
The 7th Guest Critic Reviews

4 Total Reviews

2 Positive Reviews(50%)
2 Mixed Reviews(50%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameZone January 31, 2011
Trilobyte has once again granted the world a memorable game, and it's great that these devices have given the developer the ability to revive this long-dead game.
Slide to Play January 31, 2011
The 7th Guest is a terrific trip down memory lane. It's also a totally decent puzzle game, even if you might need to consult a walkthrough occasionally.
Multiplayer.it January 31, 2011
The 7th Guest is seventeen years old and it shows its age in a bad way. The problem is not only in its ancient technical aspect but in the puzzles too. These are just a few, nearly 20, and are extremely difficult to understand.
AppSpy March 12, 2011
The 7th Guest is almost exclusively destined for iOS devices of fans of the original release and while the challenge is certainly worthy of modern audiences, the way in which the narrative is presented is not.