99Vidas Critic Reviews
11 Total Reviews
3 Positive Reviews(27.3%)
7 Mixed Reviews(63.6%)
1 Negative Reviews(9.1%)
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Digital Chumps
August 16, 2017
Anyway, there is enough separation here with the usual blueprint for this genre to make 99Vidas worth a go. As gameplay goes, it’s easy to pick up and play, as well as stupid fun from beginning to end. 99Vidas makes me want to break open my old Streets of Rage game and have another go with it. It shows that games like that still have legs and can be exciting to play.
Push Square
July 23, 2017
99Vidas is an affectionate homage to scrolling beat em ups of the 80s and 90s. It’s also a fun game to spend an afternoon with, regardless of age and skill. There’s not a lot of content and you can run through the story mode in a few hours, but local and online co-op, unlockable characters, and the promise of more levels should give it some lasting appeal.
August 9, 2017
A nice throwback to an old classic, though its short length and a limited amount of fighting options are flaws to be taken into account.
Video Chums
August 6, 2017
99Vidas is a fairly solid throwback to classic beat 'em ups. The fact that it doesn't take itself seriously will leave a smile on your face while the annoying aspects may take away that joy in an instant.
PlayStation Universe
July 24, 2017
99 Vidas is a perfectly charming, if uneven take on the side-scrolling brawler that spends far too much time with one eye on the past rather than looking to the future of the genre.
New Game Network
August 28, 2017
If Double Dragon, Final Fight, Streets of Rage or Golden Axe were your go-to coin-ops on childhood trips to the arcade, 99Vidas might well resurface some fond, pre-millennium memories. But alas, nostalgia only gets a game so far, and once the thrill-ride is over, there’s very little reason to return for a second playthrough.
Digitally Downloaded
July 27, 2017
99Vidas is a perfectly competent brawler game that does nothing to reinvent the genre, but is a solid enough example of it. Short without a lot of variety, I wish the story and main characters were more interesting, but at least the visual style suits it and the music is fantastic.
August 3, 2017
This genre is for a special crowd of players that either love the genre or have loved it since they were kids. They’re not the deepest experiences, and they are definably better with friends. Playing alone can be a bit of a drag, as some levels go on longer then needed. Though bring a few friends, get on the couch, have some snacks and enjoy a few hours of old school arcade fun. Sometimes that’s all you need.
PlayStation Country
December 11, 2017
99Vidas appeals to a very specific market and manages to accurately recreate the scrolling beat ‘em ups of yesteryear, both positive and negative. If you have fond memories of these kinds of games this will fill a space for you, but wont necessarily leave you satisfied. I really like the games style and overall sense of fun, but in aping the games of the past it has failed to offer an enjoyable modern experience.
Gaming Age
October 26, 2017
It’s a retro beat-em-up — nothing more, nothing less. If you’re not into those, this won’t be of interest to you, but if that’s something that’s been missing from your life all these years, then by all means check it out.
August 4, 2017
The high difficulty curve and unbalanced enemy vs player interaction in addition to all of its issues make it hard to recommend 99Vidas to even the most enthusiastic beat-’em-up fan. This title tries to stay afloat on nostalgia for old favorites in the genre, but not only does it miss the target, it makes errors that this genre learned to avoid long ago.