
Battlefield 1942 Critic Reviews

27 Total Reviews

27 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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G4 TV April 29, 2024
In addition to standard team-based first-person shooter action, Battlefield 1942 incorporates the brilliant gameplay concept of vehicles and other machinery.
Entertainment Weekly April 29, 2024
The incredible online experience surely delivers.
CPUGamer April 29, 2024
It’s got anything, and EVERYTHING you would EVER want in a WWII game, actually its got pretty much everything you’d ever want in a game, period.
PC Gameworld April 29, 2024
For gamers thrilled by the action and heroes of movies based on World War II, or for any other red-blooded, meat-eating, chest-thumping, flatulating normal kinds of dudes, Battlefield 1942 will be virtual nirvana.
Computer Games Online RO April 29, 2024
Battlefield 1942 is a living proof of an exceptional game in its simplicity.
IGN April 29, 2024
We play nearly every multiplayer game that comes out here at work and nothing, not even "Warcraft III" has pulled in the kinds of crowds we're getting here at work.
PC Gamer April 29, 2024
In a team-on-team multiplayer battle on the well-designed maps, you may well find yourself kissing your monitor out of pure joy.
Game Revolution April 29, 2024
This is a whole new level of online first-person fragging, and though it's not without its missteps, it's about as close to the front lines as you're gonna get while staring at your monitor....A very, very compelling game.
Yahoo! April 29, 2024
The most exhilarating mix of simulation, realism, arcade fun, destructive firepower, strategy and action available for your PC.
GameShark April 29, 2024
It's an addictive romp into a time long past that keeps many gamers begging for more.
Computer Gaming World April 29, 2024
A fantastic game - ridiculously fun, completely infectious, and one of the best massively multiplayer designs I've ever seen in an action game.
Game Informer April 29, 2024
Has everything we've ever wanted in a WWII battlefield game.
GameSpy April 29, 2024
If your PC has the horsepower, Battlefield: 1942 is an online action experience no gamer should miss.
AtomicGamer April 29, 2024
BF1942 is an impressive game that's great fun in multiplayer.
netjak April 29, 2024
Easily the best online game to date. Sporting 40 weapons and 35 vehicles on servers that reach up to 64 players of pure chaos, there is no lack of excitement. Excellent controls, decent visuals and sounds add to the mix.
One of the best team multiplayer games to release for a long time. Huge battles, different vehicles and smooth transformation between vehicles and first person will have players wanting more and more.
GameSpot April 29, 2024
For now, as long as you can find skilled teammates and aren't getting pestered by the game's technical problems, Battlefield 1942 can be, quite appropriately, a real blast.
Game Over Online April 29, 2024
What makes Battlefield 1942 so playable is because it's so subtle.
FiringSquad April 29, 2024
It’s a tribute to the developers that Battlefield 1942 stands head and shoulders above most of its competition, after all these years of real-world shooters.
GameZone April 29, 2024
As good as the sound usually is in Battlefield, it's the worst aspect of the game overall.