Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace Critic Reviews
7 Total Reviews
0 Positive Reviews(0%)
6 Mixed Reviews(85.7%)
1 Negative Reviews(14.3%)
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But Why Tho?
April 6, 2021
Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace is an enjoyable title, especially for its modest price point. There is enough that it does right to make it well worth a playthrough, but the linear nature of the story and levels makes playing through the game again unappealing, even with the choice of multiple starting investigators. It does a lot of elegant translation of the mechanics from the board game into a video game, but there is a lack of cohesion and spice that make the ideas and mechanics not mesh well together.
The Indie Game Website
March 31, 2021
Board games are great because you can play through time and time again and experience something a little different each time. At least, that’s normally how it is. Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace is inspired by the Arkham Horror board game series, but it doesn’t match it in any real way. It’s a bit of a shame, but it’s all a bit too short and a bit too basic most of the time.
April 2, 2021
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace's simple combat and uninspired "detective" work won't sate your Lovecraftian hunger.
April 28, 2021
It’s difficult to recommend Arkham Horror Mother’s Embrace if you’re not already a fervent fan of the universe, and knowledge of what this game could have done with the source material will leave you yearning for a better digital implementation of Asmodee's tabletop tour de force.
PC Invasion
April 2, 2021
Arkham Horror: Mother's Embrace suffers from a bland and unspectacular combat system, a questionable sanity gimmick, and a litany of technical issues that are too glaring to ignore. Although it's an adaptation of a board game, you might as well call it a "bored game" due to the tedium and frustration you'll experience.
November 19, 2021
Linearity, complete absence of suspense, poorly written characters, ill-conceived gameplay mechanics and various bugs turned Arkham Horror: Mother’s Embrace into a huge disappointment.
March 30, 2021
This version of the beloved board game is horrific for all the wrong reasons. There is no atmosphere, no horror, no tension, nothing.