Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX Critic Reviews
31 Total Reviews
15 Positive Reviews(48.4%)
15 Mixed Reviews(48.4%)
1 Negative Reviews(3.2%)
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Checkpoint Gaming
June 22, 2021
Remakes of true classics are usually cause for some concern, particularly a game that’s almost 35 years old, but this is so much more than just an old game with a new skin. Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX balances perfectly the updates an old game needs whilst still staying true to what made the original such a landmark title. The quirks of the gameplay are all still there, controlling just like the original, although with little tweaks that make the experience even better. The new levels fit so well, it’s pretty, and it sounds good to boot. If the developers could take on Alex Kidd in Shinobi World next that would be great, please and thank you.
Noisy Pixel
June 22, 2021
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX does a fantastic job of taking an already good game and adding a gorgeous fresh modern coat to it. The art design is beautifully done, and the option to switch between the redesign and 8-bit graphics adds to the nostalgic experience. While this remake is faithful for better or worse, there’s no denying that the quirky and challenging world of Alex Kidd is a side-scrolling experience unlike any other.
Universo Nintendo
July 6, 2021
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is a fan tribute to the classic SEGA game. It carries the original DNA in both the pros and cons. The art direction provides a beautiful graphic experience, however the level design and controls remain true to the original.
June 22, 2021
This is a great remaster of the original Master System game, which updates the graphics but not the gameplay. This will be great for fans of the original, but not so much for those who expected a game that looks and feels new.
June 22, 2021
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is a beautiful reinterpretation of a classic. Although some elements feel outdated, it’s the perfect introduction to the franchise. Jankenteam has successfully rejuvenated the legendary hero, hopefully kickstarting a resurgence of the series.
June 27, 2021
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is a great remake and a good 2D platform title that provides a lot of fun. A visually and soundly renewed classic game that will delight both veteran and new players.
July 14, 2021
Affectionate remake of a classic jump & run. It has a few problems though and despite a “classic” mode the original is nowhere to be seen.
Nintendo Force Magazine
October 7, 2021
If you're a fan of the original Alex Kidd in Miracle World, then this remake gives you just about everything you could want, and more, and you can add a good point or so to my score. If some of the rougher aspects of the original turned you away, the new unlimited lives option might be enough to compensate . . . or it might not. And if you've never played Alex Kidd before, then you might consider looking at the cheaper SEGA AGES version and decide from there if you want a bigger and better version of that.
Screen Rant
June 22, 2021
It's not perfect, as players may find the controls a little loose and the lack of change and additional features may make some question its worth, but it's nonetheless a good recreation of the fantastic Master System title.
Metro GameCentral
June 22, 2021
A solid reworking of a brutal but characterful retro platform game, which offers a fascinating insight into the earliest days of the genre.
June 22, 2021
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is a love letter to an early Sega mascot, an unforgiving but very colourful platformer that will please old time fans of the genre.
Digitally Downloaded
June 23, 2021
Now, the argument over game length is one that's endlessly debated, and I'm firmly in the camp that says that fun is fun, and I certainly had fun revisiting the world of my onigiri-chomping namesake for a brief while. I could certainly see plenty of others finding it less compelling, however, because beyond the visuals, so very little has changed in 35 years. Yikes. 35 years. Presumably, Prince Alex is now King Alex of Radaxian by now. I'd better get back to my throne. Dammit, did I just say that out loud?
Nintendo Insider
July 21, 2021
In an age where there’s an abundance of polished 2D indie platformers, Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX may not reach the same impact that the original once did. Nonetheless, this game is an adoring love letter by a team who undoubtedly shared a similar nostalgic childhood memory that I will always personally share and cherish. While a fancy lick of paint and some quality of life features will unlikely ever quite capture the magic that once made the original experience so special, Jankenteam has done its absolute best to beautifully repaint a classic that deserves to be remembered and retold.
Eurogamer Italy
July 29, 2021
A good remake of a legendary Sega videogame, the return of a legend from the days of the Master System. Despite an uninspiring longevity, it turns to be fun and overwhelming.
August 13, 2021
Despite the gameplay showing its age, it is what it is and I was enamored with it. It’s a wonderful refresh for a classic title like this, and hopefully, we’ll see a similar return of other mascot platformers from bygone eras in the same style.
God is a Geek
June 22, 2021
Alex Kidd in Monster World DX is a faithful remake of the original, but the difficulty of a bygone era rears its ugly head far too often.
September 1, 2021
Alex Kidd makes a return with mixed results. The aesthetic of Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is very eye-catching and can make it fun to watch being played by speedrunners or those familiar with the series. For those looking to have a more classic experience, the swappable color palette available in the main mode and the unlockable port are worth a look. The release is rounded out with a boss rush mode to serve up a challenging 2D platformer that’s worth a try before the game shows itself as a product of its time.
June 24, 2021
Unfortunately, once the story mode has been completed, there is very little replay value, outside of unlocking a boss rush and 'classic mode'. There is definitely a hardcore challenge there for those who play without the helping hand of infinite lives, but those who don't should be able to get through the story mode in under an hour or so. Certainly, a great trip down memory lane for those old enough to remember the original, but newer players may find it somewhat frustratingly difficult and lacking compared to more modern 2D platformers.
June 25, 2021
Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX from Merge Games and Jankenteam is a very niche product with very niche marketability. I imagine the game will be received well in territories where the Sega Master System held on to a longer life-span, such as Brazil and Europe. For the rest of the world though, there just isn’t enough here to bring Alex Kidd into the modern age.
June 27, 2021
Both true to its original foundation and distant in its changes, Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX is arguably not the remake fans of the character could hope for. Some will think the progression is out of date, and they won't be wrong, but the biggest problem is imprecise controls and collisions with enemies. With its very colorful production and quality musical themes, the experience remains correct, but less striking than expected.