BlackSite: Area 51 Critic Reviews
48 Total Reviews
17 Positive Reviews(35.4%)
29 Mixed Reviews(60.4%)
2 Negative Reviews(4.2%)
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May 13, 2024
In actual fact I found this, while admittedly less spectacular, as enjoyable as anything else I've played on the 360. BlackSite never attempts to be innovative, but knows what it does best. A well-oiled working game is ridiculously hard to find these days and, if nothing else, BlackSite is certainly that.
May 13, 2024
Blacksite is a decent enough FPS title that's the gaming equivalent of a summer action blockbuster: it sure as hell won't win any Oscars but it delivers just enough thrills to make you feel like you got your money's worth.
Cheat Code Central
May 13, 2024
If you're looking for a ground-breaking experience or a robust selection of multiplayer modes- BlackSite's don't offer much more than a weekend distraction--this isn't it. However, if you find the idea of fighting aliens in your own backyard appealing, you won't do better than BlackSite's relatable, the-truth-is-out-there experience.
May 13, 2024
It looks great, plays great, sounds great and works well online, yet never pretends to be better than it is. It will slip under the radar of many gamers, but for those who are a fan of the genre it comes highly recommended.
Console Monster
May 13, 2024
The graphics for the game are simply stunning. Normally, Midway games have pretty average graphics, but the graphics in BlackSite are very crisp and detailed.
Gamer 2.0
May 13, 2024
While the game was well paced, there wasn’t much depth to the individual gameplay facets used to break up regular running and gunning, and the lack of variety in weapons was disturbing for a shooter.
Game Informer
May 13, 2024
I can see FPS fans having fun with BlackSite since it provides all the standard FPS rollercoaster thrills, but most of us have been up and down those hills a few too many times.
May 13, 2024
Overall, the game does just enough to be good, but stops short of being great. Still, if you're an FPS fan looking for a break from Halo 3 or CoD 4, Blacksite: Area 51 is definitely worth taking a look at.
May 13, 2024
BlackSite is a decent game unfortunately held back by poor AI and a lack of variety amongst the poorly designed enemies.
May 13, 2024
The controls are silky smooth and responsive, the visuals are fantastic, and the multi-player is certainly proficient, but nothing really makes it stand out from the herd.
Da Gameboyz
May 13, 2024
Although Blacksite: Area 51 is a pretty good game it just doesn’t have the legs to make it one of those great experience.
Games Master UK
May 13, 2024
A solid enough shooter but it struggles to distinguish itself from the very best titles.
May 13, 2024
A decent shooter, jam-packed with targetable Black Ops soldiers and aliens aplenty and showing moderately good production values, despite a few hitches. However, it's lightweight fluff compared to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and The Orange Box, especially when it comes to the slapped-together multiplayer and lack of story depth.
360 Gamer Magazine UK
May 13, 2024
It’s a perfectly sound release but with so many top-notch shooters to choose from already, this is barely going to factor on the radars of many people. The shame.
MS Xbox World
May 13, 2024
Blacksite: Area 51 is a decent game overall, however it feels like a game that is a shooter by numbers; offering very little that we've not seen before in other games.
May 13, 2024
Over all BlackSite tries to slip itself into a niche squarely between the two benchmarks of FPS gaming, Call of Duty 4 and HALO 3. It unfortunately doesn't succeed in making that niche, in fact trying to make itself a little of one and the other it fails doing anything profound.
Pelit (Finland)
May 13, 2024
The beginning of the game is very promising. Graphics are great and athmosphere is high. Unfortunately game mechanics are very straight forward and everything has been seen before. If that's not bad enough, the AI is just stupid.
Planet Xbox 360
May 13, 2024
Blacksite Area 51 is a textbook example of how half-assed ideas rushed to production become half-assed games. Instead of emulating Unreal, this game makes Hour of Victory look like Game of the Year.
Worth Playing
May 13, 2024
With a disappointingly forgettable story, solid but unremarkable action, and with little else to look forward to in the multiplayer mode, there's not much of a reason to dig for the truth behind this particular conspiracy.
May 13, 2024
The shooting mechanic is passable, but aiming is excruciatingly slow. The morale mechanic is pretty forgettable.