March 19, 2003

Big Mutha Truckers

Big Mutha Truckers
Based on 15 Reviews
Release date
March 19, 2003


Hick State County, in the USA?s Deep South, is home to the infamous Big Mutha Truckers Haulage Company. That's about to change though, as proprietor Ma Jackson has announced she's planning on retiring. Her dilemma is who to leave the company to... Ma has four very different kids and choosing a successor should be done fair and square. The solution is simple: Ma's going to hold a "trial by trucking!" The one who can make the most money buying, selling and hauling cargo around the County in sixty days will inherit the company when Ma retires. Can you truck 'n' trade your way to the top? There may be some sibling rivalry along the way (not to mention obstacles of other types...), but as Ma always says, "When it comes to business, family don?t mean squat!" [Empire Interactive]

Big Mutha Truckers Trailer

Critic Reviews15

Rather than just create a lazy racing game and throwing in a load of huge rigs, Big Mutha Truckers has RPG elements, which mean that every player will have a different trucking experience and you’ll need to be a successful businessman as well as a good driver in order to succeed.
April 29, 2024
Saying that Big Mutha needs more freedom and faster driving may sound damning. However, the game's got a great head of steam going already, and it's definitely got more teeth than the other slack-jawed truckers already on the road.
April 29, 2024
As opposed to "King of Route 66," another $20 title that simply relies on such stereotypes, Big Mutha Truckers imports impromptu race challenges, various hauls, market-monitoring bartenders, biker pirates, loan sharks, and a ruthless extended family into classic arcade play. The game's got heart, shrouded though it may be.
April 29, 2024

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