The 3rd Birthday Critic Reviews
56 Total Reviews
35 Positive Reviews(62.5%)
21 Mixed Reviews(37.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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March 28, 2011
Those who have been longing for years for a Parasite Eve sequel could get slightly dissapointed by The 3rd Birthday, which continues the story, but not the gameplay, becoming a more linear and repetitive game, focused almost only on combat. But it is a great action game, with lots of customization options and a good control scheme.
Game Chronicles
June 27, 2011
Expect 15-20 hours of gameplay just to get through the game and that's not including any replays for secrets, alternate paths, or checking out any of the secrets or unlocks. The 3rd Birthday rivals a lot of console action-RPG's these days, and while it probably would have played better and received a wider audience on the PS3, I have to commend Square Enix for publishing a fantastic sequel and an exceptional gameplay experience on the PSP that any fan of the genre or the series should definitely check out.
March 25, 2011
A great game, no question. It has depth, great production values throughout (despite the disappointing script) and the raw mechanics give PSP gamers a mostly satisfying RPG-shooter despite the system's inherent flaws.
April 11, 2011
This is the calibre of game that you would expect to be coming out for the PSP at this point in time. With unique features, nail biting battle and an interesting story concept The Third Birthday is more than worth the purchase.
Game Revolution
May 3, 2011
If you can get past the difficulty swings, The 3rd Birthday is a surprisingly fun experience. It's pretty; it's easy to dive into (a pun!); and the story is told in such a way that it's easy to follow… especially for a Square-Enix game!
March 28, 2011
The movies are eye-candy, the plot is okay and some role-play elements have found their way into the game. Unbelievable what Square Enix is able to do with the PSP nowadays.
March 29, 2011
Not a game that's best suited to the PSP but, if you can look past its refusal to adapt itself to a handheld console, The 3rd Birthday is a rich, engaging experience.
March 28, 2011
The 3rd Birthday is different from its elder brothers, being an action-based adventure with few RPG elements. Although the visuals are stunning, the gameplay suffers from a few glitches, along with the metaphysical storyline, that has nothing to do with the original Parasite Eve titles. This said, it's a great buy if you're looking for an interesting game with a beautiful empty-minded protagonist.
March 29, 2011
It's likely that most of the old time followers of the series will be put off by the extremely shooter-driven gameplay - but despite having the structure of something very standard, the game has a deceptively creative centre.
April 1, 2011
The 3rd Birthday is not a true Parasite Eve sequel: it does not continue the original story of the saga, and it also has a gameplay different from the predecessors. But the same is a great action game, with lots of customization options, a good control system and some good RPG elements that enhance the game.
April 1, 2011
Aya Brea puts its origins to rest in order to provide a third person action title full of thrills, quite dynamic, and appealing. There's also blame to be passed, on the light and not really consistent story for example, a camera system that's not beyond reproach, and a short lifespan, but overall, it does succeed in providing excellent action.
Playstation: The Official Magazine (US)
April 15, 2011
Mostly, though, Birthday is about shooting the hell out of big gruesome monsters. This might be all the meaning most of us require.
Eurogamer Portugal
May 6, 2011
The 3rd Birthday may not be what fans wanted, however, it is still a good game.
Worth Playing
May 23, 2011
The combat seems deceptively simple, but it becomes pretty hectic and involved as you progress through the missions. The Overdive ability is pretty unique, and jumping from soldier to soldier to flank an enemy works really well. The controls are easy to use on the PSP, and like most Square Enix titles on PSP, the game looks amazing. It's definitely worth checking out for PSP owners who are hungry for new games on their handheld. I absolutely suggest checking it out, even if you have no prior experience with the Parasite Eve series. The gameplay is what really sells this game, though, so don't come into this title expecting to be wowed by the future exploits of Aya Brea.
March 22, 2012
The 3rd Birthday is still one of my favorite PSP titles, and playing it again on the Vita just re-enforced my love of the series. Once PSOne titles start working on the Vita I can finally have my Aya Brea trilogy in one place to play at my leisure, and while this new game is a radical departure as far as gameplay is concerned, it still fits right in with the theme of the series as a whole.
PSX Extreme
March 30, 2011
The 3rd Birthday has a lot going for it, but it falls short of being a top-notch production due to significant control issues, a high level of frustration, and a main character that looks and sounds great, but doesn't contribute much.
Cheat Code Central
April 5, 2011
The 3rd Birthday is fun, if not quite Parasite Eve. You may have to dig for its value at times, though the tough gameplay is eventually rewarding.
March 30, 2011
Quality issues aside, it's a fun 3D shoot-'em-up, and the PSP could use a few more of those.