
How to Complete the Share Not Your Treasures Quest in Genshin Impact

Embarking on the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest in Genshin Impact invites players into a mystifying adventure filled with puzzles and discoveries that stand at the heart of the game's allure. This quest is not just a pathway to obtaining valuable treasures within the expansive world of Teyvat but also a testament to the intricacies and depth that Genshin Impact offers to its players. As adventurers follow the treasure map to find the treasure in Genshin Impact, they dive deeper into the lore and challenges that enrich their gaming experience. Understanding how to effectively navigate this quest is crucial for players looking to unlock all the secrets and rewards it harbors.

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to complete the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest, starting from its initiation, lighting the bonfire at Luhua Pool, finding the highest peak in Cuijue Slope, to finally claiming the treasure. Each step, including the Cuijue Slope Genshin Impact segment and the intricacies of following the treasure map, will be discussed in detail to ensure players know exactly where to find the treasure in Genshin Impact's 'Share Not Your Treasures' and how to complete the quest with finesse. By the end of this guide, adventurers will not only have comprehensive knowledge on completing this quest but also on how to unveil other hidden treasures across Teyvat.

Starting the Quest

To embark on the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest in Genshin Impact, players must first locate and interact with a Worn Letter. This crucial item is found in the southern area of Guili Assembly within the Guili Plains. Adventurers will encounter a Ruin Guard guarding a staircase leading to a basement where the letter and some treasure chests are hidden.

Where to Find the Worn Letter

The Worn Letter is centrally placed in the room, surrounded by remnants of past explorations. Players need to defeat the Ruin Guard at the entrance to gain access. This letter is penned by a treasure hunter and hints at a mysterious bonfire in the plains that grants wishes.

Defeating the Ruin Hunter

Upon discovering the Worn Letter, players will face a Ruin Hunter guarding the area. To defeat this formidable foe, it is essential to target its weak point using a bow-wielding character to shoot its eye, causing paralysis and making it vulnerable to attacks. Utilizing characters with Pyro abilities can also be effective, triggering elemental reactions that deal significant damage.

Lighting the Bonfire at Luhua Pool

To initiate the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest at Luhua Pool, players must use a Pyro character to light the bonfire. This action triggers an ambush by Treasure Hoarders. Players should be prepared to combat these foes effectively. Upon defeating the Treasure Hoarders, they will drop some Scribbled Notes. Interacting with these notes is essential as they contain clues for the next part of the quest. This step not only progresses the quest but also engages players in the dynamic combat system of Genshin Impact, enhancing their overall gaming experience.

Finding the Highest Peak in Cuijue Slope

To reach the highest peak in Cuijue Slope, players must first navigate across Liyue, starting from the Luhua Pool. The area is located to the northwest, shrouded by the Statue of the Seven. Players should prepare for a journey that involves climbing, as there is no teleport waypoint directly to the peak. It is essential to ensure that stamina is managed effectively during the climb to avoid falling.

Identifying the Correct Mountain

Once in the vicinity of Cuijue Slope, players should look for a distinctive dead tree at the summit, which is a key landmark mentioned in the clues found earlier in the quest. Near this tree, there will be a shovel stuck in the ground, signaling the spot to dig. By interacting with the shovel, players can unearth the treasure chest containing rewards such as Primogems and Adventure Rank XP, thus advancing in the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest in Genshin Impact.

Claiming the Treasure

At the culmination of the journey on Cuijue Slope, adventurers will find themselves at the highest peak, where a solitary, withered tree stands. Here, a shovel embedded in the ground marks the spot for the final act of the quest. Players must interact with this shovel and select "Dig" to unearth a hidden chest. This chest, once spawned under the tree, signifies the successful completion of the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest in Genshin Impact.

Mining Under the Tree

Upon using the shovel, players will reveal the treasure chest, which contains valuable rewards. This action combines the thrill of discovery with the satisfaction of quest completion.

Rewards for Completing the Quest

The rewards for uncovering the treasure are substantial, enhancing the player's journey in Genshin Impact. They include 250 Adventure EXP, 30 Primogems, and 30,000 Mora. These rewards not only provide a boost in game progression but also add to the overall excitement and fulfillment of the adventure.


Embarking on the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest in Genshin Impact guides players through a maze of puzzles and breathtaking discoveries, accentuating the depth of exploration intrinsic to the Genshin Impact universe. By delving into the detailed steps provided, from initiating the quest with the Worn Letter in Guili Plains to the climactic treasure hunt at Cuijue Slope, players gain not only valuable in-game rewards but also a richer, more immersive gaming experience. This guide aims to ensure adventurers are well-equipped to unearth Teyvat's hidden gems, bolstering their journey with significant advancements in game ranks and enriching their treasure trove.

The significance of this quest extends beyond simple treasure hunting; it encapsulates the essence of adventure and discovery that Genshin Impact aims to offer. As players navigate through each carefully crafted step of the quest, they not only enhance their gameplay strategies but also contribute to the larger narrative of exploration and mystery that defines the world of Teyvat. Hence, successfully completing the 'Share Not Your Treasures' quest symbolizes a rite of passage for every adventurer, encouraging them to delve deeper into the unknown and further explore the riches of Genshin Impact's expansive universe.


1. How do I complete the "Treasure Lost, Treasure Found" quest in Genshin Impact? To successfully complete the "Treasure Lost, Treasure Found" quest, follow these steps:

  • Begin by locating the quest.
  • Your first task is to find five stone tablets scattered around.
  • Next, search for and locate four jade plates.
  • Finally, discover the last ruin to complete the quest.

2. What is involved in the "Share Not Your Treasures" quest in Genshin Impact? The "Share Not Your Treasures" quest requires players to locate a hidden treasure. This treasure can be found at the highest point of Cuijue Slope, identifiable by a shovel stuck in the ground. To complete the quest, approach and interact with the shovel.

3. How can I find the treasure's location in Genshin Impact? To find the treasure in Genshin Impact, look for the quest's specific location, which is often provided through clues or quest descriptions within the game. For quests like "Share Not Your Treasures," the treasure is at the peak of Cuijue Slope, marked by a shovel.

4. What steps are needed to complete the "And This Treasure Goes To" quest? The question on how to complete the "And This Treasure Goes To" quest lacks a direct answer in the provided information. Typically, completing quests in Genshin Impact involves following a series of clues or objectives laid out within the game's quest log.

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