February 4, 2016

Adventures of Mana

Adventures of Mana
Based on 18 Reviews
Release date
February 4, 2016


Enshrined atop Mt. Illusia, high above the lofty clouds, stands the Tree of Mana. Drawing its life energy from the boundless celestial aether, the sentinel grows in silence. Legend holds that he who lays his hands upon its trunk will be granted power eternal - a power the Dark Lord of Glaive now seeks to further fuel his bloody quest for domination.

Our unlikely hero is one of countless gladiators indentured to the Duchess of Glaive. Each day, he and his ill-fated companions are dragged from their cells and bade to fight exotic beasts for the amusement of the Dark Lord. If victorious, they are thrown back into the dungeons with just enough bread to tide them over until their next match. But a body can only take so much, and it is never long before the weary captives succumb to their cruel fates.

Adventures of Mana Trailer

Mana Series Games13

August 29, 2003
Sword of Mana
February 15, 2018
Secret of Mana
April 24, 2020
Trials of Mana
July 15, 1999
Legend of Mana
June 28, 1991
Final Fantasy Adventure
March 2, 2006
Children of Mana
December 21, 2006
Dawn of Mana
March 8, 2007
Heroes of Mana
March 6, 2014
Rise of Mana

Critic Reviews18

I played some of the original Final Fantasy Adventure but never completed it. Now that I've played Adventures of Mana, I don't think playing the original again will ever be necessary. Square Enix originally made this version for mobile phones, which perhaps explains why not much was changed. It's still a minimally-altered rendition of something I wasn't enthralled with in the first place. Many others have much more affection for the original than I do, and will doubtless be overjoyed that Square Enix allows them to play it on a modern platform without rendering any memories of how to progress inaccurate through alterations. Those hoping for something more akin to certain acclaimed later installments of the series, or a title that plays in a fashion better taking advantage of the Vita's capabilities, will be disappointed.
June 21, 2017
Quotation forthcoming.
September 9, 2016
To be sure, I never fully understood the end goal of what I was doing in Adventures of Mana. But, for whatever reason, that didn't bother me all that much. I can't say that the game has given me any insight whatsoever into why Final Fantasy — or even the Mana franchise — has endured for so long, but I can definitely say that if I'm looking for an easy-to-pickup RPG to play on the go, this is a game that's right near the top of my list.
August 24, 2016

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