
Hogwarts Legacy: All Demiguise Statue Locations Revealed

In the enchanting world of "Hogwarts Legacy," players embark on a captivating journey filled with mystery, magic, and the pursuit of the elusive demiguise statues. Defined by their significance in unlocking the game's manifold secrets, these statues serve not just as collectibles but also as gateways to enhancing one's magical prowess and unveiling hidden areas within the vast expanses of the Hogwarts universe. The quest to find all demiguise moon locations presents a thrilling challenge for gamers, underpinning the importance of exploration and discovery in this richly detailed environment.

As we dive deeper into "Hogwarts Legacy," this article will guide readers through the intricate maze of demiguise locations, shedding light on the origins of these mystical statues, the role of Luna Demimaski, and the essential upgrades needed to access new areas. Further insights will be provided on how to effectively collect demiguise moons, including the significance of upgrading Alohomora, the achievements tied to Luna Demimaski, and practical tips for beginners. Whether you're seeking guidance on where to find demiguise moons or strategies for collecting them, this comprehensive exposition aims to equip players with the knowledge needed to succeed and fully indulge in the magical world of "Hogwarts Legacy."

The Role of Luna Demimaski in Hogwarts Legacy

In the immersive world of "Hogwarts Legacy," players are introduced to a variety of characters, each with their unique backstory and role within the game's universe. One such character, Luna Demimaski, plays a pivotal role that intertwines fear, mystery, and the quest for overcoming personal challenges. Luna's fear of Demi-Guys, creatures known for their ability to foresee the future, becomes a central theme that affects the gameplay and narrative journey for players.

Luna's Fear and the Mysterious Statues

Luna Demimaski's fear is not unfounded but deeply rooted in a personal encounter that left a lasting impact. This fear manifests through the appearance of demiguise statues around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. These statues, resembling the feared Demi-Guys, are not merely decorative but serve as a constant reminder of Luna's greatest fear. The game reveals that these statues began to appear following an incident involving a boggart, a creature that takes the form of one's deepest fear, which in Luna's case, transformed into a Demi-Guy.

The Protagonist's Role in Assisting Luna

Players find themselves in a unique position to assist Luna in confronting and overcoming his fear. The narrative unfolds as players are tasked with locating and removing the demiguise statues scattered across the castle and its surroundings. This quest not only serves as a means for Luna to face his fears indirectly but also introduces players to the game's exploration mechanics. Players gain a reputation for fearlessness, making them the ideal candidate for this task. The act of removing the statues is symbolic, representing the overcoming of fear and the unlocking of new areas and secrets within the game.

Exploration and Lore Connection

The game's exploration mechanics are further enhanced through the Field Notes mechanic, which connects players to the world of "Hogwarts Legacy" on a deeper level. As players venture off the beaten path to discover hidden rooms, corridors, and the demiguise statues, they collect Field Notes that provide lore entries for key landmarks. This mechanic not only makes exploration more engaging but also ties the game's lore to the broader Harry Potter universe. The lore acquired through Field Notes becomes continuously relevant, adding layers of background and story to the locations players revisit.

Incentivizing Exploration with Field Notes

The pursuit of demiguise statues and the collection of Field Notes serve a dual purpose. They not only enrich the player's understanding of the game's lore and narrative but also provide tangible benefits in the form of experience points (XP). This link between exploration and in-game progression creates an extra incentive for players to seek out Field Notes and demiguise statues, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

In summary, Luna Demimaski's role in "Hogwarts Legacy" is multifaceted, serving as a catalyst for exploration, narrative depth, and character development. Through the quest to remove the demiguise statues, players are invited to engage with the game's lore, confront fears, and discover the richly detailed world that Avalanche has crafted. Luna's story is a testament to the game's ability to weave personal narratives into the fabric of its expansive universe, making "Hogwarts Legacy" a memorable experience for players.

Exploring the Origins of Demiguise Statues

In the late 19th century, the Highlands of Scotland became the unexpected home to a unique series of magical artifacts known as Demiguise Statues. These statues, each depicting a Demiguise clutching a moon, were not only remarkable for their craftsmanship but also for the intriguing backstory that led to their creation and eventual dispersal across the landscape.

The Prank That Started It All

The origin of these statues traces back to a mischievous act by Piers Pemberton, who discovered Gladwin Moon's greatest fear through the use of a Boggart. The fear? A Demiguise. As a prank, Pemberton commissioned the creation of these statues to scare Moon. These mystical statues were designed to appear only at night when their so-called "Demiguise Moons" would emit a soft blue glow, adding an eerie beauty to their surroundings. This unique characteristic not only served as a constant reminder of Moon's fear but also as a symbol of the mystical and unpredictable nature of the magical world.

A Quest for Removal and Learning

During the 1890–1891 school year, a pivotal moment occurred when Moon enlisted the help of a new student at Hogwarts. The student was tasked with removing the statues from key locations within the school, such as the Faculty Tower and Hospital Wing. In return for this service, Moon imparted the knowledge of the Unlocking Charm to the student, further deepening the connection between the statues and the broader magical education at Hogwarts. As the student collected more statues, they were able to present them to Moon, unlocking further levels of the charm and demonstrating the statues' integral role in the magical learning process.

The Significance of Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy

Introduced during the main quest "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament," which becomes available after completing Percival Rackham's Trial and the onset of autumn, the Demiguise Statues play a significant role in "Hogwarts Legacy." This quest not only acquaints players with the collectible mechanic associated with these statues but also teaches them the Alohomora spell, essential for the retrieval of these mystical objects. The Demiguise, known for its ability to turn invisible and predict the future, has been a recurring creature throughout the franchise. Its coat, used to craft Invisibility Cloaks, highlights the creature's significance and rarity. In the game, locating the statues not only offers an in-game achievement but also connects players to the rich lore and magical creatures of the Harry Potter universe.

Distribution Across the Magical World

The statues begin to emerge in Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, with their full significance unveiled through a request from Gladwin Moon. In total, there are 33 Demiguise statues to be found: three during "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament," ten scattered throughout Hogwarts, nine in Hogsmeade, and one in each of the 11 Hamlets. Many of these statues are strategically placed behind locked doors, requiring varying levels of the Alohomora spell to access, thus intertwining the quest for statues with the progression of magical skills.

The Demiguise Statues' origins, tied to a practical joke, have evolved into a significant element of the magical world, especially within "Hogwarts Legacy." They not only serve as a testament to the game's depth and attention to lore but also as a bridge connecting players to the historical and mystical aspects of the wizarding world. Through the quest to locate these statues, players engage in a journey that is both a homage to the magical creatures that inhabit this universe and a challenge that tests their skills and knowledge of magic.

How to Effectively Collect Luna Demimaski in the Game

Understand the Timing and Location

To embark on the quest for collecting Luna Demimaski statues in "Hogwarts Legacy," players must first be aware of the critical timing for these collectibles. The Demiguise Statues, shrouded in mystery and magic, only reveal their true form under the cloak of night. Therefore, it is essential to advance the game's day-night cycle to night time before attempting to collect these statues. This can be accomplished via the world map, where players have the option to wait, transitioning from day to night or vice versa. The initial quest, "The Caretaker's Luna Lament," sets the stage for this nocturnal adventure, requiring players to meet with Gladwin Moon. Upon starting the quest, Moon bestows upon the player Alohomora level one, unlocking the ability to open level 1 locks and thus, access the first few Demiguise Statues.

Using Alohomora to Access Statues

Alohomora plays a pivotal role in the collection of Luna Demimaski statues. This spell, gifted by Gladwin Moon, is the key to unlocking doors that guard the coveted statues. The spell's mechanics are straightforward across all levels, with the player maneuvering the left stick until the mechanism in the bottom right begins spinning, followed by adjusting the right stick until the central mechanism moves. Mastery of this spell is crucial, as it allows players to navigate through Hogwarts Castle and Hogsmeade, unlocking doors to uncover hidden Demiguise Statues. The quest involves sneaking into restricted areas and employing stealth to evade detection while on the hunt for these mystical statues.

Strategies for Quick Collection

Collecting Luna Demimaski statues efficiently requires a strategic approach, combining knowledge of their locations and adept use of the Alohomora spell. Here are key strategies:

  1. Prioritize Easy Access Statues: Start with statues that require only level 1 locks to be opened. These are generally more accessible and provide a good initial boost to the collection.

  2. Advance the Day-Night Cycle: Since Demiguise Statues can only be collected at night, use the world map to advance time, ensuring that your exploration coincides with the night cycle.

  3. Utilize Fast Travel Points: To save time, make use of Hogwarts Legacy’s fast travel points. This allows for quick navigation across the map, especially when targeting statues in distant locations.

  4. Sequential Statue Collection: Follow a logical path when collecting statues, starting from one area and moving systematically to the next. This minimizes backtracking and ensures a smoother collection process.

  5. Upgrade Alohomora Promptly: Collecting a certain number of statues allows for the upgrade of the Alohomora spell. Prioritize these upgrades to access statues behind higher-level locks.

By adhering to these strategies, players can effectively collect Luna Demimaski statues, unlocking the mysteries and rewards that lie within "Hogwarts Legacy."

Upgrading Alohomora and Unlocking New Areas

In "Hogwarts Legacy," the Alohomora spell is not just a key to physical locks but a gateway to deeper exploration and engagement within the game. Players quickly learn that upgrading this spell is essential for accessing new areas, uncovering secrets, and advancing in their magical journey. This section delves into the importance of upgrading Alohomora, provides a detailed guide on collecting Demiguise Statues necessary for the upgrades, and outlines the gameplay benefits tied to these enhancements.

Importance of Upgrading

The journey to achieve 100% completion in "Hogwarts Legacy" involves overcoming the challenge of locked areas, doors, and chests scattered throughout the game. By collecting Demiguise Statues, players can upgrade their Alohomora charm, thus unlocking previously inaccessible areas. The quest begins with Mr. Moon's request in "The Caretaker's Lunar Lament," which is available upon entering Chapter 2 of the main storyline, marked by a season change cutscene. Gladwin Moon, tormented by the placement of Demiguise Statues due to his fear of them, seeks the player's help to collect and remove these statues, which can only be done at night. The initial reward for this task is the level 1 version of Alohomora, enabling access to the first two Demiguise Statues troubling Mr. Moon.

Collecting Demiguise Statues: A Step-by-Step Guide

To unlock the level 2 Alohomora, players must find nine additional Demiguise Statues, with the first already in their inventory from the main mission. The guide below outlines a systematic approach to collecting these statues, emphasizing the necessity of nighttime for their collection:

  1. Initial Statues Within Hogwarts: The first seven statues, beyond the initial one provided, are located within Hogwarts Castle. Players must ensure it is nighttime to collect them, as they are invisible or uncollectible during the day.
  2. Venturing to Lower Hogsfield Village: For the final statue needed for the level 2 upgrade, players should teleport to Lower Hogsfield Village, where the statue is located in the first house upon entering the village.
  3. Returning to Mr. Moon: With all required statues collected, players return to Mr. Moon to receive the level 2 Alohomora charm, which grants access to all Demiguise Statues necessary for the level 3 upgrade.

Gameplay Benefits of Upgrading Alohomora

Upgrading Alohomora to levels 2 and 3 significantly enhances the gameplay experience in "Hogwarts Legacy." The spell's upgrades allow players to access every lock in the game, unveiling new areas, treasures, and secrets. The pursuit of Demiguise Statues, while challenging, rewards players with not only the upgraded Alohomora spell but also the "Demiguise Dread" achievement. This achievement, along with the unlocking of new areas, enriches the exploration aspect of the game, making the magical world of Hogwarts more immersive and engaging. Players are encouraged to explore the lore behind the statues, the significance of Alohomora, and the broader magical universe that "Hogwarts Legacy" presents.

Through the meticulous collection of Demiguise Statues and the strategic upgrading of Alohomora, players unlock the full potential of their magical abilities, further immersing themselves in the enchanting world of "Hogwarts Legacy." This process not only advances the game's narrative but also deepens the player's connection to the magical lore, making the journey through Hogwarts and beyond a truly magical experience.

Achievements and Rewards Linked to Luna Demimaski

In "Hogwarts Legacy," the journey to collect Luna Demimaski statues is not only a thrilling adventure but also a path to unlocking a series of achievements and rewards that enhance the gameplay experience. This section delves into the types of achievements players can earn, the rewards for collecting all the statues, and strategies for achievement hunters to efficiently reach their goals.

Types of Achievements

The pursuit of Luna Demimaski statues in "Hogwarts Legacy" leads players to a variety of achievements, each marking a milestone in the game. Notable achievements include:

  1. Followed the Butterflies: This achievement is earned by following the butterflies to a treasure. While not directly linked to the Demiguise statues, it complements the collector's journey by guiding players to essential collection items needed for the Collector's Edition achievement.

  2. Merlin's Beard: Awarded for completing all Merlin trials, this achievement indirectly aids players by providing more bag slots, allowing them to carry more gear and collectibles, including Demiguise statues.

  3. Collector's Edition: The pinnacle of achievements, this is awarded for completing all collections in the game. The Demiguise statues are a significant part of this, as collecting them is integral to unlocking various game elements.

  4. Demiguise Dread: Specifically tied to the Demiguise statues, players earn this achievement by finding all 30 statues hidden across the map. This achievement is crucial for those aiming to master the game fully.

Rewards for Collecting All Statues

Collecting all Luna Demimaski statues brings not only the satisfaction of completion but also tangible benefits within "Hogwarts Legacy." Players are rewarded with:

  • Upgraded Alohomora Spell: Collecting the statues enables players to upgrade their Alohomora spell to higher levels, allowing access to previously locked areas and secrets.
  • Achievement Points: Each achievement unlocked contributes to the player's overall game score, enhancing their gaming profile.
  • In-game Items and Gear: Completing collections, including the Demiguise statues, often rewards players with unique items, gear, or abilities that can be used throughout the game.

Strategies for Achievement Hunters

For players focused on unlocking achievements and collecting all Luna Demimaski statues, the following strategies are recommended:

  1. Map Out Collectibles: Use the game's map to identify locations of interest, including Merlin trials and butterfly paths, which can lead to Demiguise statues or related collectibles.

  2. Prioritize Merlin Trials Early: Completing Merlin trials early in the game provides extra bag slots, making it easier to carry more items and avoid frequent trips to sell gear.

  3. Utilize Guides and Lists: Refer to online guides or lists, such as the Google Sheets list mentioned, to track your progress and ensure no collectible is missed.

  4. Focus on Nighttime Exploration: Remember that Demiguise statues can only be collected at night. Use the game's feature to change the time of day to night for statue hunting.

  5. Claim All Rewards: After completing challenges or trials, ensure all rewards are claimed. Sometimes, achievements or items can be missed if rewards are not actively claimed from the game menu.

By following these strategies and understanding the achievements linked to Luna Demimaski, players can maximize their "Hogwarts Legacy" experience, unlocking the full potential of the game's magical world.

Tips and Tricks for Beginners on Collecting Demimaski

Preparation and Planning

  1. Learn Alohomora Early: One cannot interact with Demiguise statues without knowing the Alohomora spell. This spell is essential as it unlocks the ability to collect Demiguise statues, which are crucial for upgrading the spell itself. Players should complete The First Trial quest as soon as the season turns to fall to learn Alohomora from Mr. Moon.
  2. Time Management: Demiguise statues are only collectible at night. Players should utilize the map's wait feature to transition between day and night. Planning exploration during night-time is crucial to ensure that time is utilized efficiently.
  3. Inventory Space: Beginners often overlook the importance of inventory space. It is recommended to upgrade inventory capacity early on to accommodate loot, including Demiguise statues. This prevents the need to discard valuable items or make frequent trips to sell gear.

Leveraging In-Game Mechanics

  1. Use of Revelio: At night, the Revelio charm can be used to reveal the locations of Demiguise statues in the vicinity. If a statue is nearby, it will glow blue, making it easier for players to find.
  2. Navigating Locked Doors: Most Demiguise statues are located behind locked doors. Players should practice unlocking doors with Alohomora to access these statues efficiently. Mastery of this spell is key to collecting Demiguise statues hidden throughout Hogwarts Legacy.
  3. Map and Fast Travel Points: Familiarizing oneself with the game's map and making use of fast travel points can significantly reduce the time spent traveling between statue locations. This allows for more time to be spent on actual collection.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  1. Ignoring Utility Spells: Besides Alohomora, other utility spells can aid in the collection of Demiguise statues. Players should not overlook these spells as they can provide advantages in navigating the game world and dealing with potential threats.
  2. Not Using Plants in Combat: Some plants, once unlocked, can be used in combat instead of just for potion brewing. These plants can be instrumental in protecting the player while hunting for Demiguise statues in dangerous territories.
  3. Underutilizing the Room of Requirement: The Room of Requirement serves as a pivotal point for brewing potions, upgrading gear, and more. New players often do not spend enough time here, missing out on opportunities to strengthen their character for the challenges ahead.
  4. Adapting Tactics: Hogwarts and its surroundings are filled with various foes. Players should adapt their spellcasting strategies based on the opponent's strengths and weaknesses. For example, breaking magical shields with spells of the corresponding color is a tactic that should not be overlooked.
  5. Spending Talents Wisely: Early in the game, it might be tempting to spend talent points in appealing but non-essential talent trees. Focusing on core talents that enhance exploration and combat capabilities can provide a significant advantage in collecting Demiguise statues and navigating the game world.


Embarking on the investigation of "Hogwarts Legacy" has guided players through the bewitching hunt for Demiguise statues, blending the elements of mystery, magic, and the invaluable essence of exploration. Through the pivotal role of characters such as Luna Demimaski, and the intriguing tale of Gladwin Moon's prank-turned-quest, this exploration has not only enriched players' experiences but also deepened their engagement with the magical lore of Hogwarts. The collection of these statues, coupled with mastering the Alohomora spell, unlocks not just the game's hidden corners but also the layers of narrative depth and character development interwoven throughout the gameplay. This journey, challenging yet enriching, underscores the game's core premise of discovery and the continuous revelation of the enchanted universe it inhabits.

Moreover, the strategic insights provided on effectively locating and collecting the Demiguise statues underline the significance of patience, meticulous planning, and the joy of uncovering hidden treasures that await in the shadowy corners of Hogwarts and beyond. The achievements linked to this quest not only denote milestones for players but also celebrate the fulfillment of deeply engaging with the game's expansive world. As players continue to venture through the magical realms of "Hogwarts Legacy," the journey of collecting Luna Demimaski statues stands as a testament to the game's immersive exploration, challenging puzzles, and the perpetual allure of the unknown that beckons every Hogwarts inhabitant to delve deeper into its legacy.


Where Can I Find the Demiguise Statues in Hogwarts Legacy?

  • Demiguise Statue Locations:
    • Statue 1 is located in the Clock Tower Courtyard.
    • Statue 2 can be found in the Great Hall.
    • Statue 3 is situated in the Divination Classroom.
    • Statue 4 is in the Library.
    • Statue 5 is near the Hogwarts North Exit.
    • Statue 6 is in the Bell Tower Courtyard and counts towards the Astronomy Wing.
    • Additional statues are located throughout Hogwarts, with specific ones mentioned for their unique locations.

Where is the Location of the 13th Demiguise Statue in Hogwarts Legacy?

  • Specific Demiguise Statue Locations:
    • The 3rd statue is in Professor Fig's Classroom.
    • The 5th statue is in The Great Hall.
    • The 7th statue is in the Faculty Tower.
    • The 9th statue is in the Beasts Classroom.
    • The 11th statue is at Tomes and Scrolls.
    • The 13th statue is located beside the Three Broomsticks.
    • Additional statues are found at Dervish and Banges and near Tomes and Scrolls.

What Rewards Do Players Receive for Finding All the Demiguise Statues?

  • Collecting all 30 Demiguise statues is part of a quest. Initially, finding 9 statues is necessary to upgrade the Alohomora spell to Level 2, and finding 13 more upgrades it to Level 3. Completing the collection awards the "Demiguise Dread" achievement or trophy.

How Many Demiguise Statues Are There in Hogwarts Legacy and Where Are They Located?

  • In total, there are 10 distinct Demiguise Statues and moons scattered across Hogwarts:
    • 1 statue in The South Wing.
    • 1 statue in The Great Hall.
    • 3 statues in The Astronomy Wing.
    • 2 statues in The Bell Tower Wing.
    • 3 statues in The Library Annex.

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