
A Normal Lost Phone Critic Reviews

10 Total Reviews

8 Positive Reviews(80%)
2 Mixed Reviews(20%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Nintendojo March 1, 2018
It’s the kind of game that lingers with you, and it’s one I imagine will remain with me for some time. It’s experimental in a way I’ve rarely seen before, truly offering some clever uses for the Switch platform. Some will decry the game for its encouraged voyeurism, but developer Accidental Queens truly seems to be making an attempt at doing something different while addressing a topic rarely seen in video games, or on Nintendo systems at all, for that matter. Personally, I think that’s admirable, and I certainly hope A Normal Lost Phone encourages similar titles to appear on the eShop in the future. It won’t be for everyone, but it’s one of the most unique games currently available on Switch.
Digitally Downloaded March 13, 2018
There are not many games in this world that I can say actually made me grow as a person, but A Normal Lost Phone is definitely one of those titles.
Nintenderos March 2, 2018
A Normal Lost Phone tells a story of visibility about a group that frequently goes unnoticed in the heteropatriarchal society in which we live. It's a good sample of how the video game medium can act as valid artistic expression in order to make society more sensitive to its more cancerous problems.
God is a Geek March 8, 2018
On paper, this seems like the definitive version because you get all interaction options but while the developers have done their best for the platform, I still think the best way to play this game is on iOS or Android on a phone. If you want an interesting experience on the Switch and don’t want to play on iOS or Android, this game is absolutely worth your time with its low asking price.
Cubed3 April 27, 2018
Emotional, alluring, and compelling from start to finish, A Normal Lost Phone is a phenomenal visual novel that takes full advantage of Nintendo Switch in a creative way, while telling a story with a genuinely powerful message. The investigative elements are gripping and require a sincere attention to detail, and the soundtrack is appropriately atmospheric for mobile phone sleuthing.
NintendoWorldReport March 1, 2018
A Normal Lost Phone does a lot of things right: unlocking story bits is interesting, the phone premise pays off, and the atmosphere sells Sam’s character. Seeing such delicate subject matter in a game is nice, but the end game felt a bit preachy without offering anything too helpful. I would definitely play another phone-snooping game with more surprises in the story as I wasn’t blown away by any revelations here.
GameCritics March 5, 2018
As a straight cis man, I acknowledge that I’m not the authoritative voice on any of this. However, while I’m mixed on how well A Normal Lost Phone conveys its intended message, the game’s design is too interesting to dismiss, and it’s so short and cheap that anyone who’s curious can (and should) come to their own conclusions.
Nintendo Insider April 8, 2018
I can’t understate how important it is that this game exists and the awareness that it will raise.
COGconnected March 2, 2018
While the game itself is easily completed within two hours, the ending feels satisfying and leaves you a bit warm and fuzzy inside.
Nintendo Life February 28, 2018
A Normal Lost Phone is a tough game to recommend. The concept is intriguing and there’s a genuinely interesting narrative at the center of the experience, but it’s all so fraught by poor execution and mediocre presentation that we can hardly suggest you pick this one up. You could do a whole lot worse for three bucks, but you’re also getting exactly what you pay for and nothing more. If you have some credit leftover in your account from another eShop purchase and feel like distracting yourself with a mildly entertaining adventure game, this one may be worth a look, but you’d best take a pass.