
88 heroes Critic Reviews

8 Total Reviews

7 Positive Reviews(87.5%)
1 Mixed Reviews(12.5%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Critical Hit March 29, 2017
Rock-solid design with a somewhat annoying user interface that wobbles between novel and intrusive, 88 Heroes is a platformer with heart and personality that’ll have you wondering who you’re gonna call when Doctor H8 rocks up to threaten the world. Spoiler: Anyone another than this lovable collection of misfit vigilantes.
God is a Geek April 5, 2017
88 Heroes is a fun, chaotic platformer where 88 is king. You have 88 minutes to complete 88 rooms, you have 88 seconds to complete each room and have an army of 88 characters to play with. With a lot of unique and funny heroes on offer, 88 Heroes is a nice bit of platforming goodness.
Vandal March 20, 2017
It's addictive, strange and interesting. Maybe a little bit too much for some players, but we've really enjoyed this crazy platformer.
Areajugones March 21, 2017
88 Heroes is a very complete game: original, entertaining and offers great challenges in some parts of it. Sometimes it has issues that affect the experience, but this does not mean that you cannot enjoy this game.
Video Chums March 24, 2017
There's no denying that 88 Heroes is an innovative and ultimately enjoyable take on 2D platforming. However, its fun factor relies almost entirely on your willingness to persevere through its often infuriating campaign setup so make sure you have a spare controller.
IGN Spain March 29, 2017
88 Heroes is almost an experiment. An irreverent & crazy experience full of speed, characters and a very sharp sense of humor. Sadly, it's a very short title.
PlayStation Country March 30, 2017
88 Heroes makes a great first impression with its old-school platforming game mechanics and sense of humour. Ultimately, the gameplay and the jokes wear a little thin but this is still well worth checking out.
CGMagazine April 12, 2017
88 Heroes is a game that puts referential humor over bland platforming and little else.