Gab" perk, but they also unlock the potential for a romantic relationship with her, regardless of the player's gender. This relationship deepens the personal connection to the game, adding layers to the player's experience in the Commonwealth.

Nick Valentine: The Synth Detective

Fallout 4 Companions: Nick Valentine

Background and Location

Nick Valentine is a unique character in Fallout 4, known for his intriguing origins and role as a private investigator in Diamond City. Created over a century before the game's events in 2287, Nick is one of the initial prototypes for the Generation 2 synths, designed to test the possibility of synths possessing independent thought and personalities. Despite the general distrust and fear of synths in Diamond City, stemming from past traumatic events like the Massacre of the CPG and the Broken Mask incident, Nick earns the community's respect after saving the mayor's daughter. This act of heroism, combined with his subsequent work as the city's handyman and later as a detective, cements his place in the community. He operates the Valentine Detective Agency, where he takes on various cases to assist the residents.

Unique Perks

Nick's abilities as a companion are highlighted by his exceptional hacking skills, akin to having the Hacker perk. This allows him to access various levels of terminals throughout the Commonwealth, although his success rate decreases with the complexity of the lock, and he can be permanently locked out of a terminal after four failed attempts. This unique trait makes him an invaluable asset for players needing technical support during their quests.

Pros and Cons

As a companion, Nick Valentine offers several advantages, particularly with his hacking ability, which is complemented by decent combat skills in both ranged and melee encounters. However, he does have limitations, such as a lower proficiency with energy weapons and an inability to wear different outfits, restricted to his iconic faded trench coat and fedora. This limitation is somewhat mitigated by the possibility of enhancing his trench coat with ballistic weave for better defense, provided the player has completed specific requirements within the Railroad faction.

Affinity and Romance

Nick's affinity system is influenced by the player's actions; he appreciates acts of kindness and justice but reacts negatively to unnecessary violence and dishonesty. While he cannot be romanced, developing a strong relationship with Nick unlocks the "Close to Metal" perk, providing additional benefits in hacking activities. His complex character and moral compass make him a compelling companion for players who value a strong sense of justice and technical expertise in their travels across the Commonwealth.

Curie: The Compassionate Synth

Fallout 4 Companions: Curie

Background and Location

Curie, originally known as CVRIE (Contagions Vulnerability Robotic Infirmary Engineer), was designed to be the guardian of Vault 81. Her primary role was to preserve the extensive knowledge amassed by the Vault 81 scientists and to ensure the significance of their mission was upheld within the vault. Despite the dwindling number of scientists, Curie was a pivotal figure due to her advanced capabilities and extensive database, which included works from notable scholars and knowledge of multiple languages, making her interactions more lifelike and human. Curie transforms from a robot to a synth during the game, offering her services as a companion after the player completes the "Hole in the Wall" quest in Vault 81.

Unique Perks

As a companion, Curie offers the "Combat Medic" perk once maximum affinity is achieved. This perk is particularly beneficial in combat situations, providing the player with a 100 HP recovery when their health drops below 10%, usable once every 24 hours. Initially equipped with built-in weapons like a laser and buzzsaw, Curie can be further modified with the Automatron DLC to enhance her combat effectiveness. However, these modifications are lost when she transitions from a robot to a synth, emphasizing the need to strategically choose upgrades.

Pros and Cons

Curie’s transformation from a Miss Nanny robot to a synth provides her with several advantages and disadvantages. In her robotic form, she is immune to radiation and poison, relying on her innate damage resistance for protection. As a synth, she gains the ability to equip armor and use a wider array of weapons, significantly increasing her durability in combat. Curie possesses a higher base health than other companions, maintaining a significant advantage even as the player progresses. However, her effectiveness with weapons does not vary significantly with the type provided, and she is best equipped with weapons that the player can afford to supply amply.

Affinity and Romance

Curie's affinity is influenced by acts of generosity, peaceful resolutions, and the player's willingness to engage in morally positive actions. Her complex programming allows her to appreciate the nuances of human behavior, responding positively to acts of kindness and negatively to selfish actions. Romance options become available with Curie once certain affinity thresholds are met, offering players the opportunity to deepen their relationship with her. Successfully navigating these interactions can lead to the "Lover's Embrace" perk, providing additional experience points during gameplay. Curie's unique background and capabilities make her one of the most intriguing and rewarding companions in Fallout 4, offering both tactical advantages and a rich, interactive storyline.

Paladin Danse: The Brotherhood's Finest

Fallout 4 Companions: Paladin Danse

Background and Location

Paladin Danse, a dedicated member of the Brotherhood of Steel, can be found at the Cambridge Police Station, located directly north of Diamond City. Players first encounter him and his team as they defend the station from a ghoul attack. Assisting Danse in this encounter completes the Fire Support quest, leading players into the Brotherhood of Steel questline. Danse becomes available as a companion after the completion of the Shadow of Steel quest, which follows the Fire Support and Call to Arms faction quests, as well as the Reunions main storyline mission.

Unique Perks

Once players achieve maximum affinity with Paladin Danse and complete his personal quest, Blind Betrayal, they unlock his companion perk, "Know Your Enemy." This perk grants a 20% increase in damage against Feral Ghouls, Super Mutants, and Synths, providing a significant advantage in combat situations against these common enemies.

Pros and Cons

Paladin Danse is highly regarded for his combat prowess, particularly when equipped in his Power Armor. He appreciates activities such as wearing Power Armors, boarding Vertibirds, and crafting weapon and armor modifications. However, he has strong moral objections to actions like murdering friendly characters, stealing, and chem addiction. These dislikes must be carefully considered by players seeking to maintain a high affinity with him.

Affinity and Romance

Danse's affinity increases through actions that align with the Brotherhood's values, such as demonstrating bravery, using technology responsibly, and showing loyalty to the Brotherhood's cause. His romantic involvement becomes possible after the Blind Betrayal quest, provided the player succeeds in a critical Romance Persuasion Check dialogue. This deepens the relationship, offering a more personal connection with Danse alongside the strategic benefits of his companionship.

Preston Garvey: The Minuteman Leader

Fallout 4 Companions: Preston Garvey

Background and Location

Preston Garvey is a pivotal character in "Fallout 4," serving as a potential companion and the leader of the Commonwealth Minutemen. Players first encounter him inside the Museum of Freedom in Concord, which lies southeast of Sanctuary Hills. This encounter occurs during the main quest "Out of Time," where Preston is found defending the museum against raiders. After assisting him and his group by clearing out the raiders in the "When Freedom Calls" quest, players can escort Preston and his survivors to Sanctuary Hills. To officially recruit him as a companion, players must complete "The First Step" quest that he issues upon arrival in Sanctuary.

Unique Perks

Preston's companion perk, "United We Stand," significantly enhances the player's combat effectiveness. This perk activates when facing three or more enemies, providing a 20% increase in damage dealt and an additional 20 points of Damage Resistance. This makes Preston an invaluable ally in larger skirmishes where the odds are against the player.

Pros and Cons

Preston Garvey is armed with a laser musket, which can be surprisingly effective in combat, packing more punch than might be expected. His dedication to the Minutemen's cause and strong moral compass make him a reliable companion in the fight for the Commonwealth's freedom. However, he does not offer skills like hacking or lockpicking, limiting his utility outside of combat. Additionally, his tendency to prioritize Minutemen missions can be seen as overbearing, often pushing the player to engage in numerous settlement rescue missions.

Affinity and Romance

Preston's affinity is influenced by acts of kindness, support for the Minutemen, and decisions that reflect a commitment to the Commonwealth's welfare. His personal history and the trauma of past events, such as the Quincy Massacre, shape his interactions and his stern but fair leadership style. While Preston can be romanced regardless of the player's gender, his relationship deepens based on mutual respect and shared ideals rather than romantic gestures. This relationship dynamic adds a layer of complexity to his character, making him a compelling choice for players who value loyalty and integrity.


As we journey through the ruins of the Commonwealth in Fallout 4, the companions we meet not only enrich our gameplay experience but also provide a depth and complexity to the narrative that resonates well beyond the screen. Each character, from Dogmeat's unwavering loyalty to Curie's quest for humanity, encapsulates unique qualities and stories, making our adventures through the wasteland both memorable and personally significant. Their special abilities, moral compasses, and the possibility of forging deep, meaningful relationships, including romance, significantly impact how we navigate challenges and shape our story within the game.

The significance of companions in Fallout 4 cannot be understated, offering not just tactical advantages but also philosophical depth to the game's narrative. As players, we're not just collecting perks or achieving objectives, but we're also exploring notions of loyalty, ethics, and the essence of humanity in a post-apocalyptic world. The information detailed in this guide aims to not only aid players in maximizing their in-game benefits with these companions but also to highlight the broader implications of our interactions and relationships with them. It's clear that Fallout 4's companions are more than just allies in combat; they are integral to the game's heart and soul, guiding us through not only the physical battles but the moral quandaries of the Commonwealth as well.


1. How can I obtain companion perks in Fallout 4? Companion perks in Fallout 4 are available once you achieve maximum affinity with any companion. When a companion idolizes you, indicated by a game notification, engage in a conversation with them to unlock their unique perk.

2. Is X6-88 available as a companion after the Institute is destroyed? Yes, X6-88 can still be recruited as a companion after the destruction of the Institute. He can be found near the Nordhagen Beach settlement. If dismissed, he will return to the Institute SRB, behaving as if the Institute still exists.

3. Which companion is the most effective in combat in Fallout 4? Paladin Danse, a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, is considered the strongest companion in Fallout 4 for combat situations. His ability to wear power armor allows him to absorb and deal significant amounts of damage, making him highly effective in battle.

4. Where is the companion Strong located in Fallout 4? Strong is located at the top of Trinity Tower. He becomes available as a companion after you respond to a distress call from Rex Goodman, who is trapped there. Reaching maximum affinity with Strong unlocks a unique companion perk.

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