March 3, 2022

Beholder 3

Beholder 3
Based on 6 Reviews


A totalitarian state that controls everything and everyone through oppressive laws, total surveillance, and intimidation.

You are Frank Schwarz, a husband, and father who lost his cushy office job at the Ministry after someone set him up. The only way to avoid jail time was to make a deal with a high-ranking security officer.

Now a government spy working undercover as a landlord, you must break into tenants' apartments, search them for contraband and eliminate anyone your boss wants out of the picture.

At the same time, you'll have to spy and scheme against co-workers and superiors in the Ministry to work your way back up the ladder. Different factions are secretly vying for power over the Ministry and the country play them against each other to your advantage.

Can you get your old life back, or even something better? Will you fight for change and truth or uphold the status quo? Who are you willing to sacrifice to get what you want?

Beholder 3 System Requirements

🤏 Minimum Requirements

Windows 10
Intel Core i5 or equivalent
Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 or equivalent
10 GB available space

Beholder 3 Trailer

Beholder 3 Screenshots7

Beholder Series Games4

November 9, 2016
Beholder 2
December 5, 2018
Beholder 2
March 3, 2022
Beholder 3

Critic Reviews6

Taking over the series development reins, Paintbucket Games chose a path of imitation by rehashing elements of the first two games without adding anything new. Diligently copying rules, gameplay mechanics and visual attributes, the developers missed the whole raison d'etre of the game — making tough decisions under pressure, because Beholder 3 is incapable of driving you into a corner.
June 1, 2022
A pretty cool dystopian experience filled with blackmail, intimidation, and gross human rights violations. The dark themes make it a bit of a heavy hitter.
May 9, 2022
On paper Beholder 3 had it all. Taking the best of its predecessors, it promised us richer gameplay, even more dilemmas and the return of this very special atmosphere that had once hit the mark. But in practice, things are more complicated. Wanting too much to draw inspiration from its elders, Beholder 3 is struggling to find its own identity. And even if that were the case, the lack of finish is enough to leave many players on the floor. The concept and the atmosphere are certainly interesting, but unfortunately they are not enough to impose this opus as the Great Leader of the Beholders. Note all the same that if you have never got your hands on a Beholder, you can add a good point on this note.
April 7, 2022

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