
Advent Rising Critic Reviews

50 Total Reviews

28 Positive Reviews(56%)
21 Mixed Reviews(42%)
1 Negative Reviews(2%)

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Gamezilla! May 6, 2024
Ultimately, all of these elements, gameplay, visual design, and even an orchestral soundtrack, are all brought together to support an ambitious narrative that starts with the opening of the game, and doesn't end even once the credits roll. In one word, the story in this game is compelling.
GamePro May 6, 2024
There are minor disappointments - the vehicles can't compare to those of Halo 2, and some of the environments are a bit bland amid the stylized design and saturated colors of others - but the end sum experience is so engaging and empowering that you'll easily forgive the shortcomings.
Game Chronicles May 6, 2024
Advent Rising is interactive fiction at its finest. This is what "Halo" wanted to be; hell, it's what "Star Wars" wanted to be. Orson can write circles around George Lucas when it comes to stories, characters, and dialogue.
Xbox World Australia May 6, 2024
I loved every minute of Advent Rising and haven't been sucked into a sci-fi game like this since the original "Halo" game.
Gaming Illustrated May 6, 2024
Great storyline, great originality, great sound.
GameZone May 6, 2024
You do get used to the lag and the interesting controls, but darn it if this title isn't fun. Hopefully the second in the series will tie up those lag issues.
Yahoo! May 6, 2024
Glyphyx bit off a little more than it could chew, as the bugs and hiccups show. Still, the developer dishes out a thrilling tale with varied gameplay that will keep you immersed through the end.
Games Radar May 6, 2024
If technical difficulties like a choppy framerate and a maddening enemy targeting system didn't get in the way, this would be one of the year's best games. As it stands, however, it's a darn good one.
AceGamez May 6, 2024
An impressive title and the involving storyline means that before too long you're playing it well into the night and forgetting to eat, work, or even make it to the bathroom.
Play Magazine May 6, 2024
A few rough edges aside, Advent Rising is gaming's latest and most promising future epic.
All told, Advent Rising does a whole lot more right than it does wrong. If this really is the first of a trilogy, we'll be first in line for the next installment.
BonusStage May 6, 2024
What's clear is Orson Scott Card's story is stirring, the visuals can be sweeping and fantastic at times, the masterful score is award-worthy, and I can't wait to see the next chapter.
Xbox Solution May 6, 2024
For some it may be a bit short but the cinematic scenes and the artwork are something to see.
Maxim Online May 6, 2024
The game's unique flick-targeting system-"flick" the right control stick towards an enemy and you're automatically locked on-takes some getting used to, but actually frees up the triggers and face buttons, meaning you've got plenty of options when it's time to dole out ass-bootings.
Talk Xbox May 6, 2024
The amazing music helps sooth the pain when there's a frame-rate drop, but when you get stuck in an invisible wall there's nothing that can help the torment you'll be experiencing. In a nutshell, Advent Rising is under-polished, under-developed, and just doesn't play like a finished product.
TeamXbox May 6, 2024
Quite simply, is a very good action game that lacks the polish needed to be considered a "must-have" title.
XboxAddict May 6, 2024
The game is a great rent, but a weak buy. If the trilogy ends up being amazing, then you have to own the first one, just to have the whole collection, but other than that, give this one a rent and when the second one comes out, you can buy it used for 15 bucks.
IGN May 6, 2024
If gamers are willing to adjust to the flick targeting system and forgive the poor framerate, it has a lot to offer in terms of gameplay, story, and sound. I was able to ignore these technical shortcomings in most areas and enjoy the excellent cut-scenes and character development.
Game Informer May 6, 2024
It's a bit like a first album by a band you know will go on to record a classic. All the elements are there - they just need a little polish.
IC-Games May 6, 2024
It is a good game, and won't annoy you instantly, only when it comes to those extreme combat situations when you don't want the glitchy physics to come into effect.