
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars Critic Reviews

14 Total Reviews

2 Positive Reviews(14.3%)
12 Mixed Reviews(85.7%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamingXP July 26, 2011
The atmosphere in Air Conflicts: Secret War is transmitted properly through the famous aviators, however, the game can't point with anything other, only the multiplayer can - at present enemy – be fun.
Gaming Nexus November 8, 2011
Kalypso Media's Air Conflicts: Secret Wars offers an arcade-style single-player mode that will appeal to the casual air combat gamer and a multiplayer component that will offer a tougher challenge to the more serious player, but only if other players actually show up.
Game Revolution October 28, 2011
After all of the dizzying, head-spinning tricks learned from playing Air Conflicts: Secret War, maybe you'll actually want to take control over real flying machines. Just don't get the idea on my Southwest flight next week. This isn't the flight simulation people will write home about, but it gets a thumbs up for trying.
Worth Playing November 13, 2011
While the short missions benefit the title, the lack of multiplayer also limits its longevity unless you plan to make this part of your next LAN party. This is exactly the best choice for fans of arcade style flight combat games, but if you've played them all, it wouldn't hurt to give this one a shot.
Destructoid July 21, 2011
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars might be a budget title in price, looks, and polish. But it's a simple and surprisingly enjoyable game that hardcore fans of the genre will enjoy if they can go in with low expectations.
XGN July 25, 2011
Developer Games Farm didn't deliver us a simulation like promised, but turned Secret Wars into a decent arcade shooter. The multiplayer can be very fun but the singleplayer drags down the score because of the bad voice acting and the simplified AI.
Official Xbox Magazine September 30, 2011
If you can handle the delivery, though, you're rewarded with some of the best flight mechanics on the 360 - especially if you take the time to master the Simulation controls. While completely unrealistic, the combat is fluid, fast, and fun.
Official Xbox Magazine UK August 23, 2011
Not enough going on up there.
ZTGD October 28, 2011
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars is far from a bad game, but it doesn't stand out among the current slew of titles. Not to mention it is a genre that console gamers have all but forgotten. Still, if you have a love for classic dog fighting, then there may be something here for you.
IGN November 15, 2011
Air Conflicts proves that even a budget entry can be a lot of fun. If more time and resources were put into crafting it, this could have been a great arcade flying game. Unfortunately, though, the poor presentation drags down the entire experience.
Multiplayer.it August 1, 2011
Air Conflicts: Secret Wars has many technical flaws and start too slow to be fun. Some missions are good, many too many are flat and boring.
GameWatcher July 25, 2011
It's a bit of a weird one then, as neither the story nor the action is particularly enjoyable, but neither is specifically bad either.
Games Master UK September 9, 2011
A muddled budget WW2 flight sim. It's kooky but there are better alternatives out.
X-ONE Magazine UK August 19, 2011
Painfully dull gameplay.