January 26, 2006

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia
Based on 30 Reviews
Release date
January 26, 2006


Journey throughout the world of Ar tonelico to find the key to destroying the viruses once and for all. Partner up with a Reyvateil, a girl who can create magic through songs, and fight your way back up the tower to save your home. Explore a Reyvateil's inner world with the revolutionary new Dive System, which allows you to go on "Virtual Dates" to increase their magical power. [NIS America]

Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia Trailer

Critic Reviews30

Because of its hybrid nature as an RPG/visual novel, it's quite different from our previous tastes of Gust (in Atelier Iris 1 and 2). And, when you stop and think about how rare the dating-sim, visual novel, and love adventure genres are in the US (some Hirameki titles and a few other obscure releases), it's great to see a game like this represent that faction of Japanese culture, on the PS2 no less.
June 15, 2024
Ar Tonelico pretty much has it all. The story and especially pacing is fantastic; the music is truly special, the battles are incredibly engaging via the Revyatelis, and the art is simply gorgeous.
June 15, 2024
This is a very nice RPG, and if you enjoy Japanese RPGs at all you owe it to yourself to pick up this title.
June 15, 2024

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