
The new patch for Baldur's gate 3 has a forbidden evil end where you get bored, and then peace out just before your moment to bloody victory

Yesterday, Baldur's Gate 3 released its seventh and final major patch. It brought with it a smorgasbord if delightfully fiendish endgames: Spoilers will follow.

The new terrifying endings allow you to choose from a variety of options, ranging anywhere from becoming a tyrannical ruler to inflicting UV madness on the population.

SlimX, a YouTuber, discovered that one such ending was considered, fully animated and then abandoned in game files.

This'screw you, I'm leaving' ending has your character, now empowered by the Absolute's powers, simply tear their tadpole out of their skull and slowly walk out of frame. Those who you were about subjugated stare on, completely baffled as you have a change of heart at the last minute and vacate your seat of power. We've all done it.

This scene is marked as "IMPOSSIBLE". SlimX discovered that Baldur's gate 3 contains a wide range of forbidden moments, which are hidden behind this tag. This prevents them from being played. These include sequestered optional dialogue and Karlach's infamous Fourth Wall Break.

In this case, I can kind of understand why. It takes a high-level betrayal to become the Absolute. You have to take the seat of power that you've been trying so hard to avoid. When you think about it, giving up and walking off doesn't make any sense.

It also leaves behind a giant brain of Damocles hanging over the city of Baldur’s Gate - as in, who is going to clean that thing up? Will it go on a mindless spree without a psychic leader? Will it regain control and say, "Oh, well, let's go back to taking over this world"? And then kill you anyways? Will it sink like the saddest balloon in the world into the bay? Will it float in the bay and become a tourist attraction or will it sink?

This is giving me worldbuilding brain-rot. Imagine an entire ecosystem forming around the inert head (the Elder Brain miners' union is not something to be trifled). It's not a satisfying or sensible ending for someone who has already walked down the path of dark. Besides, Baldur's Gate 3's bloody butchers are already spoilt for choice.

Interesting news


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