
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed Critic Reviews

21 Total Reviews

5 Positive Reviews(23.8%)
15 Mixed Reviews(71.4%)
1 Negative Reviews(4.8%)

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DarkZero December 2, 2014
It may not be a must-have remaster such as other PS4 re-releases, but fans of the Vita version and especially newcomers should have no issue double-dipping on this latest port.
Hardcore Gamer December 4, 2014
It’s a mediocre brawler, an interrupted open world adventure, and a decent visual novel, but ultimately the game lacks the confident quirkiness the initial idea clearly had in spades.
Push Square December 9, 2014
This is not necessarily an experience for everyone, but the light-hearted stripping mechanic makes it an enjoyable romp all the same, and a worthy addition to your PS4 library if you haven’t played it already.
4Players.de February 4, 2015
A lot of the problems that made its PS3-sibling such a bittersweet pleasure to play are gone. But while I can appreciate the effort Acquire made to enhance and improve the surreal vampire/beat-em-up/roleplaying mix, still a lot of the potential remains untouched.
XGN February 16, 2015
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is a fun game full of references to otaku culture, but the ancient design choices hold the game back from being a must have title.
Vandal January 30, 2015
Aside from more content and some visual upgrades, the experience remains the same. Obviously, if you haven't played it yet and you're looking forward to trying this unique game, the PS4 version is the best choice.
Everyeye.it February 9, 2015
To enjoy this game you really have to love Japan culture, and forget the graphics, especially on PS4.
GamesVillage.it February 12, 2015
Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed won’t be remembered as a classic, and the PS4 port fails to deliver the portable experience on home console.
Worth Playing May 15, 2015
All in all, Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is an uneven experience.
Impulsegamer March 9, 2015
This RPG/ Brawler mash-up has enough strong points and an ostensibly kinky central mechanic to ensure that it’ll find a market.
PSX Extreme December 10, 2014
Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed is a strange game that might satisfy the anime faithful. The technical elements are mediocre at best (even worse when compared with the best the PlayStation 4 has to offer), the story is absurd, and the gameplay mechanic is original yet flawed.
COGconnected December 14, 2014
If you’re accustomed to the themes and genres that the anime world offers and you want a humorous and customizable beat ‘em up game, feel free to look into Akiba’s Trip: Undead & Undressed.
CalmDownTom February 5, 2015
Even after you strip away the high level of fanservice and questionable theme; for every aspect that I enjoyed such as the characters and voiceover, there were others that marred my experience such as the repetitive combat, irritating camera and repetitive mission structure. For those that can ignore these misgivings, there is an enjoyable game waiting to be played.
SpazioGames February 5, 2015
Repetitive and featuring really awkward controls, it's not a total disaster only thanks to a narrative greater than expected, and a setting that automatically fascinates anyone with a nerdy heart.
ZTGD December 11, 2014
If Pantynado sounds appealing to you, this game might be in your wheelhouse. Otherwise I would steer clear of its mediocre combat, and limited world to explore.
Eurogamer Italy February 4, 2015
While the style of the game is certainly appealing, there’s too much that the developer could have done to make it a good game. But they set up for a simple, hilarious setting giving up on everything else.
Multiplayer.it February 11, 2015
Akiba's Trip is a mediocre beat'em up with scanty RPG traits which relies heavily upon nudity and softcore humor to make up for its shortcomings.
Edge Magazine February 7, 2015
It collapses entirely when it comes to combat.
NZGamer March 2, 2015
"Boring combat. Interesting writing. Constant sleaziness.
New York Daily News March 22, 2015
Akiba’s Trip is an example of what happens when you build an anime RPG around the solely superficial. It’s Shin Megami Tensei with absolutely no depth and a nonsensical story that somehow almost works. Somehow, there are charms to all the camp, but technical flaws drag all that down, leaving a game that will tug at your curiosity - and then bitterly disappoint.