Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel Critic Reviews
55 Total Reviews
6 Positive Reviews(10.9%)
46 Mixed Reviews(83.6%)
3 Negative Reviews(5.5%)
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March 26, 2013
The Devil's Cartel, developed by Visceral Games, offers a frenetic, arcade style coop experience. The inclusion of the Frostbite 2 engine takes the destruction to a whole new level, especially when combined with the use of Overkill, an ability that will make you an unstoppable killing machine.
Official Xbox Magazine
March 27, 2013
Even if you couldn't care less how efficiently you put hundreds of drug-dealing scumbags to rest, you may well be surprised by how enjoyable a bit of this disposable ultraviolence can be.
Games Master UK
May 9, 2013
Kill, level up, customize. It's hardly Brain Training, but this is explosive and fun.
March 29, 2013
Devil’s Cartel seems to accomplish exactly what it set out to do, offering an intense, impressive two-player co-op experience that’s heavily customizable and replayable. While it won’t likely scratch the itch of those looking for a more traditional shooter game--namely, competitive online multiplayer--it’s an original concept set inside familiar trappings.
The Escapist
April 4, 2013
Ultimately, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel is easy to pick up and fun to play, but generally lacks in distinction. The co-op centered gameplay is a neat trick, but it doesn't do enough with the co-op mechanics to really set itself apart.
Pelit (Finland)
May 13, 2013
A prime example of a gamified action film from the eighties. The story is only an excuse for bloodshed and the game is far from unconventional. Yes, I've seen this before at least dozens of times, but then again, there's always room for some good old-fashioned pointless violence.
April 4, 2013
Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel is a simple shooter that's made to play with a friend. You'll compose your own weapons, converse about tactics and do this for eight hours or so until you've finished the campaign. It's a wonderful co-op game that falls short, mostly due to the annoying variation between dumb action and emotional moments. The lack of polish and modes make this a game that is truly only fit for those who only play co-op games.
Game Informer
March 28, 2013
On one hand, the lack of polish and the glitches cause me to give the game a less-than-stellar score. On the other hand, I can’t deny that my co-op partner and I were laughing and enjoying ourselves for the large majority of the campaign. As a mindless co-op shooter, it delivers.
April 1, 2013
Nothing about the game (other than the bugs) is particularly bad, but there is very little to recommend here either. As a single-player experience there are much better ways to spend your cash, and even in cooperative play I’d only recommend it pulled from the bargain bin.
April 8, 2013
Among real disasters and really interesting ideas Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel is exactly what was expected. We face the usual Army of Two, dedicated to less demanding gamers.
March 30, 2013
The odd thing is that while Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel is clearly not a well-executed game, it still manages to be fun with a friend. It's quick, stop-and-pop gameplay with carnage and explosions aplenty. Every awkward moment and terrible line of dialogue is a potential laugh -- or two -- so it's not the worst choice for a weekend rental.
April 3, 2013
Army of Two is still pure action 100%, without any sort of character depth but full of intensity and destruction.
Gamers' Temple
May 2, 2013
Devil's Cartel has a "been there, done that" attitude, and after playing it you will, too.
April 2, 2013
Charged with issues and with a boring campaign, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel is a flawed and unremarkable game.
March 27, 2013
There are a lot of faults here – the messy map design, the awkward cover system, the surprising co-op fumble – but Army Of Two: The Devil’s Cartel manages to make its core action of shooting things engaging and fun, and that’s what will pull you through the game.
Eurogamer Italy
March 29, 2013
Not particularly flawed, The Devil’s Cartel is just an unimaginative TPS without any exceptionally good features.
April 2, 2013
In Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel you shoot Mexican drug-lords for about seven hours straight. This bland task becomes monotonous after a while and having a partner along for the ride unfortunately doesn't really matter. Just like other games in the series, it doesn't manage to escape the bowels of mediocrity.
April 3, 2013
Overall you’ll find that Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel can be a reasonably fun way to spend 8 hours of your life, but I don’t know if many people will make the effort to play through it again. It is a frantic shooter that challenges nothing more than your trigger finger and never advances past mindless slaughter.
Critical Hit
April 2, 2013
Soulless and bland, Army of Two: The Devil's Cartel is an utterly generic, paint-by-numbers shooter that’s not explicitly bad, but is far from being good.
April 3, 2013
On the surface all the elements that made the former Army of Two games such interesting experiences are still there. But the deeper you look the more superficial they get. Resident Evil 6 might have failed because the vision couldn’t be executed. But here you’ll miss the vision in the first place. This is a run-of-the-mill shooter with big explosions and little depth.