Battlefield Hardline Critic Reviews
46 Total Reviews
40 Positive Reviews(87%)
6 Mixed Reviews(13%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Gaming Age
March 16, 2015
While Hardline certainly isn’t your standard Battlefield experience, the changes and tweaks present here are welcome additions, breathing new life into the franchise that’ll entice both veteran and new players alike.
March 25, 2015
Battlefield Hardline takes the franchise to a totally new level with the inclusion of "cops" and "robbers" that is pure fun!
Hobby Consolas
March 16, 2015
Battlefield Hardline is a very good shooter, although it doesn't have any big innovations compared to Battlefield 4. The campaign shows a great balance between stealth and action, and the multiplayer is very deep, but it is more of the same.
March 23, 2015
An entertaining, fast-paced execution of the Battlefield engine.
Game Revolution
March 16, 2015
The combination of the stealth-focused campaign and many multiplayer modes establishes Battlefield Hardline as a worthwhile standalone entry in the popular FPS franchise. A few of those multiplayer modes shine more than others and the cops and robbers theme fails to save the story from its dull tendencies, but the rest of the game utilizes the new setting in some smart and meaningful ways.
March 16, 2015
It’s easy to dismiss Hardline out of hands as being too far removed from Battlefield’s typical setting to be worthy of the name, but even as Visceral ride on the brands coattails, they’ve had the confidence to adapt that core gameplay to suit a new setting. That’s not just true of the multiplayer, but also the single player story and its compelling tale of drugs and police corruption.
Digital Chumps
March 16, 2015
Hardline is a great game if considered on its own merits, but it’s not the best Battlefield game.
Hardcore Gamer
March 17, 2015
Hardline may not revolutionize the Battlefield brand, but it fixes many of its biggest problems.
March 17, 2015
Visceral Games flees from great battlefields of the franchise to offer skirmishes where the infantry has the upper hand. Multiplayer is as tactical and enjoyable as ever, although we miss vehicles, even when we know they are not necessary in cops vs thieves scenario. The campaign is quite interesting, although it sometimes slows down a bit.
Power Unlimited
March 18, 2015
Hardline is an enjoyable Battlefield spin-off that's easy to recommend to the hardcore Battlefield set but has a few too many flaws to transcend the franchise.
March 18, 2015
Its campaign is both a great shooter and a great stealth game, and its typical plot is spiced with interesting characters and sparse but punctual humor. The large-scale tactical multiplayer combat the series is known for is still as good as it’s ever been, but the speedy new Hotwire and round-based 5v5 modes provide both speed and thrills.
March 19, 2015
While Hardline isn’t the Battlefield you may be used to it offers a unique approach that will surely please fans of the genre. The campaign is a big step up from previous entries and while the multiplayer anarchy has been trimmed down, the gameplay in its place is more tactical and intimate.
Game Informer
March 21, 2015
Perhaps the best praise I can heap on Hardline is for what nowadays constitutes a miraculously smooth launch; aside from a single isolated DDoS attack on Xbox One, the servers have been rock solid since release day, and the server browser has offered up endless lists of near-full matches to join.
Worth Playing
March 23, 2015
Battlefield: Hardline might not help the series evolve, but it is a solid game.
March 27, 2015
Dumb AI and annoying spawn points aside, this is a nice spin-off of the Battlefield franchise, that does interesting things in both the singleplayer and the multiplayer department.
May 3, 2015
In the end, the fact that Battlefield: Hardline could easily have been Medal Of Honor: Hardline or Need For Speed: Hardline is entirely moot. Visceral has played an ace, and it’s a bona fide thriller.
May 6, 2015
An engaging narrative, beautiful visuals, varied gameplay, and top-notch multiplayer (that works well) all fit together to deliver one of the biggest and best experiences to be had this year thus far.
Playstation Official Magazine UK
May 20, 2015
Its new modes offer a lot, but certain elements feel marginalised.
PSX Extreme
March 19, 2015
Battlefield: Hardline tries very hard to be something fresh in a world of familiarity. It just doesn’t quite have the chops to pull it off, at least from a campaign perspective.
Cheat Code Central
March 16, 2015
I have long been over Battlefield’s traditional military shooter roots, and since Hardline breaks from that formula, I enjoyed it far more than I have any other Battlefield title yet. If you are looking for something different and experimental, and you enjoy single-player more than multiplayer, then Battlefield: Hardline is a pretty good recommendation for you.