
Aegis Defenders Critic Reviews

23 Total Reviews

18 Positive Reviews(78.3%)
5 Mixed Reviews(21.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Nintendo Life February 12, 2018
Aegis Defenders is a fantastic game, brilliantly blending the tower defense and platforming genres in a unique way to produce a memorable and enjoyable experience. Lovable characters, interesting lore, plenty of secrets, engaging gameplay, and gorgeous presentation combine to make this a must-have title for your Switch. We would recommend this to anybody looking for a detailed world to immerse themselves in, or to somebody looking for that next game to play through with a friend. Aegis Defenders is a real gem on the eShop; don’t miss out on this one.
NintendoWorldReport February 8, 2018
Dripping with a fanciful charm, Aegis Defenders is a joyous blend of puzzle platforming and tower defense. While it starts slow, it’s an artful fusion of two somewhat disparate genres that comes together as a beautiful whole near the end, making it well worth a look in the crowded Switch eShop.
Destructoid February 8, 2018
Barring some unfortunate bugs and one design decision that hampered my experience, Aegis Defenders is a smooth, well-thought-out ride. The original art, charm, and in-game universe only add to it, and I'd love to see more.
XGN February 19, 2018
Aegis Defenders is a unique and literal mix of platform action and tower defense. The game challenges you with puzzles and ends each level with an attack you have to repel. This makes the game great and entertaining, though it's not perfect.
God is a Geek February 23, 2018
Aegis Defenders takes two genres I like on their own and blends them together to create a memorable and fun experience that absolutely shines in co-op.
COGconnected February 12, 2018
A tightly, well-crafted game that bridges the action platformer genre with tower defense elements. In doing so, the gameplay elements were noticeably intuitive and the various mechanics all contributed to the overall polish of the game.
DarkZero February 8, 2018
It may sound like I’m dishing out a lot of praise but I think just ‘fun’ describes Aegis Defenders quite perfectly. It’s hardly the best game anyone has ever played but it is charming and great to pick up and play for a stage or two at a time – also making it another game suited incredibly well for the Switch, especially considering the multiplayer aspect. Whilst it’s a short experience story-wise, it’s certainly a pleasant one (providing the frenzied gameplay doesn’t drive anyone mad) and, as mentioned, there is replayability in the harder modes.
The Digital Fix February 8, 2018
A charming set of characters in a post apocalyptic world help to keep the player interested in this fascinating combination of action platformer and tower defence game. While the pace can feel a little off in places overall the game is a lot of fun and the splitscreen co op is a brilliant inclusion to keep you playing through,
Vooks February 8, 2018
Aegis Defenders has a lot going for it. If you’re looking for a platformer that has heaps of old-school elements to it, that feel is captured well here. GUTS has managed to combine two different styles of gameplay well to make a fun game, helped along by interesting characters you’ll get to know along the way. Whether you play this in single player or with a friend there’s plenty to enjoy. Aegis Defenders is worth checking out.
Pocket Gamer UK February 9, 2018
While it might sound like a mush of ideas that shouldn't work together, Aegis Defenders is actually pretty brilliant.
Nintenderos March 3, 2018
It finds an equilibrium between all the ideas that it brings together. The tower defense sections work well after having beaten small 2.5D metroidvania-type platforming levels.
Switch Player March 19, 2018
Aegis Defenders manages to avoid the boredom found on some tower defense games by mixing it up with action and platforming elements. Its complexity and depth of strategy doesn’t lose its light even with its somewhat convoluted controls. With its top-notch pixel art style and charming narrative, it delivers an entertaining and unique experience.
Nintendo Insider April 16, 2018
The visuals are sumptuous and eye-popping with colour. The design of the worlds and characters could have played into the tropes we’ve seen a thousand times before, but each feels wonderfully original. This accompanies a gentle and subtle soundtrack that perfectly fits the overall style and package. This is definitely a game worth exploring.
GameSpace February 8, 2018
Aegis Defenders is out now on just about everything, but it plays really well on the Switch which is where I tested it. For $20, I’d say it’s recommended if you’re into Tower Defense or action platforming games even mildly. If they can frustrate you or turn you away, don’t bother. This isn’t up your alley.
TrueGaming February 13, 2018
Aegis Defenders is a very fun experience especially if you are playing cooperatively, but the action platforming segments felt too short and the game was a bit slow at the beginning.
Multiplayer.it March 4, 2018
Quotation forthcoming.
Worth Playing February 12, 2018
Aegis Defenders is a beautiful game with an intriguing concept and fun gameplay, but it can be rough around the edges, the platforming isn't necessarily something to write home about. Playing alone can feel quite stressful and unfair. Aegis Defenders is best when it pins you in an arena with a buddy at your side and waves of enemies to tackle. In those instances, it provides more than enough gameplay and fun to justify its $20 price tag.
Gameblog.fr February 19, 2018
In the end, Aegis Defenders proves to be a solid title with appealing visuals and well-established mechanics. More gripping in its co-op mode, this twelve-hour campaign can be a harsh journey if you try to fulfill it on your own.
Wccftech February 17, 2018
With great art and an interesting idea at its core, Aegis Defenders still would have needed quite a bit more refinement to really stand out.
Digitally Downloaded February 8, 2018
If the developers were to take the tower defence sections and spin that into an entire, dedicated game, Aegis Defenders could be really something worthwhile. That side of the game is truly enjoyable. But it's let down by trying to be something more than that, and the platforming and "exploration" elements just don't gel well with the good stuff to make this game as cohesive as it needed to be.