Battle Chef Brigade Critic Reviews
23 Total Reviews
22 Positive Reviews(95.7%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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November 20, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade is a fantastic addition to the Nintendo Switch’s lineup of indie titles that everyone should give a try. The game ran beautifully in both portable and docked modes at a crisp 60 FPS and I never encountered a glitch or bug to ruin my experience, showing the studios talent to provide a properly polished game. I fell in love with this game during my time at E3 and now that the final product is finally here, I can safely say the game not only met my expectations, but surpassed them as my new favourite Indie currently offered on the Nintendo Switch.
Gaming Age
December 19, 2017
People looking for a short romp to fit in between major titles will definitely enjoy Battle Chef Brigade. Some players might find the modes outside of the story mode something they can come back to. Hopefully if a sequel were to come to fruition, the studio will be able to implement some of the features which were missing from this title. They have a solid entree; they just need a couple more appetizers to make this the ultimate meal.
November 20, 2017
Those complaints don’t harm the main campaign, which is fantastic through and through. Mina and the rest of the cast are genuinely fun to spend time with. Battle Chef Brigade is an absolute feast of a game on Switch, with a highly polished story and a brilliant fusion of match-three and action. It might be coming out in a busy time of year, but this is a game not to be missed.
Nintendo Force Magazine
January 7, 2018
What they've served up here is filling, delicious and sure to please every gaming gourmand.
November 20, 2017
A delightful snack-sized game that combines its disparate elements in a whimsical, entertaining way. I loved the style and the occasional clever puns. The kitchen battles to be a lot of fun, especially because they were timed, and used match-3 mechanics in an innovative way. If you’re a fan of Iron Chef, Studio Ghibli, or both, you’ll like enjoy this foray into the world of Victusia.
November 21, 2017
There’s nothing I like more in video games than when a developer thinks outside of the box. Wonderful ideas and worlds can be bred from experimentation, much like the culinary world that Battle Chef Brigade champions. The contrasting gameplay styles, a beautifully designed world, and interesting characters combine into a delightful game that just doesn’t last long enough. Trinket Studios should be proud of their efforts, and I’m looking forward to whatever is next out of its kitchen.
December 19, 2017
All in all, despite its sometimes too-apparent limitations in production, Battle Chef Brigade more than succeeds at everything it sets out to do, proving that any concept can become a great game. Even though some of its components end up feeling a little undercooked, the final dish is still delicious.
Game Informer
November 20, 2017
Battle Chef Bridge is breezy and fun, offering roughly 8 to 10 hours of stressful cooking with a decent narrative and beautiful pastel visuals to pull it along. It may seem lighthearted and innocent, but it succeeds more in being overly chaotic in its match-three gameplay.
November 19, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade is as glorious a concoction as its characters make to become part of the titular task force. Part Action RPG, part puzzle game, all charm, Trinket Studios’ release is a special blend of monster guts and magic that will make you smile from start to finish. This is our Battle Chef Brigade review, for the Nintendo Switch.
November 20, 2017
Beast-hunting will test your reflexes while cooking them up will tease your brain, and Battle Chef Brigade's upbeat attitude and stylish looks will have you smiling the whole way through.
November 20, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade is a hard game to explain, coming across as a gumbo-style mix of Match 3 puzzle gaming, action combat, and anime storytelling. Surprisingly, everything comes together to make a fun and unique title, where players will hunt monsters and cook fabulous meals for judges in grand stadiums. The game falters in areas outside of its core gameplay, but that core is pretty deep and satisfying.
Nintendo Life
November 21, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade is the first game of its kind, a rarity in this day and age. Everything about it is fresh and original, from its story to the handrawn graphics, to the brilliant voice acting. The combination of fast-paced action, RPG-style gear collecting and puzzle elements wrapped into a game about cooking is something that sounds absurd but works incredibly well. Like a well-made dish, each element of Battle Chef Brigade's gameplay is perfectly prepared. You could separate out each of the three main components of this game and have the foundation for something intriguing on its own, but it's the combination of them that forms something truly memorable. Whether you think you'd like this or not, we recommend at least giving it a look. Battle Chef Brigade is a must-play for all Switch owners.
November 21, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade successfully mixes genres to create something wholly engaging. The charming art direction and characters, creative combat, and clever puzzle mechanics help put Battle Chef Brigade squarely in its own genre. Despite a few storytelling stumbles and some minimal repetition, the sunny disposition of Trinket Studios’ puzzle/platformer/beat ‘em up ultimately shines through.
December 5, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade serves up a delectable fusion of disparate flavours that create a dish far greater than its parts.
Switch Player
December 14, 2017
Take a slice of side scrolling action game, add to that some match-3 elements, and mixes it all with a pinch of visual novel. The result is Battle Chef Brigade, a beautifully crafted game about cooking that delivers something unique due to its complementary gameplay and engaging narrative.
December 20, 2017
Battle Chef Brigade is yet another wonderful addition to the Nintendo Switch library of games. Its quirky dialogue, clean art style, and clever implementation of gameplay mechanics make the game stand out. That being said, the game is a bit guilty of a monotonous grind and the puzzles become more of a nuisance rather than entertaining.
January 2, 2018
Battle Chef Brigade is very entertaining and no Nintendo Switch owner should be without. The production quality is a bit on the cheap side when the story is being presented, and some of the background art can be a bit on the amateurish side, but there really is nothing else like this. Mina is a very likeable character and proves to not only be an awesome cook, but a decent fighter, too. This is an unlikely recipe that turned out to be a real hit. Whether it is in the kitchen or the battlefield, nobody can beat Mina.
Games Master UK
December 22, 2017
A tasty fusion of adventure and puzzling, with enough charm to hide any burnt bits.
November 20, 2017
I love the premise of this game, which folds together so many of my favorite things: platformers, mobile-style brain-suck puzzles, sexy orcs and overly complicated meals. And I love so, so much of its execution, especially the gorgeous art and music...But everything feels, from top to bottom, like it knows it ought to be a movie instead of a game — at times, it even comes off like it’s apologizing for not being one. Some titles can walk this line between movie and game, soaring with cinematic intensity while the gameplay itself enriches the plot. Battle Chef Brigade, sadly, isn’t one of them.