
BioShock 2 Critic Reviews

93 Total Reviews

93 Positive Reviews(100%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GamesRadar+ May 14, 2024
The weapons are better. The plasmids are better. The enemies are better. At some points, even the storytelling is better. What’s most amazing and surprising about BioShock 2, however, is that by diving deeper into Rapture’s tortured history and exploring more of Rapture’s haunted world, it actually manages to make the original BioShock better, too.
GamePro May 14, 2024
Still, BioShock 2 not only re-captures the dystopian aesthetic, gripping narrative, and deep gameplay of Irrational's original, but it actually greatly improves on the BioShock experience as a whole, fine-tuning what made Jack's voyage to Rapture such a memorable experience two years ago.
GameShark May 14, 2024
If BioShock 1 is ultimately about what it is to be a slave, the sequel shows – with a sophistication rarely seen in gaming – what it is to be a parent, with the power to love or to harm.
Gaming Nexus May 14, 2024
A sequel that surpasses the original. The folks at 2K have delivered a game with more emotional and intellectual punch than the original game although you might feel a bit dirty for enjoying the game so much.
Console Monster May 14, 2024
The thrilling single player lives up to the standards originally set by the predecessor and the addition of a very strong multiplayer takes Bioshock 2 to another level. It may be too soon to call Game of the Year, but Bioshock 2 is certainly a contender and a very strong one at that.
AtomicGamer May 14, 2024
A thrilling story, inspired new characters and environments, refined gameplay and yes, even the multi-player, make diving back into the Atlantic an easy decision.
Official Xbox Magazine May 14, 2024
BioShock 2 isn't a groundbreaking follow-up that rewrites all the rules laid down by its predecessor. No, think of it as a sequel that fills in the gaps, adding exciting new dimensions to what's come before... You will be utterly absorbed.
Hardcore Gamer May 14, 2024
As far as single player goes, I think nothing will capture the initial highs you got from taking in Rapture for the first time, and the enormous twist the original delivered. However, the sequel’s story is just as intense and has its own narrative highs and a mean twist of its own, and I think the end payoff is a bit more impactful and sinks in better than the ending of the first BioShock.
Kombo May 14, 2024
The combat is more intuitive, the narrative exceeds almost all in its genre, the plasmid and gun customizations are richer, the multiplayer certainly stands on its own, and the nods to the first game is undoubtedly valued.
Xbox World Australia May 14, 2024
And with story aside, BioShock 2 improves on the original in every way. It's a far more solid experience that is a blast to play from start to thrilling conclusion.
MondoXbox May 14, 2024
Deeper gameplay mechanics with an added layer of tactics, a great story and a very original multiplayer experience make BioShock 2 worthy of the first game, and a must buy for every gamer.
Game Over Online May 14, 2024
Was the return to Rapture worth it? Absolutely. Although the odds seemed stacked against the developers, having to do without both Ryan and Levine, they have delivered a rich, awesome trip through one the most fantastic video game environments ever built.
Gamer 2.0 May 14, 2024
It’s definitely a great game and will likely be on top ten lists at the end of the year. It’s just not a perfect 10.
Gaming Target May 14, 2024
Perhaps BioShock needed a sequel, and perhaps it didn't. Regardless, BioShock 2 is here and it's a great sequel that fixes the problems of the original and crafts another compelling tale within the walls of Rapture.
TeamXbox May 14, 2024
The original BioShock is a hard game to top, and BioShock 2 doesn’t quite do it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the best games of this still early year, or that it won’t still be considered to be one of the best come year’s end.
Multiplayer.it May 14, 2024
BioShock 2 is the general improvement of the first title. Everything about the gameplay is better, from the action to the level design. The plot is involving and the player has a continuous sense of progression with new weapons, monsters or plasmids. But there are several problems from the technical aspects to the aquatic sections of the game and above all BioShock 2 is a constant deja-vu. It is wonderful, very wonderful but not wonderful as the first game.
Impulsegamer May 14, 2024
Bloody amazing! The original game went beyond those clichéd first person shooters and in creating a sequel, the developers have fleshed out the city of Rapture even more but more importantly, have streamlined the gameplay, making it a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Of course, without the detailed characters and story of BioShock 2, it would not have reached these levels and of course, the luscious graphics.
Xbox Achievements May 14, 2024
While this game may not be as strong as the original in terms of suspense or plot, it does make up for it with some neat innovations and a multiplayer mode that can be a lot of fun. For anyone in the mood for a good slice of storytelling then this is the game for them... and for those of you yearning for a return to Rapture, then this will be the perfect tonic.
Extreme Gamer May 14, 2024
Before heading into Bioshock 2, you had to wonder if a sequel was necessary. The original Bioshock was so perfect that fans couldn’t even imagine how '2K Games' would approach a sequel. Well, 2K and its collaborating studios have pulled off a brilliant sequel that holds up to the critical acclaim of the first game.
Gamers' Temple May 14, 2024
BioShock 2 had some big shoes to fill, and while it doesn't quite fill those shoes it still manages to get around in them without falling all over the place. BioShock 2 is still an enjoyable game in its own right, though, and it is certainly recommended to anyone who enjoyed BioShock.