Duake's description reads: "Run the Quake campaign in Doomguy mode." "Simple as this!" There's more to it than that, but sometimes the mod speaks for itself. It's surprising that this mod wasn't done sooner, considering the long history of mods in both games.
Duake was created by a modder known as Magic Nipples. It adapts Doomguy's arsenal of weapons to Quake and the vertical movement and aiming of that game. It also makes a lot of changes to vanilla Quake, including adding fancy lighting, coloured waters, new props, extra baddies, and a rejigging in enemy placements.
There are some elements that go beyond the norm, like adding two new Doom-based HUDs and a minimalistic HUD based off Doom 64. It also replaces the nailgun with a rifle and changes the attacks of some enemies. It also reportedly reworks "the Chthon battle to be much more exciting", though I did not see that myself. And it has added a bunch new secrets to the level.
Magic Nipples claims they are not yet finished and will release more updates. As-is, this thing works perfectly: the only slightly strange aspect is controlling Doomguy using Quake's movements style. This is unavoidable, but would probably make John Carmack's temples throb. The project can be found on Github.
Magic Nipples has also worked on a project that I covered a few years ago: Half-Life: Year of the Dragon. This project replaces Gordon Freeman by Spyro the Dragon. I'd say they've definitely found their modding niche. Duake, on the other hand, is a fantastic name. It's better than Qoom.