
1979 Revolution: Black Friday Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

24 Positive Reviews(88.9%)
1 Mixed Reviews(3.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Digitally Downloaded April 27, 2016
Taken on its own, this may be one of the most important games created in terms of historical significance, and in blending life events, narrative and cultural immersion, captures the essential truth of the human experience.
Hooked Gamers April 19, 2016
iNK Stories Studio has raised the bar in real-world based narrative, and it will be exciting to see what they deliver next.
Ragequit.gr April 7, 2016
More intensely personal than any interactive movie you’ve played in years, Black Friday fearlessly explores one of the least visited pages of 20th century history. The first time you held a rock in your hand, it changed you forever. This is emotional, personal storytelling at it’s finest. Even better, it makes a bold statement about the fact that there is world history outside the sphere of Western propaganda.
GamingTrend April 13, 2016
1979 Revolution: Black Friday tells the story of the Iranian Revolution in the year within the title. It’s a beautiful, heart-wrenching story that makes you quickly fall for every character on screen.
GameGrin May 9, 2016
There are minigames which break up the constant narrative, such as bandaging someone up and taking tons of photos, but ultimately 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is much more of an interactive story than a game. It just so happens to be a story which is so well written and performed, that it will make you wonder about yourself as a person.
Pelit (Finland) June 14, 2016
1979 Revolution is an important game about a little known topic. Equally riveting, moving and educational.
Multiplayer.it April 19, 2016
Revolution 1979: Black Friday is a good historical adventure game that hit the player with its beautiful and dramatic narrative.
COGconnected April 20, 2016
Accurate in its execution and complex in its politics, 1979 Revolution may have its flaws, but its faults do not overshadow its success of a nuanced portrayal of a history and its people.
DarkZero April 11, 2016
1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a game for those interested in history being depicted in an interactive format and it succeeds in providing that information but it also succeeds in providing a look into another person’s culture. There is not many games that attempt to do this and do it with the touches of compassion that are clear in the game.
ICXM April 18, 2016
1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a great game that gives an in-depth look at one of the many revolutions that occurred in Iran. Looking at the technical aspect of the game, it does have a few flaws. But since the main objective of the game is to go into more detail regarding what happened and how things were during this revolution, I must be honest and say that it serves its purpose well.
Washington Post April 21, 2016
Along with games like Cibele and That Dragon, Cancer, 1979 Revolution sets a new path for games by providing a template for how the medium can tell stories grounded in ordinary life.
4Players.de April 22, 2016
It shows some flaws in terms of interactive storytelling, but nonetheless 1979 delivers a tense political thriller with strong characters.
Arcade Sushi April 22, 2016
It’s not a schoolbook history lesson and shouldn’t be taken as such. Rather, it is a powerful take on historical events that was inspired by personal accounts, documents, and study.
IGN April 22, 2016
Despite some inconsequential decision-making and visual roughness, the amount of heart, character, and unflinching honesty in 1979 Revolution’s short two-hour tale is impressive. As an Iranian-American myself, it’s incredibly refreshing to not only see this subject matter explored, but done so in a smart and sensitive way that succeeds in educating as much as entertaining.
Gameplanet April 26, 2016
1979 Revolution: Black Friday is a groundbreaking game, not in terms of gameplay, but in its depiction of real historical events in an accurate, thoughtful manner, and its exploration of a genre rarely touched by video games.
Like a good film, 1979 Revolution often makes you feel like you’re witnessing real events, or at least an accurate depiction of those events.
Gamer.nl May 10, 2016
Revolution: Black Friday is a very excellent use of a modern medium like video games to share an exciting and important moment in Iran's history.
PC PowerPlay May 28, 2016
A little too abrupt to be entirely satisfying, 1979 Revolution is still a powerful and memorable slice of history.
Game Informer June 1, 2016
Though the poorly designed action sequences and occasionally technical shoddiness drag the whole experience down, 1979 Revolution: Black Friday is still a quality adventure game that tells a gripping story about people struggling to survive the times and bring about change.
Eurogamer Italy September 4, 2018
A docu-game where the line between right and wrong is never clear nor defined. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday tells a brief but though story with great emphasis on players choices and moral ambiguity. Outdated graphics limit the game potential, but its story and its characters hit the target.