Battlefield 3: Armored Kill Critic Reviews
14 Total Reviews
14 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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PC PowerPlay
October 28, 2012
The pinnacle of full-scale multiplayer warfare, Armored Kill is Battlefield perfected.
January 2, 2013
All in all the maps offer a nice diverse package with plenty of tactical possibilities.
Metro GameCentral
September 12, 2012
Some of the best map design DICE has ever come out with and a combat experience no other game can match. Useful range of new vehicles and Tank Superiority is great.
September 13, 2012
Those who don't like the vehicular action in Battlefield should probably go and play Call of Duty instead of even considering Armored Kill, but for the rest of us this expansion pack is as good as Battlefield 3 gets. But please, if you do end up buying the pack, for the love of all things holy, when you get in a vehicle, wait for your fricking team mates before you put your pedal to the metal...
Eurogamer Italy
September 22, 2012
The stupid players taking vehicles for themselves and leaving an entire platoon on foot at the homebase, are the only reason you should not buy this great DLC for Battelfield 3, which gives the best on PC.
Gaming Nexus
October 17, 2012
Finally, BF3 gets some DLC emphasizes everything that makes the series great. With a focus on maps and new game modes that enhance both the team-based and vehicle gameplay, this pack does exactly what every DLC release should do: makes the base game better. This should pull those who have drifted away from the game in recent months back into the battle!
Pelit (Finland)
October 13, 2012
Armored Kill brings Battlefield back to its roots after courting codofiles.
PC Gamer
November 6, 2012
After some missteps, it's Battlefield back to focusing on what it does best.
September 14, 2012
Battlefield Premium members have access to Armored Kill right now, and everyone else who's interested will be able to buy it for $15 on September 25th. If you're still playing Battlefield 3, or burnt out from claustrophobia or lack of tanks, I suggest that you do.
September 23, 2012
Absolutely recommended for all the old fans and all those who love the intense battles with aircraft and armored tanks.
September 26, 2012
If you've had issues in the past with the balance in Battlefield 3's larger, more open maps, I don't expect that anything added in Armored Kill will solve anything for you. But if you were happy with it and still play BF3 to this day, then just suck it up and get Premium, because DICE is delivering some great action with these addons, and the new unlocks, vehicles, and weapons included in each of their DLC packs means these are a lot more than just map packs, like you might be getting used to with military-themed FPS games now. Armored Kill doesn't try to vastly expand the scope of Battlefield 3, but it does add more of the exact kind of action that other shooters out there are incapable of giving us.
Absolute Games
October 11, 2012
A few nitpicks aside, Armored Kill is the best Battlefield 3 expansion so far.
October 15, 2012
A well-made DLC bringing fights with ground/air machines on large maps for all the fans. Here and there you may get into infantry encounters, but that is not the point. Battlefield 3 successfully expands its possibilities and gaming styles portfolio.
September 20, 2012
Armored Kill add-on doesn't change the basics of Battlefield 3 in such a way, that we'd want it to. Quality of new maps is uneven, and there are no massive vehicle based battles (even though the title can suggest it). There is some disappointment spread around this DLC - most importantly the new Tank Superiority game mode is not as interesting as one might think. But all in all, fans of Battlefield 3 should consider buying this expansion - for them it'll be worth it.