Block N Load Critic Reviews
10 Total Reviews
8 Positive Reviews(80%)
2 Mixed Reviews(20%)
0 Negative Reviews(0%)
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Digital Chumps
May 8, 2015
Ultimately, Block N Load is a ….load of fun (I’m sorry) and will be seeing a lot more playtime on my part moving forward. A highly strategic game that allows you a lot of freedom in what that strategy is. The team with the most innovative plan will likely be the winner, and that key element of innovation can come from anyone and any class.
June 25, 2015
Combining the building and destruction of Minecraft with the tactical team based shooting of Team Fortress 2 makes for an addicting combination. But the true value of Block N Load is the depth the developers have added to the game via classes, special building blocks and en endless variety in offensive and defensive tactics. An inspired shooter that combines the best of two game worlds into a fresh and bold experience.
PC Gamer
May 16, 2015
A habit-forming FPS for its strategic possibilities and tactical depth, but the lack of matchmaking is especially worrisome.
May 28, 2015
Block N Load offers an intelligent blend of tactical play and madcap carnage that hits the spot in a way that Ace of Spades never did.
June 9, 2015
Block N Load deserves an high score for the original mix of elements that offers between team-based shooter, blocks building, a bit 'of tower defense and a bit of strategy, although we'd expect more maps, more classes and more weapons.
May 25, 2015
While not terribly interesting or original, most classes have special abilities that play well with the construction/destruction concept.
July 4, 2015
For many reasons Block N Load can’t compete with Battlefield and Call of Duty, but I liked it for being something else than a dead serious shooter.
July 5, 2015
When you first boot it up it feels surprisingly robust, and there’s never a sense that it was created on the cheap to cash in. The matchmaking can certainly make or break the experience from match to match, but when the going’s good Block N Load is a smile-generating shooter.
Games Master UK
August 5, 2015
Weak combat and pacing issues spoil an otherwise interesting game of competitive construction.
May 10, 2015
Granted, Block ‘N Load doesn’t have any of the same balance issues that plagued Ace of Spades, but it has fallen into the unconscious trend of making the most boring ways to play the game become the most effective.