
Birth Critic Reviews

5 Total Reviews

3 Positive Reviews(60%)
0 Mixed Reviews(0%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)

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GameCritics March 29, 2024
Birth is a short, sweet, and wholly unique game that greatly enjoyed. Its relatable narrative, simple premise and clever puzzles had me simply enjoying its world for a while. I urge everyone to give it a try.
Edge Magazine February 24, 2023
Deftly capturing both the low-key horror of loneliness and the ways we might attempt to deal with it, Birth is a quiet triumph for this compassionate creator.
Multiplayer.it February 16, 2023
Madison Karrh takes the same road drawn in Landlord of the Woods and further develops her artistic style, creating a puzzle game which doesn't drag itself with useless repetitions, but reveals to be a well-focused product, capable to go straight to the point. It's a shame that Birth's message doesn't always express itself through the game's puzzle; luckily enough, the extra-sweet ending manages to let us forget the last section of the game, weaker than the first part.
Rock, Paper, Shotgun February 20, 2023
And like Landlord Of The Woods, Birth is a short, sweet game that feels incredibly human, even though it features a world that, at first sight, couldn’t be further from our own.
Eurogamer February 24, 2023
Give yourself to this elegant and empathetic study of solitude.