
Batman: Vengeance Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

10 Positive Reviews(52.6%)
9 Mixed Reviews(47.4%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameSpy April 29, 2024
If you're looking to experience the world of the caped crusader (and walk a mile in his boots), you will surely have bat-barrels of fun with this title. Those gamers interested in more depth of gameplay other than punch, jump, destroy and rescue should look elsewhere.
IGN April 29, 2024
The game itself is not the next-generation butt-kicking game I hoped it would be, but it is a fun, varied title that, despite harboring some awkward control here, and simplistic design there, winds up being a respectable arcade game, steeped in Batman lore.
TotalGames.net April 29, 2024
Main problem: you can only fire your Batgrapple at specific points...We wanted the freedom of Tenchu and all we received was a hook through the nose with a finger pulling us the right way.
GameShark April 29, 2024
Superb graphics and tons of game play make this title more than worthy of a rental at the very least.
GameSpot April 29, 2024
In the end, BV succeeds at what it set out to do--it puts you into the role of Batman. Every major aspect of the character is presented in some way in the game...it is one of those incredibly rare birds known as a good licensed game.
Yahoo! April 29, 2024
The camera, for one, can be quite erratic and gets frustratingly inadequate when you only have the option to centre it behind Bats.
Game Informer April 29, 2024
It's an atrocity to play.
GamePro April 29, 2024
The most faithful rendition of the Batman animated series yet. The graphics are appropriately dark and angular, successfully evoking the series’ “dark deco” look, and the animation is fast and dynamic. The end result, however is marred my occasional murkiness and poor collision detection.
Electric Playground April 29, 2024
It is far from perfect, but that being said, this game is still the best Batman game ever made for any system, and I have played them all!
All Game Guide April 29, 2024
Ultimately, Batman: Vengeance is hampered by its linear nature and lack of mental challenge, but the game is still heads and shoulders above all other Batman titles released in the last few years.
Gamezilla! April 29, 2024
Nothing chaps my hide more than a really good idea for a video game absolutely destroyed by poor controls and subpar cause and effect.
Next Generation Magazine April 29, 2024
These intriguing elements can only offset, and not make up for, the often frustrating gameplay.
G4 TV April 29, 2024
Aside from an inability to fully control Batman in the first-person mode, many of the things he can do -- such as sneak along walls and use the Bat Grappling Hook -- end up as fairly clichéd means to add puzzle sequences or even just length to the game.
Its presentation and story make it respectable, nonetheless.
PSX Nation April 29, 2024
For better or for worse though, "Vengeance" relies on scripted and very linear, boring and predictable encounters with enemies/NPC's to move the game along by fists and kicks rather than thought.
Core Magazine April 29, 2024
The game succeeds on so many levels that the flawed gameplay borders on tragedy. The only reason I felt compelled to play the game was to enjoy the graphics and sound, but unfortunately that isn't enough.
Gaming Age April 29, 2024
Who among you is a fan of the old school games that forced you to learn boss patterns, enemy locations, arbitrary death, to the point of I'm-gonna-throw-this-joystick-out-the-window-and-bean-some-poor-schmuck-out-for-a-Sunday-stroll frustration? Well, here's your game.
Electronic Gaming Monthly April 29, 2024
Only hardcore Batfans should bother enduring this frustration.
Game Revolution April 29, 2024
The only time you can use the Bat-grapple is when you get an onscreen signal to look for a huge, out of place Bat-insignia perched on the corner of some overhead location. Oh, I guess I'm supposed use my Bat-grapple here. Sheesh!