
Boogie Bunnies Critic Reviews

19 Total Reviews

3 Positive Reviews(15.8%)
14 Mixed Reviews(73.7%)
2 Negative Reviews(10.5%)

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TeamXbox May 14, 2024
Despite a few bungled dance steps here and there, Boogie Bunnies is still a strangely addictive experience. The game’s cutesy exterior may require the player to take a shot of insulin before playing, but the gameplay is hard to walk away from.
GamesRadar+ May 14, 2024
Boogie Bunnies doesn’t stand out next to the best puzzlers on Live Arcade - Bejeweled, Puzzle Fighter, Zuma, etc. - but it is a solid title with something to offer.
Gaming Nexus May 14, 2024
Boogie Bunnies is cute, exciting and a lot of fun ... for a few minutes. Unfortunately the shallow gameplay and boring levels keep this adorable game from being more than a silly time waster.
1UP May 14, 2024
Its real failing, though, is that it is difficult to a fault, and again, in solo play, a lot of victories or losses will be chalked up to chance. If you put a lot of stock into multiplayer, though, you could do a whole lot worse than boogying with these bunnies.
GameSpot May 14, 2024
Boogie Bunnies is a fun, albeit shallow little puzzle game.
Game Chronicles May 14, 2024
An easy, cheerful way to burn through about half-an-hour of life.
Eurogamer May 14, 2024
The biggest problem with the game is that it's simple but devoid of real depth. Without the challenge of precision-aiming, it becomes easy to blunder through levels without much planning and the experience is shallow and repetitive for it.
Cheat Code Central May 14, 2024
Boogie Bunnies is a pretty good Live Arcade title for fans of games like Bejeweled and Hexic who aren't necessarily looking for anything new. The problem with this game really comes in when veterans of these puzzlers realize that this game is almost a clone of these previous titles.
Jolt Online Gaming UK May 14, 2024
Well made and fun for kids newcomers, Boogie Bunnies still sadly amounts to little more than a handy Puzzle Bobble clone for Live Arcade – one that will ultimately be superseded when Taito decides to make the most of its own franchise.
games(TM) May 14, 2024
The downside of Boogie Bunnies comes only from the vast number of titles it’s up against.
X-ONE Magazine UK May 14, 2024
At 800 points, there are at least three or four puzzlers on Live that should definitely precede this.
Official Xbox Magazine May 14, 2024
The two-player co-op game makes for mild (offline) fun, but the too-short music loops will drive you crazy and your teeth will hurt from the sugar content. The game’s biggest sin? These Bunnies are boring.
GamePro May 14, 2024
Boogie Bunnies isn't so much bad as it is unimaginative, derivative, and just plain boring.
Console Monster May 14, 2024
Poor graphics, poor gameplay, poor everything.
IGN May 14, 2024
Boogie Bunnies is neither cheap nor is it fun. It’s boring and unexciting gaming at its finest and should only be experienced by those so addicted to puzzle games that they’ve burned through everything else that’s out there.
Compared to the heavyweights on the scene like Puzzle Quest and Zuma, Boogie Bunnies is nothing more a crisp packet fluttering past in the breeze, temporarily catching your attention as it twists past your face with its trumpet blasts of cute noise and Haribo colour before it disappears forever, lost down the back of the Xbox Live Arcade sofa to hang out with Word Puzzle.
It's one of the pooer clones of the "Snood" formula, but at least it doesn't lack charm or character.
Console Gameworld May 14, 2024
The whole experience just wasn’t very addictive and the super cute look and concept was just too much for me to stomach.
Gamer.nl May 14, 2024
Yeah, it's cute. But damn, it's boring! It's not an original concept, the perspective is confusing and making combos doesn't help you.