
The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep Critic Reviews

44 Total Reviews

31 Positive Reviews(70.5%)
11 Mixed Reviews(25%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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MMORPG.com September 18, 2018
This is your grandpappy’s old-school RPG, but it is made for the modern day. It’s made for RPG lovers of all types, ages, and experience. Bard’s Tale 4 follows squarely in the footsteps of giants without missing a beat. It has taken all those classic features and brought them into modern game play. It feels both fresh and true to its roots, at the same time. I highly recommend this to veterans and newcomers to the series alike.
COGconnected September 19, 2018
There is so much going on that is good that it’s hard to even mention it all. You start with plenty of customization options, not just with character creation, but within classes and skills. All told there are somewhere between sixty to seventy skills per class. I haven’t even mentioned the puzzles, which I found to be just the right mix of difficult, neither boring nor too hard. The story is great, even with the occasional self-spoiler. Combat has a lot going for it and keeps things interesting, but it’s always possible that not everyone feels that way on that front. The few performance issues aside, it’s a game that’s hard not to like.
GameGrin September 18, 2018
The Bard’s Tale IV revisits the classic dungeon-crawling formula from years past, simultaneously showing reverence for its history whilst not being afraid to change it up mechanically. Visually stunning with a wonderful Gaelic folk soundtrack to go with it.
PC Gamer September 27, 2018
An old-fashioned game in a shiny new package, The Bard's Tale 4: Barrows Deep is a worthy addition to a classic series.
GamesBeat October 8, 2018
The Bard’s Tale IV: Barrows Deep delivers on the faith its Kickstarter backers put into the project. It weaves combat, exploration, music, and puzzles into a game that stands out in a crowded market.
DarkStation September 18, 2018
If you’re expecting The Bard’s Tale IV to be an action-RPG on par with some recent blockbusters, you may be disappointed. This is not a cinematic experience with bleeding edge graphics and breathless action and combat. However, if you approach the game as a super-enhanced, classic dungeon crawler that both fits into the legacy and moves the needle on a well-respected, beloved franchise, then you will be pleased by its story, puzzles, nuanced combat, excellent music and varied environments.
God is a Geek September 25, 2018
A thoughtful, deep and rewarding RPG, with some great puzzles and a story that may not be groundbreaking, but sure is fun.
Ragequit.gr October 9, 2018
Old-school Bard's Tale is back but, ironically enough, it could have used a bit more time in the oven. Still, the combination of intricate puzzles, exploration and satisfying turn-based combat will certainly appeal to fans of the genre.
Eurogamer Italy October 24, 2018
The Bard’s Tale 4 is a splendid and fresh take on the RPG genre. Production values are very high and the experience never fails to entertain. Bugs and glitches abound but are being hunted down by the devs.
LEVEL (Czech Republic) December 31, 2018
An adventure in which lute is played and songs are sung just can’t let you down. Bard's Tale has a lot of flaws, but it finds a way to the player's heart. However, the game is pretty far from its original trilogy.
CD-Action February 13, 2019
The Bard’s Tale IV is like a beautifully composed song performed on out of tunes instruments. There are moments when it borders on genius, other times it actively encouraged me to uninstall and forget it. For every strength it has a weakness. Good writing, superb puzzles, great music, outstanding voice-overs and solid mechanics are counterbalanced by quite awful visuals (how can Unreal Engine 4 look so bad?), some examples of bad design, a truckload of bugs (how about skills that don’t work or the ability to loot a chest through a ceiling?) and frequent crashes. For me the advantages were what mattered more, but I completely understand scores in the region of 4/10.
Wccftech September 19, 2018
There are one or two missteps here and there, but The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep is a wonderful RPG that has to be explored to be understood for the gem it is.
IGN September 26, 2018
The Bard's Tale 4: Barrows Deep is a rousing but technically rough adventure driven by great music, clever puzzles, and challenging turn-based combat.
GameSpace September 27, 2018
With The Bard's Tale 4: Barrows Deep, developer inXile does a great job of taking all the elements of a 30-year-old series and mixing it up with some modern era mechanics.
Games Master UK October 4, 2018
This addictive RPG has a remarkable soundtrack but is a little rough around the edges.
Game Informer September 18, 2018
The Bard’s Tale IV pays dutiful homage to its roots and offers an accessible way to experience the joy of the old-school RPG, but the enjoyable complexity has been sacrificed. Long puzzle mazes detract from the inspired combat system, and occasional crashes after a big battle can be discouraging. That said, if you’re looking for that vintage style with some enchanting new-age accoutrements, the endearing melodies of the Bard’s Tale IV won’t lead you astray.
GameStar November 11, 2018
A charming sequel to an RPG milestone with a great combat system and great music, but it still has technical problems.
Game World Navigator Magazine November 21, 2018
Like other InXile games, Bard’s Tale IV lives and breathes oldschool design decisions, which is a rare and valuable thing these days. Where else would you find a party-based RPG that focuses on puzzles, music and unusual combat solutions instead of common grind and hunt for loot?
GRYOnline.pl September 25, 2018
The Bard's Tale IV isn't a game for everyone. Brian Fargo's new production is very old-school, but not archaic or outdated. It respects its heritage and the genre's rules. Still, the fans of modern RPGs could be unimpressed if they don't keep their expectations in check.
Vandal September 25, 2018
The Bard’s Tale returns with a solid adventure. It gets the most important things right, but there are some smaller details that need polishing to become an outstanding entry.