Lae'zel shares her 'one and one only audition' for Baldur's gate 3, which included threats, bullying and more urine than I had expected.
Can I confess? Can I confess even if I am pretty sure I have said it multiple times on this website? I can? Great. Lae'zel, my favorite companion from Baldur's Gate 3, is my favourite. Karlach, the fancy vampire boy and everyone else loves them, but not me. I would never leave my Songun BFFL behind. In real life, it's hard for me to invest in someone without an implicit threat of violence.
What was I saying? Lae'zel is the best and her voice actress Devora Wilde deserves a lot of credit for that. You know what else? She had the character down pat from the beginning. Wilde shared on Twitter today the "forty-six seconds that changed her whole life", her "one and one audition" for the part of Lae'zel, in BG3, that ultimately landed her the role.
Lae'zel is from toe to tip. Wilde may have refined the character in her booth--her voice in BG3 is definitely huskier--but the character is still unmistakeable. The military bearing, haughtiness and contempt. This is my number one Gith. The only thing that really shocks me is the reference to drinking poop, as I don't remember this being a major part of the game. Maybe I missed it. I'm sure I missed it.
Wilde calls Lae’zel the "role a lifetime," which is hard to disagree with. Wilde's voicework in BG3 has been praised by many, and the actors are reluctant to leave their characters behind, even though Larian is moving on to other things. They've created playlists, played tabletop D&D with their characters, and even caused marital strife within the cast. Wilde once said that Baldur's Gate 3, if not better, than any film or television show he'd done.
We certainly agree. That's why we sat with Larian and talked about its reinvention, the reasons it discarded BG4 and what it plans for the future.