
How to Break the Sword Cemetery Seal in Genshin Impact

In the vast and magical world of Genshin Impact, players are constantly challenged with intricate puzzles and daunting quests, one of which involves the enigmatic challenge to break the sword cemetery seal. This particular task is not only a testament to one's mastery of the game mechanics but is also a key to uncovering hidden treasures and enhancing the adventure experience. Understanding how to navigate and successfully break the seal over the shrine is crucial for those looking to fully explore and unlock the tri seal, thereby revealing the secrets that lie within.

The journey to break the final seal in Genshin Impact entails a series of meticulously laid out steps, beginning with finding Dr. Livingstone in Dadaupa Gorge. From there, players must grasp the complexities of the Triple Seal Puzzle, each step designed to test their problem-solving skills and combat prowess. This article will guide adventurers through the strategies and tips needed to tackle each seal, culminating in the ultimate reward - claiming the Luxurious Chest. With detailed insights on how to break the sword cemetery seal, including tackling the tail seal Genshin style, players will be well-equipped to conquer this challenge and reap the rewards lying in wait.

Step 1: Locating Dr. Livingstone in Dadaupa Gorge

Introduction to Dr. Livingstone and the Quest

Dr. Livingstone is a key non-player character located in Dadaupa Gorge, Mondstadt. She is deeply involved in researching the Forgotten Sword Cemetery, a site of ancient battles against the monsters of Khaenri'ah. Players seeking to break the sword cemetery seal will find her crucial to their quest. Dr. Livingstone offers the World Quest "Break the Sword Cemetery Seal," which players must complete to proceed.

Starting the Quest by Interacting with Dr. Livingstone

To initiate the quest, players should approach Dr. Livingstone, who can typically be found near the water on the south side of the lake in Dadaupa Gorge. Upon interaction, she expresses her dedication to uncovering the mysteries of the Sword Cemetery. She remarks on the player's adventurous spirit and provides the background necessary to understand the significance of the three seal barriers protected by elemental powers. This interaction sets the stage for the challenging adventure ahead, where players will need to activate three Elemental Monuments in nearby hilichurl camps to break the seal.

Step 2: Understanding the Triple Seal Puzzle

Overview of the Triple Seal

In the quest to break the sword cemetery seal in Genshin Impact, players encounter a challenging puzzle involving three elemental seals. Each seal is strategically placed within different Hilichurl camps east of Mondstadt, surrounding a coveted chest. These seals are not affected by Anemo skills, thus requiring specific elemental interactions to unlock.

Details on the Elemental Monuments and Their Locations

  1. Northern Hilichurl Camp (Cryo Monument): Located atop a wooden arena, players must defeat ten enemies within a set time limit to activate the Cryo powers necessary for the monument.

  2. Southwestern Hilichurl Camp (Electro Monument): Situated in a pond, this monument requires players to eliminate nearby Hilichurls and use Electro attacks to trigger the seal's release.

  3. Southeastern Hilichurl Camp (Pyro Monument): Players will face a mix of Cryo Abyss Mage and Anemo Samachurl. Utilizing Pyro attacks combined with Anemo for swirling effects is essential to break the seal.

After successfully activating all three monuments, adventurers should return to the central area to access the treasure and complete the quest. Each camp presents unique challenges, ensuring players must adapt their strategies to the varying elemental requirements.

Step 3: Tackling Each Seal - Strategies and Tips

Strategy for the Cryo Seal

To tackle the Cryo seal at the northern Hilichurl camp, players must first defeat ten enemies within a 90-second time limit. Using the Traveler's skill to gather enemies effectively can streamline this process. Once the enemies are defeated, players should use a Cryo attack to activate the monument, which is crucial for breaking the seal.

Strategy for the Electro Seal

Located in the southwestern Hilichurl camp, the Electro seal requires players to engage in combat in a pond setting. The presence of a Mitachurl with a Wooden Shield complicates the battle. To efficiently handle this, players should utilize Electro attacks to induce Electro-charged reactions, which are effective in this watery environment. After clearing the enemies, activating the monument with an Electro skill will break the seal.

Strategy for the Pyro Seal

The southeastern camp presents a unique challenge with fewer but more robust enemies, including a Wooden Shield Mitachurl, a Cryo Abyss Mage, and an Anemo Samachurl. Players are advised to use Pyro attacks combined with Anemo to create swirl effects, which help in dismantling enemy defenses quickly. Following the defeat of these adversaries, a Pyro skill will activate the monument and disengage the seal.

By employing these strategies, players can efficiently break each elemental seal and move closer to unlocking the treasures of the Sword Cemetery in Genshin Impact.

Step 4: Claiming the Luxurious Chest Reward

After successfully deactivating all three seals, players should navigate back to the lake's center in Dadaupa Gorge. Here, the previously inaccessible Luxurious Chest now awaits. It's essential to remain cautious, as the area may still host a few lingering enemies. If any final adversaries are encountered, employing swift and strategic combat techniques will ensure their defeat, clearing the path to the chest.

Upon reaching the chest, players are rewarded handsomely for their efforts. The Luxurious Chest contains valuable items including a Northlander Claymore Billet, a 4-star artifact, and Mystic Enhancement Ore. Additionally, players receive Adventure EXP ×400, Primogem ×50, Adventurer's Experience ×3, and Mystic Enhancement Ore ×6. This culmination of rewards not only enhances the player's arsenal but also significantly boosts their journey in Genshin Impact, making the challenging endeavor to break the sword cemetery seal a worthwhile venture.


Through the detailed exploration of the steps required to break the sword cemetery seal in Genshin Impact, players can now approach this challenge with a clear understanding and strategy. The journey from locating Dr. Livingstone to utilizing elemental interactions for unlocking the seals illustrates the game's depth in puzzles and combat tactics. Successfully tackling the Triple Seal Puzzle and adapting combat strategies against different enemies showcases the player's adaptability and mastery of elemental powers, leading to the grand reward of the Luxurious Chest.

The significance of completing this quest goes beyond mere acquisition of valuable items; it enriches the player's adventure experience and highlights the intricate design and storytelling of Genshin Impact. Encountering and overcoming such challenges stimulate further exploration and engagement within the game's vast world. As adventurers continue their journey, the strategies and insights gained here will undoubtedly serve them in facing future puzzles and quests, making the conquest of the sword cemetery seal not just an end but a means to greater discoveries in Teyvat.


Breaking the Sword Cemetery Seal in Genshin Impact

1. How can I open the Sword Cemetery seal?
To open the Sword Cemetery seal, you'll need to defeat the three hilichurl tribes located around the Sword Cemetery and activate a mechanism at each of their camps.

2. What is required to break the seal in Genshin Impact?
To break the seal, you must fast travel to the Lair, then glide west to find three glowing pieces around a central pillar. After defeating the nearby enemies with your strongest Genshin Impact characters, collect all three pieces to break the Seal to the Lair.

3. How do I remove the seal at Dadaupa Gorge?
The seal at Dadaupa Gorge is unlocked by locating three points around the text "Dadaupa Gorge" on the map. The first seal is directly north of the word "Gorge," leading to a battle arena. Here, you must defeat 10 enemies within a set time limit. Successfully completing this challenge and using Ice will unlock the first seal.

4. What steps are needed to open the tri seal in Mondstadt?
This question hints at a similar process involving battles and possibly elemental interactions to unlock the tri seal in Mondstadt, although specific steps were not provided.

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