
Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart Critic Reviews

9 Total Reviews

7 Positive Reviews(77.8%)
2 Mixed Reviews(22.2%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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Destructoid April 23, 2014
Cold, Cold Heart feels like a legitimate addition to the Arkham Origins lore, and not just a cheap cash-in. It's definitely a side story that's too big to be shoved into the core game, even if it doesn't really innovate in any meaningful way. While I wouldn't go out of my way to buy Arkham Origins just for it, I'd implore any current owner to take a look.
Official Xbox Magazine May 30, 2014
Cold, Cold Heart is absolutely fine: The story is predictable but satisfying. The combat is occasionally frustrating but still fun. And the unique touches don't add much, but are welcome nonetheless.
Digital Chumps April 27, 2014
Ultimately, your enjoyment of 'Cold, Cold Heart' rides solely on your level of fatigue with the core gameplay mechanics in the Arkham series.
GameTrailers April 25, 2014
Cold, Cold Heart is a bit curt and claustrophobic, not unlike Mr. Freeze himself. If you felt Arkham Origins didn’t do enough to force the franchise forward then you can give this DLC the cold shoulder. If you’re a committed defender of Gotham City, you should be amused by this brief addition to Batman’s beginning. Just don’t expect this New Year’s party to last all night.
Metro GameCentral April 23, 2014
A surprisingly worthwhile slice of downloadable content, that is better paced and has a more interesting storyline than the main game.
Eurogamer Germany May 2, 2014
If you pass on this one, you're not missing all that much, least of all new ideas for this series to follow up on in the future. Still, credit where credit is due: this well-written additional episode would have been a clear standout in last year's Batman game.
X-ONE Magazine UK June 21, 2014
A fun return to Gotham, even if the mechanics continue to feel weary in the hands of WB.
LevelUp April 29, 2014
Cold, Cold Heart is an expansion that only Batman and Arkham Origins' lovers should play. It introduces an awesome thermal outfit for the Dark Knight and it allows the player to know Mr. Freeze's origins. Having said that, it doesn't really enhance the incredible freeflow combat system or add any new gadgets.
Meristation April 23, 2014
Cold, Cold Heart offers a three hour campaign focused on Mister Freeze, but is a bit lazy in terms of gameplay mechanics and options to explore the city. It's not a bad addition to Arkham Origins, but definitely could be much better.