
After the Fall Critic Reviews

20 Total Reviews

15 Positive Reviews(75%)
4 Mixed Reviews(20%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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KeenGamer April 17, 2023
After the Fall performs well in the gameplay department. The guns feel great, enemies are terrifying and diverse, and the 80s Apocalyptic setting of a frozen Los Angeles feels amazing to play around in. Vertigo Games has innovated on their already successful mechanics from Arizona Sunshine, taking a page from Left 4 Dead, while raising all aspects of production quality. Grinding in After the Fall is fun and worthwhile, and the multiplayer aspect works well in VR.
The Games Machine January 2, 2022
Grab some Left 4 Dead, a splash of the much-loved arcade VR flavor, and mix it up with a hefty dose of frozen zombie apocalypse. The result will be After the Fall: not a perfect game – variety could use some work, especially – but the best action co-op ever developed in virtual reality, thanks to the experience and talent of one of the most skilled studios when it comes to injecting adrenaline and fun in VR.
Android Central December 9, 2021
After the Fall is a 4-player co-op zombie shooter that pits players against the Snowbreed, a unique family of zombies that enjoy residence in post-apocalyptic snow-ridden LA. A glorious 80's setting with plenty of tropes fills the halls of this arcade shooter, begging players to kill more zombies in order to upgrade weapons and trudge through more difficult levels alongside their friends, all in the comfort of your favorite VR headset.
Screen Rant December 10, 2021
Although After the Fall can be repetitive, it shines in its multiplayer capabilities and cross-platform options. Players can connect with their friends in VR to take out hordes of Snowbreed and challenge their skills against enemies like the Smasher, a massive Snowbreed monster with ice armor and a hammer-like arm. After the Fall is reminiscent of Left 4 Dead or Back 4 Blood's gameplay, but with an added level of immersion in VR that makes it a thrilling zombie-fighter experience.
GAMES.CH December 17, 2021
After The Fall is definitely a very entertaining VR game: with cracking action, great co-op and a terrific technical implementation. Whether it can motivate in the long term will depend on whether future updates can provide enough variety.
Hey Poor Player December 17, 2021
If you’re a fan of Left 4 Dead and VR shooters, then After The Fall comes easily recommended. Its cross-platform co-op is an absolute blast regardless of which platform you’re playing on. And when it comes to replay value, the game’s loot and upgrade systems will keep you coming back for more as you work to craft the ultimate arsenal of zombie-killing hardware. Still, I can’t help but wish the game had just a little bit more to offer players out of the gate. Depending on which difficulty you choose, you can barrel through its five stages in just a few hours. And with just a handful of zombie types to encounter, things can start to feel a little repetitive after a while. Still, if you’re looking for Left 4 Dead-style thrills on your favorite headset, After The Fall is as close as you’re going to get, and a solid addition to any VR gamer’s library.
Road to VR December 23, 2021
After the Fall executes its vision of Left 4 Dead in VR with gusto, as it brings much of what made Valve's four-player co-op great back 2008. There's still room for improvement when it comes to enemy variation and object interaction, but fans of arcade shooters may have a hard time knocking it on this alone, as it competently brings PC, PSVR, and Quest 2 in one big cross-platform splatter fest.
TierraGamer January 20, 2022
After the Fall delivers on its promise of an action shooter game in virtual reality, however, its lack of content rapidly makes the experience repetitive and tedious.
GameSpace May 12, 2022
A fantastic VR horde shooter that channels everything we love about the genre into a title that leaves the competition for dead.
God is a Geek June 7, 2022
The simple mission structure, replyability and overall catharsis of After the Fall make it a triumph of VR gaming.
Hobby Consolas December 9, 2021
It lacks content on release (more will be coming free in next months), but even that doesn't prevent it of being a great "Left 4 Dead in virtual reality", very enjoyable with friends thanks to cross platform play. All works like it should, and putting the grinding element aside, It's a game we'll keep playing regularly in short bursts.
Meristation June 21, 2022
A confident coop VR zombie shooter that manages to punch well above its weight thanks to a satisfying feel to its mechanics.
ZTGD February 11, 2022
Like I said at the outset, After the Fall is a fun game albeit a very short one. Yes, there is an extra PvP Team-Deathmatch mode that is moderately fun if you like VR multiplayer shooters. I found it very passable, no real issue other than I just want a fan; but if you like the VR shooters like Pavlov among many others then you may have some fun in the deathmatch. The story for the game is really just an excuse to team up with friends, and that’s ok because whether you play with friends or random folks like me After the Fall does enough to make your time spent with it feel enjoyable; and really isn’t that all we really want from our video games?
Gaming Nexus December 20, 2021
After the Fall works best when four players are working together against hordes of swarming baddies. The shrieks and gun shots are exactly where you want them to be. But the game is held back some by a limited number of levels and some fiddly UI design. Still absolutely worth a look, but with the understanding that some refinements and more content are still on the way.
Worth Playing December 21, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed After the Fall for what it is: a VR Left 4 Dead clone with satisfying gameplay and some cool social VR settings that lay a solid foundation for the future. However, we don't know what that future looks like yet since we don't know how much content Vertigo will release in the coming years — and at what price. The included content is the bare minimum, and the game has a few issues to iron out before I can recommend it. That said, if you've been itching for co-op fun with some friends in VR regardless of the platform, AtF is a good choice if you can see pasts its numerous minor shortcomings at launch.
CGMagazine December 16, 2021
After The Fall stays alive with top-notch VR zombie shooting, but gameplay isn't enough to make up for a lack of variety and shockingly light content at launch.
SECTOR.sk January 24, 2022
This is just a shallow imitation of other co-op games, that wants to take advantage of the absence of similar games in virtual reality.
Hooked Gamers February 1, 2022
After the Fall works well for the most part, giving players a VR version of Left 4 Dead. The gunplay and reloading mechanics are smooth and allow for immersion and tension as the hordes of zombies approach your small band. The user interface is well laid out and it is fun to shoot these undead with the small range of weapons at your disposal. Unfortunately, the length of the game and the issues with motion sickness caused by the jumpy rotation when turning may turn some people away. But if you want a Left 4 Dead style VR game, then After the Fall should be your go to option at this point.
Hardcore Gamer December 15, 2021
After The Fall is yet another zombie VR shooter in the line of zombie VR shooters. The team that was responsible for Arizona Sunshine tries to build upon that with a cooperative experience that succeeds in that regard, but the overall experience isn’t that satisfying. The gun mechanics with the Oculus Quest 2 mostly work great and the PVP is a nice surprise, but the overall lack of current content and annoying bugs hurt the game at launch. The idea of a VR Left 4 Dead would work better if there weren’t already a ton of L4D clones on the market.
3DJuegos January 13, 2022
After the Fall is an entertaining and frenetic multiplayer VR FPS. Killing waves of the Infected is a real pleasure thanks to its different levels of difficulty that ensure the acquisition of more rare equipment. The cross-game between virtual reality platforms, as well as its accessibility options with automatic or manual recharge, or in a cooperative experience suitable for all types of users. Despite not having more than five scenarios in PvE and two in competitive, it is a title that you can go to on a recurring basis. After the Fall is one of those great titles that justifies buying a virtual reality glasses.