
Afterfall: Insanity Critic Reviews

20 Total Reviews

1 Positive Reviews(5%)
17 Mixed Reviews(85%)
2 Negative Reviews(10%)

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Machinima January 4, 2012
Afterfall: Insanity gives fans of gritty, horror-action games a whole helping of what they enjoy. Despite its issues with a simplistic combat system and sometimes unintentionally comical cut scenes, the game is otherwise considerably solid.
3DJuegos December 19, 2011
Maybe the setting is clichéd and you have experienced all its tricks a million times, but Afterfall Insanity is moderately effective.
PC Master (Greece) March 1, 2012
Despite the moody atmosphere that is elaborately built and the smart puzzles, knowing that you always have another mediocre battle around the next corner turns the game into a chore with no real incentive.
SpazioGames December 5, 2011
Despite many issues, technical and gameplay wise, Afterfall: Insanity offers a good atmosphere and some nice ideas.
GameStar December 7, 2011
Quotation forthcoming.
GameSpot December 7, 2011
The dark and creepy Afterfall: Insanity is let down by its tedious combat and slow start.
4Players.de May 11, 2012
The mission design is average at best and suffers from repetition. The puzzles are irrelevant and so is the action – mainly thanks to the ridiculous AI.
Everyeye.it December 6, 2011
Afterall: Insanity is the rough copy of Dead Space. We can't suggest it to anyone unless you really love the genre. But, we warn you: be careful and keep informed about the product before purchasing it.
DarkStation November 29, 2011
Afterfall: Insanity is a bit of a mess. Everything about this product comes off as unfinished and if given more time to cook and iron out the bugs, the game could be enjoyable but in its current state it is barely passable.
Games.cz December 11, 2011
Afterfall: InSanity may be criticized for many things. However, if you belong to die-hard fans of Dead Space or Resident Evil titles, the game may manage to attract your attention, and your time spent in it may not be misspent.
CD-Action December 27, 2011
In terms of gameplay Afterfall: InSanity resembles Dead Space and has some strong points (e.g. varied locations) but falls short when it comes to production values.
Eurogamer January 6, 2012
It's always tempting to be lenient where indie developers are concerned, and if nothing else Afterfall: Insanity makes for an eye-catching calling card for Intoxicate's graphical skills, but as a game in its own right it's as middle of the road as they come.
games(TM) January 29, 2012
Stops short of truly bad, but also some way short of recommended.
Multiplayer.it January 10, 2012
Afterfall: Insanity is plagued by bugs and many gameplay's flaws.
Absolute Games January 10, 2012
Afterfall began its life as an ambitious CRPG, but turned into a mediocre shooter somewhere along the way.
IGN January 12, 2012
You need a clear, unified vision to shape a game into something that makes sense and compels the player to see it through to the end But scares and gameplay in Afterfall fall flat as scene after scene repeat the same notes, turning what could have been a spine-chilling adventure into a treadmill to an unsatisfying finish.
GRYOnline.pl November 30, 2011
A first serious endeavor and an instant failure - Afterfall: InSanity is not a good way to debut in the category of big budget games. AI seems unfinished - interesting ideas are unpolished, things borrowed from other games are sloppy, and the technical side leaves a lot to be desired. If not for the interesting storyline, some cool things in the gameplay and an appealing Afterfall universe, this would have been a total disaster.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) March 8, 2012
Survival horror inspired by classics like Fallout or Stalker can not hide its fan-based roots. With the second-grade visuals, sounds, level design and story it ended way beyond our expectations.
Game Chronicles November 10, 2011
I feel sort of bad ripping this game so badly, but I went into it really hoping to be blown away, and came away feeling like I, and anyone else unfortunate enough to have fallen for their ruse, had been duped.
Eurogamer Sweden December 14, 2011
Do you like videogames? Do you like horror in your videogames? Do you like life in general? If you've answered yes to any of these questions, stay as far away from Afterfall: Insanity as possible.