AstroRock 2000

The righteous tunes of Rock n Roll are once again threatened by the uptight aliens from the Bee-Gee cluster!
Jump into your newly suped up Fender-Astrocaster Annihilator 10000 and give those mutant aliens a little attitude. But watch your tailside! They've brought some all new fiendish aliens with them, and they're not any cooler than the last bunch.
It's fast paced arcade action on the edge of your sanity when you shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger! Feel the awesome new rock tunes slapping through your speakers in countless levels of alien assault! Let these aliens know that no one messes with Rock n Roll...Nobody!
Features: 3D rendered sprites, fast action, tons of pickups, a barrage of sound effects, a 14 song kick-ass soundtrack, more attitude than Axle Rose!
So many guns, so little time!