
Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon Because I DON'T KNOW! Critic Reviews

14 Total Reviews

0 Positive Reviews(0%)
8 Mixed Reviews(57.1%)
6 Negative Reviews(42.9%)

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LaPS4 November 25, 2013
It will be thoroughly enjoyed by the show's fans, although any adult giving it a try wouldn't be as excited. Co-op mode makes it the ideal game to spend an evening with the family, even though WayForward didn't make the most of the show's license.
Games Master UK December 25, 2013
Fans will get a kick out of it, but anyone else would be advised to try the glorious cartoon instead.
3DJuegos November 22, 2013
Quotation forthcoming.
RPGamer December 1, 2013
If the game wasn't crippled by its glitches and save data wiping, there is an entertaining experience to be had.
XGN December 27, 2013
The show Adventure Time is funny, quirky and even heartwarming at some times. It’s a shame the game is the opposite of that and just plain old boring. There is too little variation in the game and with a hundred levels; it’ll be difficult to get through the game.
AusGamers November 29, 2013
It’s a shame that Explore the Dungeon, despite its adherence to maintaining the characters’ personalities and its clear admiration of the source material, misses the point of what makes Adventure Time work. It’s a lazy piece of design, one that has no business carrying a $60 price tag when it feels like it could have been ripped straight from a browser.
Eurogamer November 15, 2013
What's most frustrating is that with more enemies, more graceful control and a more compelling structure, there's no reason why a retro-styled Adventure Time roguelike couldn't have been an absolute treat and a game worthy of the show.
Eurogamer Spain December 10, 2013
The emotion of an Adventure Time episode is replaced for apathy in a game not worthy of this great animated series.
IGN December 6, 2013
Unlike the show it’s based on, it’s both deeply boring and devoid of imagination. For a real sense of adventure, play Spelunky.
Push Square November 19, 2013
It's not entirely without entertainment value – kids will no doubt get a kick out of the license – but its longevity to even the most faithful followers is severely limited. We've got no time for this adventure.
God is a Geek November 20, 2013
The authenticity to the series shown in the cutscenes and the general presentation would be enough to make an average game a little more attractive to fans – but, sadly, this is way below an average game.
Impulsegamer January 2, 2014
A show as delightfully zany as Adventure Time deserves much better that this bland and uninspired pastiche of top-down dungeon crawler mechanics and the brief flashes of irreverent humour and charm that appear throughout can’t save this rushed and dull waste of a license.
A browser game on a disc.
games(TM) January 23, 2014
It's not broken, it's just dull. A disservice to the excellent franchise.