Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland Critic Reviews
17 Total Reviews
10 Positive Reviews(58.8%)
6 Mixed Reviews(35.3%)
1 Negative Reviews(5.9%)
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July 23, 2012
Atelier Meruru is so wonderful that it became the first JRPG since Final Fantasy VII that I've played through more than once. Simple enough for anyone to play, but deep enough to offer 100+ hours worth of gameplay, Atelier Meruru is a great title full stop.
May 29, 2012
Unless you find JRPGs absolutely repugnant, there's little to dislike about Atelier Meruru. It's a delightfully addictive game that provides a great sense of player achievement. A wealth of content ensures that players are never without a goal to work towards, and ten possible endings give the game tremendous replay value.
Cheat Code Central
May 30, 2012
There's plenty of alchemy and adventure in Meruru, with less filler travel time. There are fewer endings than Totori, but they're easier to get.
May 18, 2012
For fans of the series, you will not be disappointed. Almost every character you have known in the trilogy will return, and the new characters you come across are as goofy and loveable as the older ones. For new comers, I would suggest playing the first two games, but Meruru does offer some good back story in the menus for the ones not too familiar with the series.
May 18, 2012
Fans of the Arland trilogy will surely adore their experience with Meruru, but for newcomers, this may not be the best place to start if you want to get a feel for the entire world. Still, Meruru is the silver lining at the end of this wonderful trilogy, and it will no doubt bring joy and closure to the long-time fans who stayed along for the journey.
Push Square
May 31, 2012
Atelier Meruru is a niche title. Those who love Japanese-style games or who get a kick out of playing with crafting systems will absolutely be in love the second the game boots up. There are a few minor faults, for sure, but if Atelier Meruru has what you're looking for you're going to have a hard time putting it down.
May 24, 2012
Though the Atelier series might not be the epitome of Japan's RPG industry, I've always had a soft spot for its various chapters. Atelier Meruru isn't "epic," "intense," or "exhilarating"-it's charming, friendly, and fun, and it's not ashamed of it.
PlayStation LifeStyle
May 30, 2012
A triumph for players out there looking for an addicting RPG full of creating items and building your kingdom to new heights.
July 9, 2012
With the likes of Tales of Vesperia JRPGs got a pretty high standard already. Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland looks really adorable at first sight and fans of the series will probably love it, but if you take a closer look there is a lot to dislike about this game. The story is much too shallow for an RPG and the environment looks awfully stinted. The characters though really look detailed and nice and the Japanese synchronization is well done. Though the gameplay is pretty diversified, the missions and errands are not, which makes the game boring after a few hours, if you are not a fan of the series. Overall it's a pretty "girly" game, with no surprises.
Playstation: The Official Magazine (US)
May 30, 2012
It's not the longest or hardest RPG, but it's heartfelt worldview makes it worth our time.
May 24, 2012
This latest entry makes changes to the overall structure that obscure the game's best elements instead of accentuating them, and the lack of any central conflict left me completely uninterested in the story and characters. All that's left is an occasionally fun grind to finish your chores and an overall aesthetic that you will either love or hate.
May 30, 2012
Like its predecessors, this is a charming, but very unspectacular Anime-RPG. But even though veterans may notice some progess in terms of presentation, combat system or level design, you'll still miss freedom, variety and depth.
June 2, 2012
If you have a soft spot for the Atelier series, you probably will enjoy Meruru quite a bit. But if the series hasn't impressed you yet, this entry surely won't change your mind.
June 12, 2012
It is impossible to enjoy the game as a complete experience because you see everything through the eyes of one of the most vapid gaming protagonists ever created, and do all of your adventuring in a world so sickeningly sweet that you should get screened for adult-onset diabetes the moment you put down the gamepad.
June 21, 2012
In the same vein as Atelier Rorona and Atelier Totori, Atelier Meruru is a logical conclusion for the Alchemist of Arland serial. The game manages to develop some new things, but can't succeed to cure itself of many many flaws. Cute but totally vacuous, Atelier Meruru : The Apprentice of Arland don't know how to tell a good story. With a poor combat system and a lazy rythm, it seem already an old fellow.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
July 17, 2012
The turn-based combat is swift and (overly) simple.