
Blanka Street Fighter 6: Ultimate Guide to Moves and Combos

In the electrifying realm of Street Fighter 6, Blanka emerges as a formidable contender, bringing his unique blend of feral agility and shocking electrical moves to the fray. As one of the most iconic characters, his presence answers the eager question, "Is Blanka in Street Fighter 6?" with a resounding yes. Known for his distinctive gameplay and tactics, mastering Blanka requires a deep understanding of his moves and strategies, making him a focal point for players aiming to electrify the competition. This ultimate guide to Blanka Street Fighter 6 moves and combos is designed to equip players with the knowledge and skills needed to unleash the full potential of this beastly fighter, ensuring they stand out in the competitive landscape of the game.

The guide delves into the essence of Blanka's playstyle, providing a comprehensive breakdown of the Blanka Street Fighter 6 move list, including both his electrifying Blanka combos SF6 and individual Blanka moves SF6. From understanding the foundational moves to executing complex combos, this guide covers all bases, ensuring players can optimize Blanka's agility and power to their advantage. Alongside dissecting his move list, the guide offers insights into the best strategies for dominating as Blanka, highlighting the nuances that set apart novice players from masters. Whether you're new to the character or looking to refine your skills, this guide serves as the definitive resource for mastering Blanka in Street Fighter 6, enriching your game with every shockwave and roar.

Understanding Blanka's Playstyle

Understanding Blanka

Blanka's playstyle in Street Fighter 6 is a complex amalgamation of aggressive mobility, confusing mind games, and strategic corner control. This section delves into each of these aspects, providing players with a deeper understanding of how to effectively utilize Blanka's unique abilities.

Aggressive Mobility

Blanka is renowned for his exceptional mobility, which allows him to swiftly close distances and apply pressure on opponents. His ability to move quickly across the screen is pivotal in maintaining an aggressive stance. Utilizing moves like the Light Ball, which covers about a third of the screen, Blanka can maneuver closer to opponents and potentially execute a throw. This aggressive mobility forces opponents to constantly reposition themselves, making it difficult for them to settle into a defensive rhythm.

Confusing Mind Games

Blanka excels in confusing opponents with a variety of tactics that keep them guessing. His gameplay involves feints, hit-and-run tactics, and sudden aggressive moves that can disorient even the most seasoned players. For instance, Blanka's use of different paced Blanka Balls (light, medium, heavy) adds layers of complexity to his attack strategy. The heavy Blanka Ball, being slower, allows more reaction time but can catch opponents off-guard if used sparingly and strategically. By mixing up his attack speeds and directions, Blanka can create openings and exploit his opponent's hesitations.

Setplay in the Corner

Once Blanka has maneuvered an opponent into the corner, his setplay abilities become particularly effective. In this scenario, Blanka can use his mobility and unpredictability to execute a series of moves that keep the opponent trapped and unable to counter effectively. Utilizing the Blanka Chan Bomb and various aerial and ground attacks, he can maintain pressure while also setting up potential combo opportunities. The corner game is about making the opponent feel overwhelmed and uncertain, allowing Blanka to dominate through superior positioning and relentless assault.

By mastering these elements of Blanka's playstyle, players can harness his full potential, making him a formidable character in Street Fighter 6. Each aspect of his style plays into the next, creating a cohesive and intimidating gameplay strategy that can adapt to various opponents and situations.

Blanka’s Move List

SF 6 Blanka Move List

Unique Attacks

Blanka's unique attacks are essential for mastering his gameplay. Each move is designed to optimize his trickery and aggressive playstyle.

  • Rock Crusher (Forward + Medium Punch): An overhead attack that can catch opponents off guard.
  • Double Knee Bombs (Forward + Medium Kick): A double-hit attack that is useful for breaking through defenses.
  • Wild Edge (Back + Medium Kick): Delivers a strong kick, ideal for distancing opponents or as a punish.
  • Wild Nail (Forward + Heavy Punch): A jumping hit that can surprise an opponent, especially when timed correctly.
  • Amazon River Run (Down Forward + Heavy Punch): A powerful sliding attack that covers good ground.
  • Coward Crouch (Down + Two Punches): Blanka lowers his stance, dodging certain high attacks and projectiles.
  • Wild Lift (After Coward Crouch, Any Punch): From the Coward Crouch, this upper attack can catch opponents attempting to close in.
  • Raid Jump (After Coward Crouch, Any Kick): A special jump that enhances Blanka's mobility and unpredictability.
  • Surprise Forward Hop (Forward + Three Kicks): A large forward jump that can quickly close distances or escape corners.
  • Surprise Back Hop (Back + Three Kicks): Similar to the forward hop, this move allows Blanka to quickly retreat and reassess his strategy.

Special Moves

Blanka's special moves are what define his fighting style, allowing him to execute rapid and unpredictable attacks that can disorient his opponents.

  • Electric Thunder (Quarter Circle Back + Any Punch): A close-range electric attack that can be extended by holding the button.
  • Rolling Attack (Back Charge, Forward + Any Punch): Blanka curls into a ball and launches himself horizontally across the screen.
  • Vertical Rolling Attack (Down Charge, Forward + Any Kick): An upward version of the Rolling Attack, useful for catching airborne opponents.
  • Backstep Rolling Attack (Half Circle Back + Any Kick): Blanka hops backward before launching forward in a curved trajectory, useful for dodging and counterattacking.
  • Aerial Rolling Attack (In the air, Back Charge, Forward + Any Punch): Allows Blanka to attack from the air, altering his jump trajectory for surprise attacks.
  • Wild Hunt (Quarter Circle Forward + Any Kick): A forward leap that ends with a grab, perfect for catching opponents off-guard.
  • Blanka-chan Bomb (Down, Down + Any Punch): Throws a small doll that can be electrified, creating setups for further attacks.
  • Rolling Cannon (After any rolling move, Any Direction + Any Punch): This move is available after activating the Lightning Beast, allowing up to three additional rolling attacks in different directions.

Super Arts

Blanka's Super Arts are powerful moves that can turn the tide of battle. These moves require careful timing and strategic setup to be fully effective.

  • Shout of Earth (Double Quarter Circle Forward + Any Punch): An electric strike that targets the ground around Blanka, affecting nearby opponents.
  • Lightning Beast (Double Quarter Circle Back + Any Punch): Enhances Blanka's rolling attacks, adding extra hits and increased damage.
  • Ground Shave Cannonball (Double Quarter Circle Forward + Any Kick): A long-range rolling attack that culminates in a cinematic hit, dealing significant damage especially when Blanka's vitality is low.

Each of these moves and attacks are integral to mastering Blanka in Street Fighter 6, allowing players to fully utilize his unique blend of agility and electric power.

Best Strategies for Blanka

Street Fighter 6 Best Strategies for Blanka

Mixing Pokes and Dashes

Blanka thrives on unpredictability, and one effective strategy involves a sporadic mix of pokes and dashes. This approach allows players to confuse opponents while enhancing Blanka's special moves. By avoiding whiffs and punishments, Blanka can gain space and time to charge his abilities. His strategy should remain focused on movement and surprise, capitalizing on sneaky combos to maintain pressure and control the pace of the match.

Cross-Up Setups

Cross-up setups are crucial for maximizing Blanka's offensive capabilities. Utilizing Blanka's Surprise Hop, which is a unique dash that propels him behind the enemy, players can create advantageous cross-up situations. This technique not only punishes whiffs but also keeps opponents guessing, making it difficult for them to predict and counter Blanka's next move. Proper execution of cross-up setups can lead to significant advantages in the heat of battle.

Using Blanka-chan Bombs

The Blanka-chan Bomb is a pivotal tool in Blanka's arsenal, providing both offensive and defensive benefits. By selecting the Blanka-chan Doll effect based on position, players can tailor their approach to the current fight dynamics. The doll can perform three unique attacks: rolling, bouncing, and leaping. Rolling is effective for breaking stances, bouncing serves as an anti-air tool, and leaping is ideal for knocking back cornered opponents. Strategically using the Blanka-chan Bomb can disrupt opponents' strategies and open up new combo opportunities, making it a versatile tool in Blanka's move set.

By integrating these strategies—mixing pokes and dashes, setting up cross-ups, and effectively using Blanka-chan Bombs—players can enhance their gameplay, making Blanka a formidable character in Street Fighter 6. Each strategy complements the others, providing a comprehensive approach to mastering Blanka's unique playstyle.

Combos and Execution

In Street Fighter 6, mastering Blanka involves not only understanding his move list but also executing his combos effectively. This section breaks down Blanka's combos into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels, helping players of all skill levels enhance their gameplay with this electrifying character.

Beginner Combos

For those new to playing Blanka, starting with simple combos is crucial. A foundational combo that is easy to execute involves light confirm attacks, which are less risky and provide a solid base for learning timing and positioning.

  1. Light Confirm Combo:

    • Combo: 2LK~2LP > 214P/[4]6MP
    • Damage: 1110/1430
    • Difficulty: Easy/Medium
    • Notes: This combo keeps the opponent close if it lands and is safe if blocked. The Medium Ball is more damaging but requires precise hit confirming as it's unsafe if blocked.
  2. Drive Rush Starter:

    • Combo: 2LK~2LP > Drive Rush Cancel > 5LK, 4MK, 2MK > [4]6MP/236236P
    • Damage: 1787/2123
    • Difficulty: Medium
    • Notes: This combo uses 3-Drive and an optional super to add extra damage. It's a great way to practice Drive Rush mechanics in a practical setting.

Intermediate Combos

As players become more comfortable with Blanka’s basics, they can start incorporating medium confirm combos that involve slightly more complex inputs and timing.

  1. Medium Confirm Combo:

    • Combo: 4MK, 2MK > 214P/[4]6MP
    • Damage: 1740/2060
    • Difficulty: Easy
    • Notes: This combo provides ample time to confirm into Blanka Ball or Electric, keeping Blanka close to the opponent or routing to SA2/3 based on the situation.
  2. Drive Rush Cancel Combo:

    • Combo: 4MK, 5MK > Drive Rush Cancel > 5HK, 5HP > 2PP~P, [2]8MK
    • Damage: 3068
    • Difficulty: Medium
    • Notes: This combo showcases the utility of Drive Rush Cancel, linking from medium attacks into a high-damage sequence, ideal for corner pressure.

Advanced Combos

Advanced combos maximize Blanka’s damage output and control over the battlefield, utilizing full capabilities of his move set including strategic use of the Blanka Doll for corner setups.

  1. Heavy Confirm Combo:

    • Combo: 5HP > 2PP~P, 214P/3HP/[2]8MK
    • Damage: 2040/2200/2440
    • Difficulty: Easy
    • Notes: A versatile combo that is frequently used in longer sequences where 5HP can be confirmed. It allows for various follow-ups, including setups with the Blanka Doll.
  2. Cross-Up Confirm Combo:

    • Combo: j.MK, 5HP > 2PP~P, [2]8MK
    • Damage: 2690/3168
    • Difficulty: Medium
    • Notes: Effective for hitting close to the ground or crouching opponents, this combo allows for standard HP routing and demonstrates the effectiveness of cross-up tactics in high-level play.

By systematically advancing through these levels, players can develop a robust repertoire of combos that enhance both their offensive and defensive gameplay with Blanka in Street Fighter 6. Each combo level builds upon the previous, ensuring a smooth progression in skill and execution.


Through the exploration of Blanka's comprehensive move list, unique playstyle, and diverse strategies, this guide has armed players with the knowledge necessary to master this electrifying contender in Street Fighter 6. Whether it's utilizing his quick mobility, deceptive tactics, or powerful combos, readers now understand the critical aspects of making Blanka a formidable force in the gaming arena. Moreover, the guide emphasized the importance of blending these techniques to exploit Blanka's full potential, ensuring players can navigate through combinations with confidence and strategic insight.

As players integrate these insights into their gameplay, they're encouraged to continue refining their skills and pushing the boundaries of what's possible with Blanka. Embracing the challenges and learning from each battle will not only enhance their proficiency but also elevate the overall experience of playing Street Fighter 6. Ultimately, this guide serves as a foundation upon which players can build their journey towards mastering Blanka, offering a path filled with growth, victories, and, most importantly, exhilarating battles that electrify the competition.




1. How do I perform Blanka's special moves in Street Fighter 6?

To execute Blanka's special moves:

  • Electricity: Rapidly tap any punch button.
  • Horizontal Roll: Hold away, then press forward and any punch button.
  • Vertical Roll: Hold down, then press up and any kick button.
  • Rainbow Roll: Hold away, then press forward and any kick button.
  • Super Killer Head Ram SUPER: Hold away, forward, back, forward, and any punch button.

2. What are some effective strategies for playing as Blanka in Street Fighter 6?

When playing as Blanka, consider the following strategies:

  • Utilize hops to create cross-up setups, allowing Blanka to appear behind the opponent.
  • Use standing or crouching medium punch (MP) to check opponents.
  • Finish combos with a slide, roll, or shock attack.
  • Choose the Blanka-Chan Doll effect based on your position relative to the opponent.
  • Keep your opponent guessing with varied attacks and movements.

3. Is Blanka a difficult character to master in Street Fighter 6?

Blanka is known for being a technically challenging and tricky character to play. Mastering him requires understanding his unique mechanics and strategies, which can be difficult but rewarding for skilled players.

4. How can I execute the Blanka roll move?

To perform the Blanka roll, charge backward then press forward and a punch button. Blanka will curl into a ball and rocket across the screen horizontally while spinning.

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