February 8, 2010

Blaster Master: Overdrive

Blaster Master: Overdrive
Based on 14 Reviews
Release date
February 8, 2010


[WiiWare] BLASTER MASTER OVERDRIVE is an action-adventure game that takes place on an Earth infected by an aggressive, polymorphic virus. Poor, defenseless animals worldwide have been turned into flesh-eating, hemoglobin-swilling terrors. Fortunately, the world has Alex, who happens to be one of the world's foremost biologists and specializes in viral mutation profiles and genetic manipulation. Every studious biologist facing imminent global annihilation needs a sweet ride, and Alex is no exception. He has S.O.P.H.I.A., a shape-shifting, gas-guzzling, projectile-spewing paean to destruction on four wheels. Things look grim, but with Alex and S.O.P.H.I.A. on the case, the world just might have a chance. [Nintendo]

Blaster Master: Overdrive Trailer

Critic Reviews14

The unique blend of platforming and shooting, not to mention two different perspectives, give Blaster Master: Overdrive everything fans of original game could possibly want. Toss in some amazing gameplay tweaks and give the game a smoother difficulty curve and what you have is easily one of the best WiiWare games on the service and a fitting update to one of the all-time NES classics.
May 31, 2024
Only a few awkward controls hamper an otherwise loving update.
May 31, 2024
Unashamedly old-school, this puts gameplay fairly ahead of gloss.
May 31, 2024

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