
This Balrog spacebar has literally made me realize I need to get a full set LOTR keycaps ASAP

Do you remember when you first saw the Balrog? I know. I do. Then comes a deep, guttural rumble. Gandalf's face is shown as he realizes what has awakened: "This enemy is beyond all of you."

This Balrog spacebar by Drop manages to capture a certain degree of the fearful awe and terror that this creature inspires. I felt when I saw the LOTR Demon for the first. It looks like Udun's flame is actually inside the keycap thanks to its 3D design.

Although, perhaps diminishing from the whole "awe" aspect, I suppose this would make for a miniaturised Balrog, which I might hesitatingly call kind of cute, in that angry-but-ineffectual small puppy kind of way.

You'll also get an Artisan Mithrandir (Gandalf) keycap, pipe in hand. You'll also receive an Artisan Mithrandir keycap with a pipe in hand. Both are quite a pair -- light vs. dark, and everything else.

It's a great combination. Balrogs, for those who don't know, are basically the same as Gandalf. Both are Maiar which are like angels according to Middle Earth lore. Balrogs, however, are those who were corrupted.

Drop hasn't been to Middle Earth before for its keycaps. It has previously produced LOTR keycaps with a Rohan theme. Andy described them as "essentially little LOTR Dioramas encased with resin" at the time. It looks like Drop has taken this approach once again with the Gandalf Keycap. The Balrog keycap also has a hint of 3D Resin.

I must admit, there is something cathartic in smashing the Balrog’s head with my thumb. It could help me overcome the trauma of being seven years old and witnessing what the Balrog had done (I won't talk about it).

I worry that if i buy these, i'll have to decorate the rest of my keyboard in LOTR keycaps. I don't think I could do half-hog. It's not a bad idea after all. When is pay day again?

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