February 24, 2006


Based on 65 Reviews
Release date
February 24, 2006


Join the world's most brutal and enigmatic strike force. The BLACK tactical squad operates under the cloak of complete anonymity and deniability to protect the US from threats foreign and domestic. It answers to no one, allowing it to carry out brutal and overt operations around the globe. From manipulating politicians to controlling intelligence networks and militaries, BLACK operatives are trained at the highest level in psychological warfare, espionage, and lethal arts. Go deep into the world of clandestine warfare as you use any means necessary to get the job done. Overt Action: BLACK operatives do not hide in shadows or sneak behind walls waiting for the right time to engage their foe - they destroy the wall, the enemy, and anything else that gets in their way. The Guns Are the Stars: An explosive arsenal of bleeding-edge weaponry lets you experience the awe-inspiring power of the world's most exotic lethal firepower. If You Can See It, You Can Shoot It: Reduce cities to rubble in a world where virtually nothing is impervious to your bullets. Get Your Blood Pumping—Adrenaline is your friend. Visceral, destructive action sucks you deep into the gameplay as you blaze and blast your own path through open-ended environments. Use destructible worlds and explosive objects to take out enemies in cover, frag multiple enemies at once, or just wreak massive destruction for its own sake. [Electronic Arts]

Black Trailer

Critic Reviews65

If Black was created to produce an adrenaline-induced euphoria of maddening guns going wild, then it is a total success. In the sequel, as the end of the story sets up, let's hope the AI is improved and includes at least some type of multiplayer.
May 11, 2024
Little strategy is required for each stage, with abundant health packs and aggressive opponents of little intelligence. But there are many strategies and the use of cover is vital.
May 11, 2024
If you like "Burnout" and like first person shooters, buy this because Criterion has done to FPS what they did to racing games, all over again.
May 11, 2024

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