November 19, 2008

Biology Battle

Biology Battle
Based on 1 Ratings
Based on 13 Reviews
Release date
November 19, 2008


[Xbox Live Community Game] Biology Battle is a unique take on the classic space shooter genre.

Biology Battle Trailer

Biology Battle Screenshots10

Critic Reviews13

It feels off-kilter. There's surface polish, but the more you look, the less deep understanding of the genre is present.
May 15, 2024
One of the more expensive XNA Community Games out there at 800 Microsoft Points (about 10 bucks), this might detract some players given that it’s a Community Game; however, the sharp, professional quality mixed with addictive gameplay and expansive game selection makes Biology Battle quite the bargain.
May 15, 2024
Novaleaf has created a fully fleshed out game, one that is packed full of replay value and keeps the old school "one more try" spirit alive. Some gamers might not want to drop 800 Points for a Community Game, but there's more value here than some of the 1200 Point XBLA games out there.
May 15, 2024

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